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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 108
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 108

Book 2 Chapter 31


I stepped forward, but the fire taunted me by moving closer to me in return. It was coming towards me,

closing in. If I tried to move again, it would only move closer to me. It’s almost like it was trying to reach

me. To tell me something.

I had to be losing my mind. Maybe I was dreaming. Maybe if I closed my eyes and pretended that I was

asleep, all of this would go away.

The heat was becoming unbearable; it was enough to remind me that it was not a dream like I was

hoping it to be.

Was this how my life was going to end? From a fire? A fire that I had no idea where it came from.

There were no signs of a fire when I came here the first time, just whispers that I initially thought were

something made up in my mind. Now I knew there was a possibility that I was wrong.

Someone must have intentionally done this. The whispers in my head had f****d me to stop, and while I

wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings, they’d set a fire around me. But still, I would have heard


Unless. . . Witches were involved.

They would have been able to start a fire very quickly. My head spun as I tried to figure out what had

just happened while also trying to find a way to escape this fire.

“CLARISSA!” I hear a familiar voice shouting my name.

My heart paused for a second.

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My heart skips a beat this time. I couldn’t believe it. He was here.

“Where are you?”

I can’t stop the smile from forming in my lips despite the fire still blazing around me.

Damon. He’d come for me. Even though his engagement party was today, he still came for me.

Of course, he would. He has always protected me in the past. He was always the one to save me from

everyone, including myself.

“I’m here!” I shout, making it easier for him to find me.

How did he know to follow the fire? He was probably used to trouble following me wherever I went.

Anywhere danger was present; somehow, I was also there.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I could finally see him, not just hear his voice. His eyes widen when he

spots me in the middle of the fire. I could barely get a good view of him because of the flames and it

bothered me.

“Wait there.” He orders me. “I’m coming to you!”

“No!” I shout. “Don’t come here. There are flames everywhere! We can find another way to get me out

of here. Get Autumn. I’m sure she can find a way to get rid of these flames. I believe witches are the

ones who did this. If I’m right, Autumn is the right one to help me.”

If I had listened to Autumn before, none of this would have happened to begin with. I knew I should

have told her what I was about to do, she would have been able to talk me out of this stupid idea. Now,

I was in this mess and didn’t know how to get out of it.

“Witches?” He growls. “What the f**k do witches want with our family again?”

“Get Autumn,” I say once more.

“No!” He roars above the fire. “I’m not leaving you here. We don’t have much time to get you out of

there; I need to move you now!”

I should have known he wouldn’t listen to me.

Before I can say anything else, Damon jumps into the fire. I scream the moment the fire touches his

skin. Damon doesn’t even flinch from the pain. He’s so focused on protecting me that he doesn’t care

that he’d just been injured.

I gasped when he grabbed my waist and held my body tightly against his. He buried his face in my hair

as he held me close.

“I’m so glad you’re safe.” He whispers against my ear. I slowly reach up to wrap my arms around his

neck. It felt so good to be in his arms, where I belonged.

The danger was not over, however. We still had to get out of here before it was too late.

I pull away from Damon to examine the wounds on his body. This could have been avoided.

“Why did you do that?” I demand. “You could have gotten seriously hurt!”

“Do you think I care about that?” He asks me. “Do you think anything matters to me when your life is in

danger? You should know me better than that by now, Clarissa. Nothing will ever stand in the way of

me protecting you.”

My lips part, and I can’t help but melt at his words. Why does he always do this? Doesn’t he realize by

now that it’s words like those that make me fall so quickly for him? I was trying to let go of him so he

could be with Anya, but how could I do that when he said things like this to me?

I slowly touched one of the red marks on his arm, and he winced.

“We don’t have time for this, Clarissa.” He reminds me as he removes his partly burnt suit jacket and

covers my body with it. “We need to jump.”

“Are you insane?” I demand. “The fire is much worse than before, and look at how many bruises you

have because of it already! I won’t let you hurt yourself again because of me!”

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“We don’t have a choice, do we?” he demands.

“If you had listened to me before, we would have had a choice. Autumn would have easily gotten rid of

the fire.” I point out.

“If I had listened to you by the time Autumn had reached you, the fire would have already gotten to you

by then.” He growls.

“At least you wouldn’t have been in danger,” I mumble.

“FUCK.” He hissed. “Are you listening to yourself?”

“As a matter of fact, I am.” I snap. “Now we’re both stuck in the fire. Why are you even here when your

engagement party is happening now?”

He grabs my face in his hand and forces me to look into his eyes, “does this look like the right time to

be speaking about any of that, Clarissa?”

I narrow my eyes, “you shouldn’t be here. You should be back at the party with the woman you chose

to be your wife.”

“I don’t care what is happening around me, Clarissa; I don’t f*****g care about anything else as much

as I care about your safety.” He growls. “As long as you’re in danger, I will forget about everything else.

f**k it all. Nothing else matters when you need me.”

My lips part, and my heart does this little annoying flip-flop. Stop it. Don’t do that. Don’t fall for his

words. Don’t become weak.

It’s already too late. The fire and emptiness in my heart were already disappearing because of his


“I don’t hear anything,” Damon whispers as he looks around us. He pauses and his eyes go wide. “The

fire, where the hell did it go?”

I slowly followed his gaze. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Something was definitely wrong here.

He was right. The fire was gone. What the hell just happened?