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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 149
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 149


The rooftop pool in front of me was absolutely beautiful. Damon had the whole place decorated just for

me. I was the only one here except for all the waitresses he had bringing food almost every minute for


Not to mention the hundreds of roses everywhere. But my favorite was the sign that stole my heart.

‘Be mine. Forever.’

He didn’t even have to ask. I was already his a long time ago.

He promised that he would be back in less than an hour. However, an hour had passed, and it bothered

me that there was a possibility that something had happened on his way back to me.

I tried calling his phone, but it kept going straight to voicemail.

I considered calling Autumn or Atticus but refrained from doing it. After what happened earlier, calling

either wasn’t a good idea.

I don’t think Damon told anyone that he was taking me here. If I called any family member, they may

immediately ask for my location. I wouldn’t be able to give it to them.

“You look a little unhappy, miss.” The main server says to me. “I was asked to make sure you’re happy;

if you’re not, I’m afraid your partner will be troubled with all of us. I don’t want to disappoint him.”

He asked her to keep me happy. My heart skipped a beat at that fact.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Damon kept on surprising me. Everything felt like a dream to me. It was all too good to be true.

Whenever things were going this smoothly, something horrible always happened. I pushed that thought

to the back of my mind. I didn’t want to be negative today.

There were other things I could keep my mind occupied with. Like the one thing that I couldn’t stop

thinking about.

Was it finally going to happen today? Damon knew how much I wanted us to finish what we had

started. He knows how crazy I was about him. I was looking around for some place nice that it could

happen for the first time, but I doubted it would be here.

It was too open, and there were many servers around. Even if he sent them away, he wouldn’t take that


He kept saying I wasn’t ready for it, but he didn’t realize how long I’d been waiting. I don’t know what

else to do to make him realize that I was more than ready for him.

I didn’t want to wait anymore. I wanted to be as close to him as possible. I wish he would see things the

way that I saw them. I felt like we were running out of time. The moment our family found out about us,

everything would change. They would constantly try to separate us. I wanted everything to happen

before they found out.

I took out my phone after I received a message. I looked at the caller ID.

It was Autumn. I quickly clicked on the message and felt like my whole life was spiraling out of control

the moment that I read it all.


This wasn’t happening. Not now. It can’t happen now. Damon and I had only just gotten closer after

waiting years for it to happen.

My hands shook as I read it over and over again.

‘Come home. Everyone knows about you and Damon. He just confessed.’

Why would Damon do that? Why would he tell them about us when he knows how they would react?

Did this mean that all of this was just a distraction? He never intended to set up this romantic night for

us; it was all just a decoy so he could tell everyone the truth while I was not around.

I couldn’t believe that this was the reality.

My entire family now knew that Damon and I were in a relationship, not the kind they would be proud

of. Why would he choose today out of all days to do this? Why didn’t he wait?

How could I stop something that has already happened?

Damon was taking the heat all on his own. They would no doubt blame him for everything.

I couldn’t let him deal with them on his own. I had to get home immediately.

“I need a car,” I shout.

Everyone is suddenly looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. And I was losing it. The thought of Damon

alone in the room while everyone at home judged him for being with me, was enough to drive me


After a few minutes of frantically asking for a car, one of the servers agreed to drop me home. If they

hadn’t, I would have found another way to get there before things started to go crazy.

The ride back home was an uncomfortable one. It took way longer than it should have.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

When I finally saw the mansion, I quickly paid the server and got out the vehicle. After getting through

the gates, I ran inside the house but everyone was nowhere to be found. It meant that they were all

gathered somewhere.

The family room. It would be the perfect place for a confession.

I’m about to barge into it when I see Dante standing before me. He looks up, and I can see the anger in

his gaze.

“Dante,” I whisper.

I wait for him to shout at me, to tell me the worst things possible. But he does the opposite.

He moves to the side and lets me pass him. However, I’m not sure how to feel when he follows me.

I wasn’t sure what I would walk into, but the last thing I expected to see was Atticus getting ready to

punch Damon, who already had a bruised lip.

“Stop!” I shout.

At my voice, all eyes turn to me. I can see the shock and surprise on Damon’s face as he looks at me.

He still expected me to be back at the rooftop restaurant.

I watch as the blood drains from his face. He was trying to protect me from seeing this. I knew that now.

He didn’t want me around to see or hear what they had to say. My heart warmed at that fact. Always

protecting me. That’s what he does.

It was my turn to protect him this time. I couldn’t stand back and watch everyone attack him like he was

the one to blame when I was not innocent in any of this.

They needed to know the truth. They had to know that I was the one who f****d him into everything.

It’s the only way to fix this.