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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 109
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Chapter 109


Wayne asked, puzzled

This place was clearly safer and more comfortable than the apartment.

And it was his residence

In the past, Wayne had set rules for her, not allowing her to stay overnight here, so as not to give her

the wrong impression.

But now…

“Why?” Rosalynn looked at Wayne and laughed.

Wayne’s heart sank

“Because for me, there are too many unbearable memories here.” Rosalynn said, word by word, ‘Do

you know how inconvenient the transportation is here? Just walking to the entrance of the community

takes more than twenty minutes, and it’s hard to get a car late at night

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“And do you remember? One year on Ms. Walley’s birthday, you insisted on having some lousy cake.

When I brought it back, I was almost frozen to death. And do you know what you did?”

Rosalynn pointed to the living room.

“You didn’t ask a single question and just threw the cake into the trash”

“Wayne, why?”

Wayne frowned

He walked up to Rosalynn, “If you weren’t happy, why didn’t you say so before?”

“Before, I was just someone you could play with. I knew my position. But now. Rosalynin laughed self-

mockingly, “Now it’s different. If President Silverman doesn’t threaten me with my weak points, even if I

die outside, I would not want to come back”

Wayne’s body trembled.

Rosalynn lowered her eyes

Carrying her newly bought clothes, she left to change without looking back.

When she came out in her fresh outfit, Wayne had already left.

She didn’t know what Wayne would think after hearing all that.

But does it really matter what he thinks?

Then, she sank into deep thought

That bastard Wayne just left like that, without saying whether she was allowed to leave or not

She worried that if she left, Wayne would go crazy and actually harm Paige.

After some consideration, Rosalynn decided to send him a message. Coincidentally, before she even

started typing, Wayne had already sent her a message. “Your car is in the garage, if you don’t like it

here, move back to your place.”

That means

She could take it as she was allowed to leave, right?

Rosalynn’s mood lifted significantly

“Thank you, President Silverman” She replied.

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The conversation ended.

Rosalynn got ready to leave immediately

As she reached the entrance, Paige called her.

She answered, “Awake yet?”

There was no response from the other side Rosalynn thought it was a bad signal and called Paige’s

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“I’m here” Paige’s voice sounded a bit strange, “Where are you?”

“What’s the matter? Rosalynn asked softly. “Is it from last night

I’m fine, I’m good Paige hurriedly said, ‘Can you come back for a bit?”

“Of course, I’ll come back right now Rosalynn said in a hurry.

“Alright, then I’ll buy some snacks you like!”

After hanging up the phone, Rosalynn felt a sudden unease

Paige had always been carefree since childhood, as if she never had any real worries.

Yet just now, she seemed to have a lot weighing on her mind