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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 214
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 214

Book 3 Chapter 50


“You look breathtaking,” Autumn tells me.

“We did a great job,” Clarissa says as she high-fives Autumn.

They dressed me in a short white dress as the theme of the party was to wear white. Anything white

with a touch of silver.

The silver was present in all other accessories they placed on my body.

“Damon already informed Dante of the party,” Clarissa informs me.

“And?” I ask nervously with a hint of excitement. “Is he coming?”

She sighs, “he’s not coming.”

I couldn’t hide the disappointment from my face. “I told you that he didn’t care.”

“That’s not true.” Clarissa disagreed. “Even though he said he’s not attending the party, he still asked

Damon to look after you. Dante cares about you, and we will prove it to you tonight, just like we


I knew he only asked Damon to look after me because that’s what my sister would have wanted. I

didn’t bother telling this to Clarissa; I knew she wouldn’t believe me. For some reason, she was

convinced that Dante had feelings for me even though I’d heard him confess that he didn’t love me. He

felt sorry for me, I was sure of that, but that was the only emotion he felt for me; pity.

When we left the room, I was surprised to see Dante walking up the stairs towards us. I could feel my

heart begin to flutter. It was no use hiding it when I’d already confessed my feelings for him.

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I held my breath as he grew closer. Autumn and Clarissa remained quiet while waiting for him to see

my outfit.

My heart drops when he walks past me without even glancing my way.

Clarissa looks at Autumn, and I can see the look of shock on both of their faces. They didn’t expect him

to walk past me without even looking at me.

Just what I needed. Tonight was already not going the way they had planned.

Was any of this even worth it? I didn’t want to flirt with anyone other than Dante. I didn’t want another

man to have my attention. What if I did all of this, and it didn’t change anything between Dante and

me? It would all be for nothing.

“I know that look,” Autumn says. “You’re not giving up before the plan even begins.”

Clarissa agreed, and they both practically dragged me down the stairs and into the waiting jeep.

Damon and Griffin quirked a brow at them as they finally got me into the vehicle.

“Atticus is lucky he has business with our father today.” Griffin groans. “This is not something he would

have enjoyed.”

“I think we’re the lucky ones.” Autumn disagrees. “Atticus already hates Carter. Those two shouldn’t be

in the same house together.”

“I don’t exactly like him either.” Damon growls.

“Remember, this has nothing to do with you, Damon.” Clarissa tries to remind him. “We’re trying to

force Dante into admitting his true feelings. So please, bear with Carter and his family for one night. We

need them for our plan to work.”

“I think this is just going to stir up trouble,” Griffin tells them. “You know I’m usually very supportive of

your plans. However, I think this one will turn into a big mess. Willow already gets bullied. Dante

doesn’t exactly like that family, either. I would hate for this to go in the wrong direction.”

“We have no other option,” Autumn tells him. “We need to do something big for Dante to open his eyes,

or he’ll never accept his feelings for Willow.”

I wanted to remind them that he had no feelings for me but chose to remain quiet once more.

Once Autumn and Clarissa’s minds were made up, there was nothing anyone could do or say to

change it.

“Were you two always plotting like this behind my back as well?” Damon asks suspiciously.

Clarissa laughs, “Of course we were. And it worked, didn’t it?”

He shook his head but couldn’t hide the smile on his face.xo.com fast update

When we arrived at the party, the place was full of people from the academy and even some new faces

I hadn’t seen before.

“I’m not sure this is a good idea,” I mumble again.

If Dante wasn’t here, I didn’t see the point of any of this.

“It is.” Autumn insists. “Damon will send Dante pictures of you around Ares. Once Dante shows up

here, trust me when I say that’s all the confirmation you need.”

“Are you sure?” I ask hesitantly.

She nods, “You need to promise me something. If Dante shows up here, you won’t give up on him.

You’re going to fight for him. Only if he does something incredibly stupid should you forget about trying

to make your marriage work.”

I bite my lip but eventually nod my head. Even I didn’t want to give up on Dante. I wanted to give him a

chance because he wasn’t a bad person. He chose to love Anya despite everything she’d done to him;

that was proof enough of the kind of person Dante was.

To me, he was worth fighting for.

“I promise.”

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She smiles and pulls me forward with her. Clarissa and Damon are to the front of us while Griffin is

behind, greeting some of his friends.

“I didn’t think you were going to come.” Someone says next to us. I turned to see a good-looking guy

with the brightest blue eyes I’d ever seen.

“Ares.” Clarissa smiles.

“You’re smiling a little too much around him.” Damon growls.

She elbows him in his chest and forces another smile.

“This is Willow.” Autumn introduces me. “She’s the one we were telling you about.”

“I know who Willow is.” He says as he looks at me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to

spending the rest of the party by your side.”

“Where is that good-for-nothing brother of yours?” Damon asks as he looks around.

“You mean Carter?” he asks him.

Damon nods.

“My brother will not be attending the party tonight.” He answers him. “I’m afraid he’s having a little crisis

in his love life.”

Clarissa looks at Autumn, and I know they’re thinking about Scarlett.

“Crisis?” Autumn asks. “We know he played Clara and did the same to Scarlett.”

“The sisters?” Ares asks. “Are we just going to pretend that Scarlett wasn’t playing Carter too? Wasn’t it

all just a plan to get revenge for her sister?”

Clarissa rolls her eyes, “we are not here to discuss this. We are here for Willow. Are you going to help

us or not?”

He looks at me, and unlike Carter, something about Ares seems genuine.

“I said I would, and I’m a man of my word.”

“Great!” Autumn says happily. “Let’s get this over with.”