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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 215
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 215

Book 3 Chapter 51


I tried to sleep. But I couldn’t. Without Willow in the bed with me, it was damn near impossible. I’d

grown accustomed to having her next to me every night. Her quiet sighs, the small noises she made

when she slept, her scent, opening my eyes, and seeing her in front of me. I didn’t have the pleasure of

any of that tonight.

My bed was empty. f*****g empty. It felt like something was missing in the room and someone definitely


She was at that dumb party. They’d left over two hours ago.

I’d walked past her without saying anything earlier. I did it because I knew I would overreact if I saw

what they’d made her wear for the party. I knew I couldn’t take that chance. But now I regretted it. I

should have stopped; I should have asked her not to go. But why would she do that for me when I’ve

done nothing but hurt her?

I punched my pillow angrily.

Damn it.

It shouldn’t be this hard to spend one night without her.

I should have at least gone to that party with her. I knew how much those damn assholes liked bullying

her. I should have gone to make sure that she was safe and not getting taken advantage of.

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What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I in such a mess tonight?

I picked up my phone, intending to call my brother, when I realized I was acting like a maniac. I was the

one convinced that I had no feelings for Willow. So then, why did all of this bother me so much?

She went to a party with my family. What was there to be worried about? I should be happy that they

were there to keep her company and keep her away from danger.

I knew my brothers; they wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

Then why am I dialing Damon’s number? I can’t stop myself. All I can do is watch my fingers betray


He answered on the third ring just as I was close to ending the call.

“Can I help you?” He asks. Something in his voice bothered me, and I soon realized what it was.

“Are you drunk?” I ask him, concerned. If he were drunk, would he be keeping an eye on Willow? I

couldn’t count on Griffin; he would be too busy having drinks at the party as well.

“Maybe a little.” He answers me with a chuckle.

“Why the f**k are you getting drunk when you should be looking after Willow?” I demand. “Do you ever

look after the people I ask you to?”

Whenever I asked him to protect Anya in the past, he only hurt her. He was beginning to piss me off. I

thought it was possible for us to move past what he’d done, but this only put more strain on our

brotherly bond. Why could I never trust my brother to do a simple thing like protect a woman I cared


“Relax.” He shouts into the phone. I could hear the music blasting. It did nothing to brighten my mood.

“You telling me to relax isn’t f*****g working!” I growl.

“She’s in good hands.” He assured me. “She’s with Carter’s younger brother. They’re having a good

time. And don’t worry. He’s nothing like Carter. He’s a good kid.”


“I swear, Damon, you better be f*****g joking right now.” I threaten him.

Even if it were a joke, I would still be pissed with him.

“It’s true.” He insists.

“What younger brother?” I growl. “Tell me his f*****g name.”

“Ares.” He answers me; he doesn’t even sound interested in this conversation anymore.

Just how much did he have to drink? I couldn’t respond. I was still in shock. It’s not possible. They

wouldn’t all sit back and let Willow hang out with Ares. He wasn’t as bad as Carter, but he xo.com

fast updatewas still a Prince, and those men didn’t know how to be nice to a woman.

“You don’t believe me?” He asks as I feel my phone vibrate against my ear. “Check your messages.”

I end the call and do as he says. A chill runs down my spine when I see Ares with his arms around

Willow as they sit beside each other on a sofa.

A low growl forces its way out of my throat. I didn’t even waste a second as I rushed out of my room

and grabbed my keys.

I couldn’t f*****g believe it. One day I left Willow alone with my family, and they chose to let this happen.

I would never do something like that to them. If they asked me to look after someone, I would do it the

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right f*****g way.

Who could I even trust anymore?

I stare at the picture on my phone, and curses leave my mouth.

Why did this bother me so much? Why the f**k did I want to kill Ares for even talking to my wife?

It happened in the past when those men were commenting on her body. I didn’t think twice about

making them all pay. I told myself that I didn’t want Anya to be disappointed in me. I said to myself that

Anya wouldn’t want other men looking at her sister in that way.

But what excuse did I have now?

Willow seemed to be enjoying the conversation with Ares. Both of them seemed happy.

She looks happier with him than she’s ever looked with me.

If I weren’t such a selfish asshole, I would have left her to have a good time with him.

But I was selfish and I didn’t want to see her with him or anyone else.

I don’t know the f*****g reason for this yet, but I didn’t have time to figure it out.

I jumped into my jeep and raced out of the garage.

I knew exactly where I was heading. f**k Carter, and f**k his brothers. They were always making our

lives miserable.

The thought of Ares doing more than just putting his arms around Willow made me suddenly panic.

What the f**k? What’s wrong with me?

What the hell was my problem?

I didn’t have feelings for Willow.

I loved Anya. Only Anya.

So why did I feel like I was about to lose my f*****g mind?