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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1127
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Lulu was the only one in the house, and no one else would do it if not her.

"I'm fine. It's not that tiring," she assured Zachary.

Zachary scowled. "Sue will need another week to return. I'll have Vivian cby to help then." Vivian Crowe? Lulu was upset, but she could not say anything since Zachary had already made up his mind. "If that's what you have in mind, Mr. Slate." After playing with Star for a while, Zachary began to pack up for the long stay at Goldpool.

When he arrived downstairs, he found Lulu making vegetable juice for Star. The baby was nearby, sitting on her highchair and sucking on her thumb as her big eyes darted between them. As he walked up to Lulu, he asked, "Is there anything I can help with?" "You can helpwash those vegetables, Mr. Slate," Lulu replied, since the man was free anyway.

It was the last night he will be seeing Star in a while, and the baby would definitely miss him for the month...

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"Okay," Zachary said, rolling up his sleeves to clean the carrots and cucumber.

Lulu stared at him for a while and took one of the aprons off the hanger nearby.

"It'd be better if you wear this, Mr. Slate," she said.

Zachary turned and stared at the apron, waving his hands to dry it. "Can you help me? My hands are wet," he said, arching his back.

Lulu was left staring blankly for a moment-she did not expect this.

His hands since indeed wet, and convenis back for her t Well, she was helping him with the apron anyway.

However, as she looped it over welhead, their eyes inadvertently met-and on a height, since he arched his back.

Those eyes of his so atypical, composed and calm-was just like how he was at the surgical table.

That never changed, even now.

Lulu turned away-even if he never changed, she did.

"You can get up now, Mr. Slate," she said.

Zachary stood up, holding up his arms so that she could tie the apron around his waist.

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His heart was pounding, but he hid that well.

After that, Lulu began cutting an apple into slices and putting it into the blender.

She did the swith the carrots that Zachary cleaned and passed to her, and the vegetable juice was soon finished. Zachary picked up the glass of green and took a sip-it was surprisingly good!

"I didn't think blending fruits and vegetables would lead lead to this flavor," he exclaimed. "How did you cup with this?" "I read about it online and decided to study it." Lulu smiled. "I tried making it before, and it's actually a common diet, filled with nutrients babies need." mon Findswn Most families made it abroad, and Lulu could agree that it was a good idea.

That was why she had started to feed Star in controlled amounts, and her baby liked it.

Even as they spoke, Zachary had finished his glass, leaving Lula m He actually finished it? staring at himine culm "Oh... Sorry, I'll get you another glass." X