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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 117
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Chapter 117

Heatherway’s footsteps stopped dead in their tracks.

She and Wayne had agreed before that they would at least act respectful and affectionate towards

each other in public.

But what was he doing now?

“Damn it! Maddie was so angry that her chest ached

“Sister” The lady looked at Maddie nervously

Maddie frowned and gestured to the bodyguards

“Heatherway, can you go inside and stay with Grandma for a while? I’m not feeling well, I need to go to

the resting room Maddie weakly said to Heatherway. Heatherway nodded

Maddie, along with the lady went to the resting room next door

After closing the door Maddie slapped the lady’s face

“Why are you acting guilty? At first, no one would suspect you, but now you’ve blown your cover!”

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The lady covered her cheek

“How could Secretary Tesdal be so clever? She even suspected it was done on purpose! The lady

gritted her teeth.

Maddie didn’t expect it either

Rosalynn usually didn’t talk much and didn’t seem to be a very smart person

It seems that she had underestimated Rosalynn

“Let her investigate. She won’t find the surveillance, nor the two kids. She’ll be responsible for this!”

Maddie must really hate Rosalynn

She probably used all her strength in that slap.

At this moment, one side of Rosalynn’s face was swollen.

Wayne held an ice pack, carefully applying it to her face

Don’t answer their calls ever again.” Wayne said in a deep voice.


Rosalynn nodded

No explanation

No complaint

No grievances….

She just casually agreed

At noon, the two had just finished arguing

When they met again, it was another upsetting situation.

Wayne felt inexplicably annoyed.

“Don’t you have anything else to say to me? Wayne asked.

She used to always find a topic to talk to him about.

Why is she so quiet now? Especially after this kind of drama.

“What do you want me to say? Rosalynn looked at him, “About how it feels like to be despised as a

mistress and be insulted?” “You’re not Wayne accidentally put too much pressure on the ice pack

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Rosalynn gasped in pain

“Did I hurt you? I’m sorry.” Wayne was a bit flustered and quickly removed the ice pack, gently blowing

on Rosalynn’s injured cheek This side of Wayne was new to Rosalynn.

Could it be

She was living in a dream now? xo.com fast update

“What are you staring at me for? Wayne asked, puzzled.

“Nothing. I was just thinking about whether I was dead that day in the Q City, and now I’m living in a

dream. Rosalynn answered honestly Wayne’s body tensed up

He grabbed her chin ‘Dont talk nonsense!”

Rosalynn quickly replied “Okay, okay, let go!

Wayne released her with a stern face and continued to apply ice to her face. They both fell silent again

After a while, Wayne spoke “When I knew of that incident the next day. I was terrified”

Rosalynn had her eyes downcast

She didn’t look at him or say a word.