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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 139
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Chapter 139

It sounded like Zachary was chugging a beer!

“Quit drinking, Zachary!” Irene whispered.

“Hah! Why not? She betrayed me.” He chuckled in disappointment, misery, and disbelief!

“Listen, Zachary, I only have your number. That’s why I called you. Someone is holding me hostage in

a hotel right now, tell—”

Someone knocked on her door before she could finish, and she quickly hung up.

On the other end, Zachary was too drunk to think about what Irene said he was actually puzzled that

she hung up on him.

Meanwhile, Irene answered the door after putting on her clothes, and found Chad standing at the


He actually doubled back, remembering that there were phones in the hotel room, and that Irene could

call for outside help

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He strode inside, glancing at the phone as he asked, “Did you contact Isaac Jefferson?”

Irene could not remember Isaac’s number, or she would have.

“I didn’t.” She smiled.

Chad doubted her, and told his people to check with the front desk.

Irene, however, was not worried because she did not call Isaac anyway, and Chad’s goon soon

returned. “She did make a call, but it wasn’t to Isaac Jefferson.”

Irene smiled. “See? I wasn’t lying.”

Believing her for the moment, Chad then said, “Do me a favor, and I’ll let you go.”

“What is it?” Irene asked.

Passing Irene a white bottle, he said, “I have a rough idea now, and what you said is true- Isaac has

been abusing you. Since he’s our mutual enemy, shall we work together now? You can get close to

him, so spike his food with this and it’s a job done.”

Irene took it, unable to tell what the bottle contained since there were no labels on it. “Is this poison?”

“No, it just causes nerve damage and mental issues after prolonged consumption,” Chad replied.

“Dying would be letting him off easy-we’ll make him a nutcase and the laughing stock of Cloud City, so

that he wishes he was dead!”

Though Chad’s plan sounded ruthless, Irene did not hesitate to take the bottle and agree to it. “You

have a deal.”

Still, she was laughing in her head of Chad’s stupidity- would Isaac care about how others saw him if

he became a nutcase?

“Good. Your compliance spares me a lot of trouble,” Chad said with satisfaction, and looked around the

room. “Does this place suit you?”

“Yeah,” Irene replied, pausing for a moment before asking, “When are you releasing me?”

“Right now.” Chad smiled. “However, I need assurance that you won’t renege on our deal, so I need

leverage on you.”

Irene frowned. “What leverage?”

Chad studied her from head to toe then. “Your modesty, of course-it applies to all women. Let me take

photos of you nude, and I’ll be less worried.”

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Irene glowered then, and clenched her fingers repeatedly before finally calming down.

“Now, now-I’m not out of line here. I have to think for myself, too!” Chad said as if it made perfect


Irene lowered her gaze when an idea struck her. “Sure, but only if you’re alone with me in the room.”

Chad was naturally pleased since she was easy on the eyes, and ordered his goons out of the room.

However, the instant he locked the door, Irene picked up a glass cup and smashed it onto the floor.

“What the hell?” Chad exclaimed, wheeling on her.

*Irene smiled. “Sorry, it’s an accident.”

She dropped to a crouch to pick up the fragments and throw them into the trash can-save for one


“Okay, now take it off,” Chad urged, eager to see if her figure matched the splendor of her beauty.

Irene moved close to him with a grin. “You want to see?”

Chad did not hide it. “Every man loves a beautiful woman. It’s in our nature-”

He was not even finished when Irene suddenly extended her hand, pressing something sharp against

his neck.

His eyes widened in shock. “What are you doing?!”