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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2033
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Chapter 2033

That night, the missing piece of Ayden’s memory fell back into place.

The day it all happened was the anniversary of Ayden and Betsy’s relationship.

By that time, Ayden had grown averse to crowded, bustling places, so they made a pact. They would see no one

else that day, just stay together at home. At dawn. Ayden, who should have been asleep, suddenly opened his eyes.

Next, he found himself in the kitchen.c2

All the knives in the kitchen were well hidden. He had just found the chef’s knife when Betsy’s voice came from

behind him, “Ayden, what are you doing?” Ayden gripped the knife handle, and he stood up and looked at Betsy.

Seeing his gaze, Betsy took two steps back in fright.

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“You make my mother suffer,” Ayden said. “My mother is the best mom in the world. She arranged my entire life

for me, but all of it was ruined because of you.”

“Ayden, what are you talking about? Put the knife down…”

“I am not Ayden, the coward. I am my mother’s true son. Ayden is just a weak fool. The high achievements, his

ability to run a company are all from me!”

As he said this, his expression became fierce and angry, “Because of you, Ayden locked me away. It was so dark.

But I finally came out, only to see you all ganging up to bully my mother!!!”

His face grew more gruesome, “So, those who bully my mother should be torn to pieces!!”

With that, he charged at Betsy with the knife.

Betsy tried to dodge, but she was eventually knocked down, the hand that once intertwined with hers was now

choking her neck.

Betsy struggled with all her might, trying to wake up her lover, “Ayden… I’m pregnant…”

The man in front of her, his expression instantly turned pained for a moment. But the next second, it was replaced

by a more ferocious face, 1 will rip it out, my child does not belong in your womb!!”

It was far too easy for a deranged man to strangle a woman with little resistance

Betsy died in the early hours of the morning, on the anniversary of her and Ayden’s relationship.

Then her stomach was cut open. Her organs were hollowed out, including her uterus and the fetus that was just

developing inside. Her body was discarded in the wilderness.

Ayden sat on the hospital bed, his hands were shaking.

In his memory, he always had a brother. His brother looked just like him, and he loved their mother very much.

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After falling ill, his brother would sometimes appear to keep him company, and would also scold him for not treating

their mother well.

At this moment, Ayden was not hysterical or insane.

He took out a notebook and wrote a long suicide note.

Three years later, he finally agreed to see Natalie.

Upon seeing him, Natalie burst into tears, apologizing profusely, even offering to kneel before him,

Ayden was no longer harsh with her.

He believed that Natalie truly loved him. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have chosen to take the blame herself, rather

than revealing that it was he who killed Betsy

After that meeting, Ayden committed suicide in the bathroom.

There were different rumors about how Ayden died. Some said it was disease, others said he jumped off a building,

or overdosed.

After all these years, Rosalynn found out his real cause of death from these case files,

He used a torn hospital gown, and hanged himself in the bathroom.