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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 219
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 219

Book 3 Chapter 55


Did he really come for me? And not for my sister? How could that be?

Why did he lie earlier? What could have possibly been the reason for that lie?

“Why did you lie?” I whisper. “Is it so hard to accept that there’s a possibility that you might care for


His eyes look dark with some unknown emotion as he gazes down at me.

“I don’t know,” he whispers in a defeated tone. “I don’t know what’s happening to me, Willow.”

His body goes still briefly, and he tilts his head to the side.

“Hold on.” He whispers. “Don’t say anything.”

I remain quiet as I wait for him to explain his strange behavior.

“Fuck.” He growls. “They followed us to take pictures of us.”

“Who followed us?” I ask as I try to look around.

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He cups my face with both hands and forces me to keep my eyes on him. “Don’t.” He orders me. “I

don’t want them to know I’m aware of them.”

“Is it another photographer?” I ask.

He shook his head. “These aren’t from my parents, I’m sure.”

I held my breath as Dante gently pressed one finger on my bottom lip before letting go. There’s

something in his eyes that make me shiver from head to toe.

Before I could respond, he did the last thing I expected him to do.

He covers my mouth with his own, and I swear I almost die against his jeep in the middle of nowhere.

It was very unexpected, and I think this is the reason why I can’t seem to find my breath.

He takes both of my hands and places them above my head, preventing me from stopping the kiss. I

don’t think he realizes that there wasn’t anything in this world that would possibly make me stop him

from kissing me.

He shoves his body harder against mine, and I can feel every part of him pressed up against me.

I gasp against his lips, and he uses that opportunity to stick his tongue into my mouth. I was melting.

My knees felt weak, and I was having trouble standing. I was happy for the support of his body; I

needed it, especially now.

He deepens the kiss, and I can’t stop the moan that escapes my mouth.xo.com fast update

Dante lets go of my hands suddenly. To my disappointment, he also stops the kiss. He leans his

forehead against mine for a few seconds.

“Get inside the jeep.” He says in a hoarse whisper. His breath is warm against my ear, sending a chill

down my spine.

It takes me a few seconds to collect my thoughts, but I eventually do as he asks.

I watch as he walks over to the other side and jumps into the jeep. He reversed out of the street, and I

saw the flashes before me. They were taking pictures of us all along, just like Dante said.

“I’m sorry I had to do that to you, Willow.” He apologizes when we have driven far away from them. “I

had to give them something to write about. Anything to prove that our marriage is not a failure. If I

didn’t, the rumors about you would only have worsened.”

Of course, he hadn’t kissed me because he wanted to; he only did it for the rumors to stop.

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Still, earlier, he admitted that he’d lied about coming for me because of his promise to Anya. But that

could have been to prevent any more rumors, just like the kiss tonight.

I turn to look at him. He was focused on the road, but there was something bothering him.

I had to know the truth. I knew he at least didn’t come for Anya but for me. However, I had to know if

this was done to protect his family’s reputation. Did his parents force him to come like they usually did?

“You said that you came because of me.” I remind him. “Why? Why did you come for me? Was it to

prevent any more rumors about our marriage?”

His hands tighten on the steering wheel. “You never gave me an answer. Do you like Ares? Were you

with him because you wanted to be there, or was there another reason?”

Was he avoiding my question by trying to distract me with questions of his own?

I wanted to get a reaction out of him. This was my chance to prove that Dante had feelings for me. This

might be my only chance.

He lied to me earlier. It was my turn to tell my lie and see his reaction.

“Tell me, Willow.” He tries again. “Do you like Ares?”

I take a deep breath; I never liked playing with Dante’s feelings. I always tried to be honest with him,

but it had to be done today. I didn’t have another choice. I had to lie to him.

“I don’t know when it happened or why it happened, but I do like him.” I finally say. “I like Ares.”