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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 218
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 218

Book 3 Chapter 54


I couldn’t look away from her piercing gaze as she waited for me to give her an answer.

Did I come here for her, or did I come for Anya?

I already knew the answer to that question. I didn’t need to think twice.

I was here for Willow. Only Willow. My promise to Anya had nothing to do with my decisions tonight.

However, for some reason, the following words that came out of my mouth were the exact opposite.

“Anya would have wanted me to be there for you tonight.” I lie. “She wouldn’t have wanted you to land

yourself in more trouble. I was doing what she would have wanted me to do.”

All lies—all of it.

Why the hell couldn’t I just tell her the truth? Why did it scare me to admit that I came here for her?

Was I afraid that she would take it the wrong way? Was I terrified she would take advantage of me as

Anya had done?

What was my f*****g reason?

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Whatever my reason was, it wasn’t worth seeing the pain on her face. Her bottom lip trembles

uncontrollably as she turns her face so she no longer looks my way.

She says nothing to me as I pull out of the driveway.

The guilt in my chest was growing. I should have told her the truth. I should have said to her that I

came here for her. Why was it so hard for me to admit it?

f*****g Ares. I could see his stupid face in my head.

He was in that room, smirking at me. Smirking!

And Willow protected him from me. She stood in front of him like he was someone that she needed to


Nothing had f*****g hurt as much as that did. I didn’t want her protecting some pathetic fool unless that

fool was me.

Why did she protect him from me? She barely knew that guy. She’d only spoken to him once, as far as

I knew. They couldn’t have gotten that close so quickly.

She told me that she thought she was in love with me. Did she already change her mind? Did she have

feelings for him now?

“Do you like him?”xo.com fast update

It took me a while to realize I’d asked that question out loud.

I can feel her gaze, but my eyes are stuck on the road. I couldn’t look her in the face; I was scared she

could see through my lies.

“Do I like who?” she asks; her voice sounds shaky, and it bothers me more than it should.

“f*****g Ares,” I growl. “Do you like him?”

She grows quiet at my question, and I steal a glance at her. She isn’t looking at me anymore. She’s

staring straight ahead, and she looks like she’s lost in her own thoughts.

“Willow?” I ask again. “Aren’t you going to answer me?”

“Whether I like him or not shouldn’t have anything to do with you.” She says without any emotion in her


My jaw clenched, and my hands were close to breaking the steering wheel in half. “You’re married to

me. Of course, it has something to do with me. I should know if you have feelings for someone else.”

“No.” She snaps. “You don’t have the right to know anything. You’ve had feelings for my sister since the

start of our marriage. You’ve been so in love with her that you couldn’t see how much you hurt me.

Tonight you had the audacity to admit that you only came because of Anya and not because of me. So

no, Dante, I do not owe you any answers or explanations. From now on, we should both just pretend

that we aren’t married. You’ve been doing that so well already; now it’s my turn.”

I couldn’t listen to this anymore. The thought of Willow acting like we aren’t a married couple and being

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closer to men like Ares was sending me f*****g insane.

I pulled the jeep into a side street and angrily got out. My initial intention was to clear my head for a few

seconds before getting back into the jeep, but I ended up doing something totally different.

My body has a mind of its own as I pull her door open and unbuckle her seatbelt.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she demands.

I grab her waist and pull her out of the vehicle. I do not stop until she is trapped between the jeep and

my body.

We’re both breathing hard as I gaze into her eyes. I’m very aware of her perfect body pressed up

against mine but I couldn’t let it distract me tonight.

I couldn’t hold it back anymore.

I wanted to keep the truth from her, but she had to know. She had to.

“I didn’t come because of Anya.” I finally blurt out.

“What?” she asks as she waits for me to explain myself.

“You asked me earlier if I came for Anya or because of you.” I remind her. “I’m telling you that I came

for you. Not for Anya or anyone else. I came because of you, Willow.”

Her lips parted slightly, and right now, all I could think about was kissing them.

“But I asked you earlier, and you told me you came because of Anya. You said that it’s what she would

have wanted you to do.” She reminds me of my earlier words.

She didn’t need to remind me; I remembered the lie I had told.

“I lied,” I whisper. “I lied, Willow. I came for you. I promise, I only came for you.”