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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2012
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Chapter 2012

“Keep it down.” Rosalynn gently tapped Jaime’s arm.

“Rosa, what’s going on?” Jaime obediently lowered his voice, whispering to Rosalynn.

Rosalynn was already in a somber mood.

Jaime’s innocent question, however, managed to make her laugh.

“I’ll tell you later. For now, just be good. If you could help by waking early and driving Ivy and Cory around, that

would be a big help.”c2

Jaime paused, “So, basically, you want me to babysit Ivy and Cory?”

Rosalynn smacked him lightly, “Be serious!”

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Jaime chuckled, then nodded, “I got it. Hilaria isn’t around and Paige hasn’t returned yet. You shouldn’t bottle things

up. I’m grown now, I can help you out too. Remember, I still have a few million in the bank.”

“Alright.” Rosalynn nodded sincerely.

Indeed, she had many people to rely on. So, there was nothing to panic about.

Whatever awaited her, whatever Ayden’s fate was.

Wayne had her, he wouldn’t follow in his footsteps.

“By the way, I saw that the two kids Noah took in are studying abroad. He posted a picture of them on his blog.

They’ve changed a lot. Noah looks happier, too.”

Since saying goodbye to Noah, he had completely disappeared from Rosalynn’s life and world.

Even when Wayne was in trouble, Noah only got a general idea of her situation through Jaime.

“That’s good.” Rosalynn nodded.

“Rosa, things will get better.” Jaime added quickly. He could tell Rosalynn was troubled, deeply so. But if she wasn’t

willing to talk about it, he could only offer his comfort.

“I know, Jaime. It’s late. I won’t keep you up. You should get some sleep too”

Jaime nodded, watching Rosalynn leaving his room, then, he looked at the paper in his hand.


Jaime opened his self-developed search engine and typed in the name Surprisingly, after a moment, the search

returned 0 results.

Jaime had never encountered this situation before. Thinking there might be a bug, he quickly typed in Natalie’s

name. Immediately, many results related to Natalie appeared. That’s more like it.

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Jaime tried searching for Ayden again, but the result was the same.

Jaime’s engine was different from ordinary ones, it automatically filtered out irrelevant and useless data.

At first, Jaime was just doing this because of a task his sister had given him.

But now… Jaime’s perspective had changed. This was the first time he had encountered something like this. He was

curious to find out, just who was this Ayden!

Late at night, a downpour arrived silently.

Back in her bedroom, Rosalynn glanced at the floor-to-ceiling windows being pelted with raindrops, she walked over

and pulled the curtains closed

Then, she walked back to the bed, Wayne was still sound asleep.

She took his hand in hers, brought it to her lips, and kissed it gently.

At this point, Rosalynn was prepared for the worst.

Regardless of tomorrow’s diagnosis, she would do everything in her power to get him well
