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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2020
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Chapter 2020

“In this world, there’s no secret that can’t be uncovered. He found out while he was still in treatment, Penn shook

his head, a deep regret in his eyes, “Imagine, realizing that the one you loved died by your hand…those memories

of the murder, charging through his mind…what do you think he would choose?”

“Death,” Rosalynn blurted out.

Penn nodded.

Rosalynn looked terrible. “But Wayne only has schizophrenia, it’s not that severe.c2

“Ms. Jared, you’re a smart woman, I believe you understand what I’m saying.” Penn said gently. “The decision is in

your hands.”

Rosalynn held the report in her hands. Her back stiff with tension.

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“I understand. I’ll think it over at home,” she said.

This is the prescription, Penn handed her a piece of paper, “It details the medication for his insomnia and


Thank you” Rosalynn took it, her throat bitter.

“About my father’s patient, that happened decades ago. Nowadays, with advanced technology and medical

treatments, as long as the patient cooperates, they can get better. Look at Madeleine, her condition was quite

severe, but she’s improved significantly recently,” Penn comforted.

Rosalynn nodded at him. Penn didn’t push further. He personally escorted Rosalynn downstairs.

Once she got into her car, she took several deep breaths to steady her nerves. She was about to call Wayne when

her phone rang. It was Mike. With a weary sigh, she picked up. She was about to tell Mike that he could stop

investigating the boy’s whereabouts when she heard him say, “Ms. Gabriella, where are you? I’m at Moonlit Lake,

but I can’t find you.”

“What happened?” Rosalynn asked. The last time Mike sounded this serious was when Calvin disappeared.

“I need to see you immediately!” Mike suddenly lowered his voice, as if he was avoiding someone

Then she heard Wayne’s voice. “Mike, are you looking for Rosalynn?”

Mike quickly hung up.

At Moonlit Lake, Mike watched Wayne approach. He wasn’t much of an actor, and his attempt at a smile was

strained. “President Silverman.”

“Rosalynn’s at Jered Ventures. What’s the rush? Something happened?” Wayne asked, his demeanor calm. But for

some reason, Mike felt a chill crawl up his spine.

“Nothing really, I just thought since everything’s under control here, and we have enough staff, I’d ask Ms. Gabriella

and the old lady if I could go work for

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“1 see,” Wayne replied.

Mike nodded nervously, “President Silverman, I’ll go take a shower first. I’ll talk to Ms. Gabriella when she gets


With that, Mike turned to leave. But a bone-chilling voice stopped him. “Mike.”

Mike froze, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

“You’re loyal to Rosalynn and Hilaria, Wayne slowly approached.

Mike steeled himself and turned to face Wayne President Silverman, of course. My life belongs to Ms. Gabriella and

the old lady, and the young miss and young master. I would do anything to protect them.”

Wayne looked at Mike, his face still cold but he nodded approvingly “Good.”

Mike wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Anything else, President Silverman?”

“Nothing else. Go on”

Mike practically sprinted away. When he was almost home, he took out his phone and opened the message

Rosalynn had sent him earlier