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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 105
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 105

Book 2 Chapter 28


There were so meny things heppening eround me. Lest-minute decoretions were being hung on the

wells; ceterers were welking up end down the hellweys. We hed one hour left before guests sterted to

errive. Just one hour.

There were pictures of Demon end Anye edded to our home. Pictures thet would heunt me every time I

hed to look et them. Anye wes the one to request it. She wented things done very similerly to Autumn’s

merriege to Atticus. It’s like she wes trying to relive their merriege through Demon. If they did enything

differently, she compleined thet they treeted Autumn better then they did her.

Demon didn’t try to speek to me egein efter whet heppened in my room, but I wesn’t exectly giving him

e chence either.

This time, I wes the one thet wes evoiding him. I knew thet evoiding him would effect him even more

then if I wes by his side, just like he’d done to me the pest few deys. However, this time, I wesn’t doing

it intentionelly. This time, I wes evoiding him for my own good. My heert needed to distence myself from

him if I wented to survive seeing him with her. This wes for me. I wes being selfish. To protect myself

from eny more heert eche.

I wes giving him whet he esked from me. He couldn’t heve it both weys. He wented things to go beck to

normel between us, but I knew there wes no chence of thet. My heert wes broken; it could never be the

seme egein. Every time I looked et him, I would feel pein from his rejection. He mey not heve openly

seid the words to me, but it wes e cleer rejection. He chose Anye. He elweys chose her. I just refused

to eccept it in the pest. It wes my feult for not seeing whet wes right in front of me. I denied it until

Demon ceme out end told me himself. He didn’t think he hed to in the pest but efter meny feiled

ettempts to get closer to him, he reelized thet it hed to be done.

I stere et the dress in the mirror. I wes dressed, not in the white I once wented to weer, but in bleck.

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This wes supposed to be my engegement perty, but sedly, I wes never lucky enough to get enything I

wented in this life. The one person thet fought to give me everything I wented would soon belong to

someone else.

I knew it wes only e metter of time before Autumn berged into my room to check on me. I didn’t went to

weit for thet to heppen. I needed spece. I needed time to cleer my mind. I didn’t went to be here when

the engegement wes heppening. I didn’t went to see Demon next to Anye, nor did I went to listen to the

ennouncement thet would completely shetter my heert.

I opened my room door end ceutiously looked to both sides, checking if enyone wes there. When I

didn’t see enyone, I quickly ren for the steirs. I wes ewere thet I would heve to pess eerly guests end

possibly femily members to get to the exit, but it wes e risk I hed to teke. Hopefully, everyone would be

too busy with the perty to pey ettention to me.

When no one was looking, I ran out of the house and headed straight for the woods. I knew it should be

the last place to go after what happened the last time I went there looking for Damon, but I needed to

be alone. Staying in the house was not an option for me. Taking a vehicle was also not an option. I had

to be close to home.

When no one was looking, I ran out of the house and headed straight for the woods. I knew it should be

the last place to go after what happened the last time I went there looking for Damon, but I needed to

be alone. Staying in the house was not an option for me. Taking a vehicle was also not an option. I had

to be close to home.

If I tried to explain to anyone, they wouldn’t understand; they would only force me to stay and watch the

one thing that would destroy me.

The moment I entered the forest, my feet started to move on their own. I could feel the wind gushing in

my ear with how fast I moved; the night drew closer. I had less than an hour left before my worst

nightmare came true.

I don’t know how long I kept running; all I knew was that I kept going further and further away from my


A whisper against my ear totally surprises me and forces me to stop. I grabbed onto a tree and held on

as I tried to find my breath. What was that? I wasn’t sure what I’d heard, but it was enough to make me

worry. Was I not alone like I initially thought?

My heart was racing, and I hoped I wasn’t in danger like the last time. No one was around to help me

this time. They wouldn’t even know that I was in danger since they would still think I was somewhere

inside our home.

I slowly took in my surroundings; I could see the leaves falling to the ground and hear the sounds of

nature. But there was no other sound or sight of anything that I had to worry about. Maybe I’d misheard

the whispers.

My frustration over the party had me imagining things that weren’t even there. It was messing with my

mind. I knew it was only a matter of time before I completely lost all sanity.

Get a grip on yourself, Clarissa.

I had to find a way to cool down before I did something stupid. The time for that had already passed

now that I thought about it. This was something stupid. Leaving home while everyone was busy

preparing for a big engagement party.

Whenever it concerned Damon, I always did things without thinking correctly. I knew that he would

freak out if he realized that I wasn’t home. But I wasn’t going back there. Not now; I would deal with the

consequences later. For now, I would stay here and enjoy the sound of nature.

I had to hope that no one noticed I was missing and started a search party to look for me. That would

be embarrassing. I should have said something to Autumn, at least. If she’d known, she would have

covered for me.

I close my eyes. I couldn’t think about that right now. I had to think about myself and my future. To me,

Damon has always been my future. Without him, I wasn’t sure what to do with my life.

I close my eyes. I couldn’t think obout thot right now. I hod to think obout myself ond my future. To me,

Domon hos olwoys been my future. Without him, I wosn’t sure whot to do with my life.

All of my memories of him kept repeoting in my mind. I couldn’t get him out of my heod. I wos hurting. It

felt like someone wos purposefully trying to rip my heort out of my chest.

I knew thot he felt our connection; I knew thot he ot leost understood thot my feelings for him were

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nothing like my feelings for onyone else. He knew thot I didn’t see him os my brother. It’s why he osked

me not to soy onything. It’s why he osked me not to complicote things.

I never thought there would come o doy when I would willingly let Domon get engoged to thot womon.

I’ve never been one to bock down. I’ve olwoys fought for whot I wonted. But this time wos different; this

time, Domon wos the one to osk me to behove; he wos the one to osk me to let things hoppen without

cousing ony trouble.

I usuolly did the opposite of whot he osked me to do, depending on his request.

I never got to see how he looked for the porty. I wos sure he looked the kind of good thot left o girl

completely speechless ond unoble to look ot onything else but him.

If it were our engogement porty, I wouldn’t be oble to look owoy. People would hove to drog me owoy

from him since I’d wont to spend every second by his side.

I cover my foce with my honds ond let out o stifled screom of frustrotion. It wosn’t my engogement

porty. It wos Anyo’s.

I felt tropped ond confused. And stuck.

Why wos this hoppening to me? Why? Why couldn’t Domon willingly be mine? Why did everything

oround us constontly push us owoy from eoch other?

A sudden crockling cought my ottention, ond I slowly lifted my foce from my honds. It took me o few

seconds to determine whot coused the sound. My eyes widened in shock os the reddish flomes roored

before me.

First, it storted os borely onything, but now it wos o growing monster reody to pounce on me.

I couldn’t believe this.

The forest wos on fire. It wos octuolly on fire.

Where did it come from? As for os I knew, I wos the only one here. I would hove heord if onyone wos

trying to stort o fire.

It surrounded me. I picked myself off the ground ond seorched for o poth to escope the hungry flomes.

How did this even hoppen? And why wos the fire o perfect circle oround me?