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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 212
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 212

Book 3 Chapter 48


“He said that to you?” Clarissa demanded in shock.

We were in Autumn’s room. I explained everything to them in detail about Dante’s words to me. It

wasn’t something I could keep to myself. If I did, I would be too depressed to do anything about it.

Our trip back home was a very awkward one. All of the guests couldn’t stop talking behind our backs.

That was expected. Dante didn’t bother speaking to me after our small fight, either. But at least it

allowed me to talk to Clarissa and Autumn.

“I can’t believe him.” Autumn hissed. “Does he not care about your feelings?”

“He does.” Clarissa snaps. “He’s just an a*s like most men who can’t figure out their feelings. That’s

where we come in, Willow. We know how to make them cave. We’ve had experience.”

“To be fair, he thought I was asleep.” I remind them. “He didn’t know I was awake. He didn’t know that I

could hear him.”

Part of me wished I was asleep when he said those words. It wasn’t something I could ever easily


I already felt guilty for loving Dante. Now I felt even worse.

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“You know what this means,” Autumn says as she turns to Clarissa. “We have to step up our game.

Dante doesn’t realize his feelings, and we must show it to him.”

“Show it to him?” I ask. “There is nothing to show. Dante is still in love with Anya, and there is no place

in his heart for me. Nothing I do will change that. He made that very clear.”

“I refuse to believe that.” Autumn disagrees. “And we are going to prove it to you. I know you won’t like

this idea of ours but believe me when I say it will work.”

I was already worried.

“What idea?”

“It’s not going to be easy for you.” Autumn points out to me. “I can guarantee you that Dante would also

be very pissed. However, believe me when I say it will be worth it. It will prove to you that no matter

what Dante says, he has some feelings for you.”

Why was Autumn this convinced that Dante had feelings for me? Clarissa did as well. Was I the only

one that didn’t think he liked me?

I was crazy enough to tell him I was in love with him; maybe I could also listen to this plan Autumn and

Clarissa had for me.

“What Is it?” I ask.

“It will involve another guy,” Autumn informs me. “I’m sure you’ve heard about Carter Prince. We’ve

mentioned him a few times. He has a lot of brothers. They’re all popular, just like we are. Even though

Atticus might explode if he ever finds out about this plan, I’m willing to go through with it to bring you

and Dante closer to each other. We will ask one of Carter’s brothers to help us make Dante jealous.

Once he loses control of his emotions, you’ll know the truth.”

Would this work? The last time Dante thought I was trying to kiss another guy in the kissing booth, he’d

lost his mind. He’d kissed me that day. I still remember that kiss so clearly, like it happened yesterday.

Kisses from Dante weren’t something that could easily be forgotten.

“Remember. Do not listen to a single word that Dante says.” Clarissa tells me. “Even he doesn’t want to

accept his true feelings. Even if he says he doesn’t love you, do not listen. Trust me. I know my brother.

He has strong feelings for you. We need to help him realize that those feelings are there.”

Why must it be this hard? Why couldn’t it be easier? If he genuinely had feelings for me, shouldn’t he

tell me constantly like he always did for Anya? She never had to beg him for her love or even play

crazy tricks like me. Yes, she did spells, but she never needed it for Dante. He loved her without those


I wasn’t like my sister. I didn’t want to use spells to get Dante. And I also didn’t want to do these tricks

to play with his emotions either. But what other option did I have?

I just needed to know the truth. If Clarissa believed that Dante had feelings for me, I wanted to witness

those feelings on my own. And maybe the only chance I would get to do that is if I let Clarissa and

Autumn help me.

“Which one of Carter’s brothers is going to help us?” I ask them.xo.com fast update

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“His name is Ares Prince,” Clarissa answers me. “Girls are always swooning over him, and believe me,

he is the perfect candidate to make Dante jealous enough to admit that he has feelings for you.”

“Wouldnt this make Dante angry with me?” I ask them.

“After what Dante said to you, why would he get angry?” Clarissa asks me. “That’s all you need to say

to him. Remind him that he’s really into Anya and what you do has nothing to do with him.”

“That’s a good one.” Autumn chuckles. “That always gets them mad. If Dante is anything like his

brother, we have nothing to worry about. This plan will work perfectly.”

“But if Dante doesn’t even like Carter and his family, why would he attend their party?” I ask them.

“Because you will be going,” Clarissa answers me. “As long as you’re going to be there, Dante will also

be there to ‘protect you.’ At least, that’s the excuse he will use.”

“Let’s plan out her outfit!” Autumn says with excitement.

They loved dressing me up. The fun part for me was seeing Dante’s reaction to my clothes.

I was still angry with him for assuming I was practicing spells on him. However, I couldn’t blame him for

reacting that way after what Anya did to him.

It was up to me to prove that I was nothing like her. However, maybe that was the problem. Maybe

Dante wanted me to be more like Anya.

I sigh and try to focus on the outfits Autumn was throwing onto the bed.

Maybe this time, I could finally prove to them that I was right all along; Dante didn’t have feelings for
