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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2017
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Chapter 2017

The excitement was palpable when they saw the couple.

If it wasn’t for the surveillance cameras at work, he probably would’ve jumped up for a photo.

Rosalynn was accompanied by Wayne, as they slowly ascended the steps.

Even though Rosalynn had been extremely busy throughout the year, she still rushed over with Cory and Ivy to pay

her respects during the Easter holiday. Today was different, however.c2

As Rosalynn knelt down in front of the tombstone, dusting off the dirt, her mind wandered back to a scene more

than six years ago. She had just found out about her pregnancy and had come here alone to tell her mother and

grandparents that she had decided to keep the baby.

Back then, she naively thought that her past with Wayne was over and done with

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She never thought that there would be more to their story.

Even less did she imagine that one day, she would bring Wayne here to meet them.

Mom, Grandpa, Grandma,” Rosalynn said softly after she finished dusting, then turned to Wayne, “1 brought my

husband to meet you today”

Wayne’s eyes were red and his throat was bobbing, “Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, I’m Wayne, I’m sorry for coming so

late to pay my respects. I promise! come more often from now on.”

Rosalynn gave a small smile.

Then she instructed Wayne to arrange the offerings they had brought in front of the tombstone. As he did so,

Rosalynn looked up and met her grandmother’s compassionate gaze in the photo. She felt a sting in her nose and

her eyes welled up with tears, “Grandma, please help us. Please bless him. I don’t hold grudges for the past

anymore. Whatever wrong he has done, I will make amends with him…” Rosalynn prayed silently.

At that moment, Wayne was also silently confessing and making promises to Rosalynn’s family.

He confessed his past wrongs and promised to protect Rosalynn in the future.

The two of them stayed in the cemetery until it was almost dark before they finally left.

Rosalynn walked the familiar path. The convenience store had changed owners, but the ice cream they always got

was still available. She bought two cones, one for each of them.

As they ate, she explained to Wayne why they always got this ice cream.

Wayne put his arm around her waist, his forehead touching hers.

Rosalynn gave him a smile, “Do you think our daughter is at home complaining about us going to L. City without


“Probably,” Wayne nodded, smiling. “She just sent me a message on WhatsApp

Rosalynn laughed.

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“We can’t always take them everywhere with us, can we? We need to make sure we have some alone time every

year,” Rosalynn added. She wanted to give Wayne more hope by talking about their future together.

“Yeah,” Wayne said, looking at Rosalynn with tender eyes

Rosalynn touched his cheek and gave him a quick, cold kiss with her ice cream-coated lips: “Let’s go, it’s time to

head home”

The setting sun cast long shadows of Wayne and Rosalynn on the ground. As they were leaving. Rosalynn took a

moment to pay the cemetery’s management fee.

At that moment, Wayne’s phone rang. It was a call from that boy Wayne glanced at Rosalynn and stepped aside to

answer it.

“Mr. Silverman, we’re back in H City,” the boy sounded evidently thrilled. “When are you free? I’ve brought some

gifts for your

“How about tomorrow? Il send my driver to pick you up,” Wayne offered kindly. “Would you like to join my wife and

me for lunch?

“Sure” the boy chirped excitedly, “But don’t bother picking me up. Just tell me where to go and I bike there myself.

My grandma got me a new bicycle. it’s really cool