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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 110
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 110

Book 2 Chapter 33


I couldn’t resist telling her the truth. I couldn’t resist giving her what she wanted to hear for once. I knew

it wouldn’t change a single thing between us, and I was aware that it might only make things worse.

However, I couldn’t say no to her today, not after almost losing her.

My heart still raced from seeing her surrounded by those flames. I was terrified of losing Clarissa. I

always knew there was a great chance that she was my weakness, but now I was one hundred percent

sure that she was. No one terrified me the way that she did. I’ve never wanted to protect anyone the

way I’ve always wanted to protect her.

I would never be able to live with myself if anything ever happened to her. It bothers me that something

terrible could have happened to her today, and I wouldn’t have known anything until it was too late.

If Autumn hadn’t gone into her room before the engagement ceremony, I could have lost her, and I

would have never been able to forgive myself. I couldn’t let something like that happen again.

I knew I was the one to push her into doing something so careless. I was the one that hurt her feelings

and made her act out. I couldn’t make that mistake again. I had to be very careful with my words and

actions around Clarissa.

I had to protect her from everything, including herself. I knew now that I also had to protect her from my

selfish actions. I knew it would cause me more trouble in the future, but from now on, I had to pay

closer attention to her. I had to ensure she wasn’t plotting anything dangerous that could harm her.

From now on, I will keep a close watch on her. Nothing and no one would stop me from doing what I

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had to in order to keep her safe.

I would do f*****g anything for Clarissa. Anything. Anything except what she was asking from me. That

was the only thing I couldn’t give to her. Everything else I would go to the end of the earth to get for her.

“Damon?” Anya calls once more. Clarissa slowly lets go of my arm, and I turn towards Dante.

“When I arrived, Clarissa was surrounded by fire,” I explain to them. I didn’t know how to explain what

happened, however. Even I was still trying to come to terms with it.

“Surrounded by fire?” He demands. “How did she end up in that situation?”

I shrug my shoulders, “I think we may be under attack like the last time. And by witches once again.”

Anya stiffens at my words.

“Witches?” She asks cautiously. “Why do you think that?”

“Clarissa believes witches were responsible for the fire, and I agree. The fire disappeared while I was

trying to get her out of it. Only a witch would be capable of playing tricks like that. There was no water,

nothing at all to make that fire disappear as it did.”

“This is not good,” Dante growls. “Not good at all. We need to get back to our parents. We have to tell

them what’s happening. We can’t let our guards down again. We almost lost so much the last time that

we did. We need to be prepared for anything.”

“Before we go,” Anya mumbles as she turns towards Clarissa. “Why the hell did you come here during

our engagement party? The entire thing is ruined because of you. All of the guests are already leaving.

My special night is ruined because of your carelessness Clarissa!”

I stiffen at her tone. While I understood why she was upset, I didn’t like anyone speaking to Clarissa

like that, especially not after what she just went through.

“Anya.” I try to calm her down. “We can have a better discussion at home. This is not the time for any of


She glared at Clarissa, and even Dante looked upset with her.

“Why did you put your life in danger like that again?” He asks her. “Clarissa, you should know better

than this by now. You’re not a child. You should make smarter choices. You’re lucky that Damon came

in time to get you.”

I don’t think Clarissa is listening to either one of them. Her entire mood changed the second I’d given

her the answer she was waiting for. It seems as though she’s still thinking about it.

“Are you even listening to us?” Anya demands.

“That’s enough.” I roar. “I agree that she may not have done the right thing by coming here on her own

during the party, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that she was almost killed tonight. Give her

some time to process everything before you ask her all of these questions.”

I can feel Clarissa’s eyes on me, and I know that if I look at her, I’ll see the girl that I gave my heart to a

long time ago. The same girl that always looked at me like I was her hero. No girl had ever looked at

me like that before I met her. I was a selfish bastard who did everything to see that look on her face. I

loved the way she made me feel. I loved doing things just for her.

“He’s right,” Dante says with a sigh. “I’m sorry, Clarissa.”

He walks over to her and pulls her into his arms. I tried to remind myself that he was my brother and

not an enemy trying to take her away from me.

“I’m glad you’re safe.” He tells her right before he finally pulls away.

It took me a while to realize that Anya glared at me the entire time.

Damn it.

I still had to deal with her for walking out of our engagement party.

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“How could you do this?” She whispered as we started our walk back to the house.

“I’m sorry.” I apologize. I’ve been giving out plenty of apologies recently. So far, it hasn’t solved any of

my problems.

“Is that all you have to say to me?” She demands. “It was supposed to be our special night, Damon,

and somehow you managed to make it all about Clarissa.”

“Was I supposed just to leave her there to die?” I growl. “If you were in her situation, would you have

preferred that I’d left you there to die?”

She narrows her eyes, “that’s different, and you know it. For starters, I wouldn’t have been stupid

enough to put myself in a situation like that!”

“Careful,” I warn her. I didn’t want to hear a single bad word about Clarissa. I would not allow it.

She sighs, “we shouldn’t be arguing on such a special day. I just wanted this day to be all about us. I’m

so disappointed that I didn’t get to enjoy today with you. I was looking forward to finally calling you my

fiancé. You have no idea how devastated I am that it was called off because of this.”

I sigh, “Anya—”

“No.” She stops me. “It’s okay. This just made me realize how badly I want to marry you. Let’s forget

about the engagement party. We don’t need to have another one after tonight.”

I frown, “what are you saying?”

“Let’s go straight into the wedding!” She sings happily. “Let’s get married next week! It doesn’t even

have to be big as long as I have your last name and live in the same home as you!”

I stop moving, and so do Clarissa and Dante behind us.

Married? Next week? Those were the only words that were spinning in my head over and over again.

I slowly turn around to glance at Clarissa and wish I hadn’t. The look on her face did something to my

heart. Something I would never be able to forget. Never.