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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1134
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Vivian and Lulu turned at the stto find a man entering, skateboard in hand.

Who else could it be other than Ken Dawson? "M-Mr. Dawson..." Vivian hung her head, surprised that Ken would catch her like this.

Mr. Dawson? Lulu was left studying Ken in turn, as Vivian knew him and addressed him so politely.

That meant he must be working in the soffice and command more than enough respect from even Vivian. Still, why would he show up here? Ken, however, had his eyes fixed on Vivian, as if he never saw Lulu.

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"Are you on a mission to blow up Mr. Slate's mansion while he's away?" he asked, clicking his tongue. "After what you did to his house, I wonder if he's going to chase you away first, or demand that you compensate him." Lulu turned away at the stime. Since those two were acquainted, and the man did not appear hostile, she had no reason to get involved.

However, it turned out that Ken was curious about her-before she could head inside the mansion, he said, "You haven't introduced the lady yet, Ms. Crowe." Lulu paused and turned to look straight as Ken as Vivian said, "That's Wendy Jones, the babysitter Mr. Slate hired. Wendy Jones, this is Mr. Dawson, one of Slate Industries' shareholders." Lulu nodded in turn-so he was that highly ranked? "Good afternoon, Mr. Dawson," she greeted him. "If there's nothing else, I'm going to take Star for her nap." As Lulu turned away, Ken suddenly said, "Ken." Lulu turned toward him, unsure why he would suddenly say that.

"I mean, I'm Ken Dawson," he added-Vivian neglected to give Lulu his ndespite introducing her.

However, Lulu was not particularly curious about Ken and adjusted Star's weight in her hands. "Oh, I see..." Lulu's expression was impassive and hurried inside the mansion.

She held her breath as soon as she picked up the charred scent spilling out of the kitchen and hurried el straight to Star's room in case she smelled it too.

Ken was looking at Lulu thoughtfully as well.

The woman was really interesting... And to think that Zachary would leave two women in his mansion while he was away! On the other hand, Vivian clenched her teeth so hard they could break as she saw the way Ken was looking at Wendy.

Why does he already think highly of her, even offering her his full name? "Taketo the kitchen..." Ken said just then.

Vivian was left staring blankly at Ken even as she straightened her hair-the man always appeared neutral at Slate Industries, but he could not mean well by visiting at this time...

Seeing that she was not moving, Ken raised a brow. "What? We aren't in the office-can't I visit my dear goddaughter?" Vivian was suddenly a professional secretary again and led Ken into the kitchen.

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Ken put down his skateboard when he saw the mess within, and Vivian looked on in shock as he started to put on an apron... "You can cook, Mr. Dawson?" Ken paused and beckoned at her.

Vivian blushed-was he asking her to tie up his apron for him? She walked up to him a little shyly-sher be interested in VZachary, but she presumed that Ken was eager to get frisky with her as welt when he beckoned at ber.

In her mind, in case she couldn't have Zachary, hooking up with Ken was fine too she doesn't have to worry about the rest of her life, at least!

However, she had just reached out when Ken avoided her touch, and he teased, "Are you sexually harassing E me, Miss Crowe?"

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