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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2023
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Chapter 2023

Rosalynn snuggled closer to Wayne. With a natural grace, he moved the hand that held his cane, pulling her into his


A nearby waitress watched this scene, her face filled with delight. Indeed, they were the sweetest couple in her

eyes. However, if she could see Rosalynn’s expression up close, she would probably think otherwise.

“Still, no answer.” Wayne said, holding the phone with a furrowed brow.

At this point, Rosalynn took the phone and put it to her ear

“We’re sorry, the number you dialed does not exist.”c2

“We’re sorry. The number you dialed does not exist.”

The woman’s mechanical voice repeated, devoid of any warmth.

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A loud rumble echoed in Rosalynn’s heart.

The towering building she had been desperately holding up, collapsed in an instant.

n her mind, the video that Mike had brought to her resurfaced.

In the three clips, there was Wayne under the shade of a tree, unwrapping an ice cream cone and offering it to

someone unseen while he frowned and chattered away.

There was also him strolling along a deserted path, looking pleased as if he had just heard a funny joke.

He was smiling all the way, even making playful gestures with the other person.

The final scene was similar,

He appeared to be in a heated debate with someone, his voice inaudible due to the distance of the dashcam, but it

was obvious that he was furious. After finishing his conversation, he looked down with a helpless expression, and

then made a motion as if patting someone on the head.

Smart as Rosalynn was, she knew the moment when she saw the videos, that the kid wouldn’t show up today.

Wayne would never frolic and show such tender emotions to his own self, whom he detested.

All signs pointed to the person in the video being the boy Wayne had mentioned, who shared a similar background

to his own childhood.

“Did they

swer? Wayne’s voice pulled Rosalynn back from her thoughts.

“No.” Rosalynn’s voice was a bit hoarse.

“What’s wrong? You suddenly look so pale: Wayne furrowed his brows, Are you feeling unwell?”

“I didn’t have enough breakfast, feeling a bit weak.” Rosalynn lowered her gaze

Her eyes felt sore, but she wasn’t worried about breaking down in tears in front of Wayne

She was so numb, she couldn’t even cry.

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“Let’s go, wait in the restaurant” Wayne supported Rosalynn and hurried inside, ‘Ableson, check downstairs, he said

he was wearing an beige-colored hoodie and came on a bike.”

“Yes, sir.”

Ableson watched as Wayne and Rosalynn headed into the restaurant. He was feeling uneasy.

Madam was not acting normal. It had started when she got out of the car, and it got worse after she took President

Silverman’s phone.

A thought rose in Ableson’s mind. There’s going to be trouble! Big trouble!!

A waiter poured Rosalynn a warm cup of lemon honey tea.

She sat there, numbly, sipping it slowly.

“Feeling any better?” Wayne stood by her side, his large palm periodically touching her cheek, then her forehead.

Rosalynn felt the warmth from his hand, her chaotic thoughts gradually calmed down.

Breaking down now wouldn’t solve anything; she had to deal with it, just like dealing with any illness.

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