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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 222
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 222

Book 3 Chapter 58


I cry when Dante grabs my legs and guides them around his waist before pressing me harder against

his jeep. His mouth was aggressive and hungry as he practically devoured my lips. I’ve had his kisses

in the past before, but none of them compared to this one.

It felt wild and free like he was finally kissing me without the thought of my sister in the back of his


He didn’t give a care in the world that we were in the middle of the road, and for some reason, neither

did I.

I moaned into his mouth and buried my hands in his hair. I was dying to bring him closer to me.

“Your body is the softest I’ve ever had the pleasure of having in my arms.” He growls against my lips

before deepening the kiss even more.

I pull on his hair to force his lips apart from mine. His eyes were wide with surprise that I’d just stopped

the kiss.

“What’s wrong?” He whispers. “Was I too rough?”

I could see the horror in his eyes at the possibility of being too rough with me.

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I shook my head, “touch me.” I beg. “Please touch me.”

His eyes darken with passion and need, “where?”

I guide his hands to my breasts. His eyes are growing darker by the second as he stares at them

through my dress. I didn’t wear a b*a today. The white dress was a thin material, and I knew he could

see everything now that it was wet and sticking to my skin.

“You didn’t wear a f*****g b*a to meet that asshole!” He growls. “Why didn’t you wear a f*****g b*a


Was he jealous?

“He’s not the one I’m in the middle of the road with, in the pouring rain begging that he touches me.” I

remind him.

His eyes lit up at my words, and a low growl tore from the back of his throat.

His lips are against my ear once more, “he also doesn’t get to see your bare breasts as you’re pressed

up against my jeep.”

My bare b-breasts? But my dress was still—

My eyes widen when he rips my dress from my body. “You wore this to see him today. I’ll get another

one for you.” He hissed before burying his lips in my neck.xo.com fast update

“No.” I cry out as he continues to devour my neck. “I didn’t wear it for him; I promise I wore it for you. To

get a reaction out of you. But you passed me straight in the hallway. You didn’t even spare a second to

look at me.”

My bare breasts felt happy to be pressed against him. I wish his shirt weren’t between us.

He moves his lips to my chin, and he kisses me there before moving closer to my ear, “I had to.” He

confesses. “I couldn’t look at you, Willow. If I’d seen what you were wearing, I would have lost my

freaking mind. I knew I would have begged you not to go if I saw you. That’s why I f****d myself not to

look at you, but I swear to you, it wasn’t f*****g easy. It’s never easy to ignore someone like you.”

It was a shock to know that Dante had wanted to look at me. It was even more shocking to learn that

he would have begged me to stay home and not go to the party. If he’d done that, I would have listened

to him. I would have stayed with him.

“Don’t ever leave like that again.” He demands from me as he moves his mouth closer to my breasts. “I

couldn’t f*****g sleep, Willow. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but I’m already so f*****g attached

to you. I need you in my bed every night beside me, or I’ll never be able to sleep a day in my life again.”

I cry out when he covers my n****e with his mouth, he sucks on it, but he’s very gentle as he stares into

my eyes. My back moves off the jeep, and Dante opens the back door and pushes me inside as he

climbs in right after me.

“Where do you want me?” He asks as he buries his face against my breasts. “Where do you want my

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lips, Willow? Where do you want my hands? I’ll do anything you want from me tonight.”

I could feel the aching between my legs. I wanted him there, but I didn’t want his lips or his hands. I

wanted something else. Something that only he could give to me.

I didn’t know how to say it. I didn’t know how to tell him what I needed. So I decided to show him


I slowly move my hands down his chest, to his stomach, and then lower. I could feel him hard and

ready for me between my legs.

“f**k Willow.” He growls when I finally touch him down there.

My eyes widened at how big he felt in my hand, his jeans were still on, and even that couldn’t prevent

me from feeling him.

A loud crash sends my body flying; Dante grabs my head and cradles me against his chest so that he

gets most of the impact.

What the hell was happening?

His jeep stops moving briefly, and Dante gets up to see who’d just crashed into us. He still has me

cradled against his chest as he stares out the window.

His eyes widen, “Get out of the jeep, Willow!” He roars suddenly.
