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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1113
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The woman was left watching frantically-fortunately, Lulu had just struck her child a third twhen the baby spat out a clump of whiteness. Everyone around gasped, with Vivian herself gaping in shock.

To think that Wendy was that formidable she could save a child with relative ease...

Nonetheless, as everyone turned toward the object the child spat out, they were suddenly looking at the woman differently.

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"Huh. It's bread... And it's not melting." "There's no bread offered here in Monsoon. Obviously it wasn't the maid's fault." The maid turned toward Lulu gratefully-she would not be allowed to stay if Lulu did not help and prove her innocence.

At the stime, the woman picked up her child, crying happy tears just then.

"Oh, thank goodness my baby's fine! Thank you so much! I'm sorry I blamed the wrong person." She had realized her mistake, since she was the one who had fed her own child that bread.

Her child had been stretching her little hands out for her bread, and she did not hesitate to give it, not expecting her child to choke on it. Things would have gone so bad if not for Lulu! Lulu said in turn, "You should be apologizing to the maid. I was just helping." The woman hung her head and walked toward the maid. "I'm sorry-I was careless." "It's alright. Everything is fine now," the maid spoke in a thick accent as she waved her off.

Vivian snapped just then, "We have work to do, Wendy!" Lulu started to leave in turn, since it was important to get a domestic helper.

However, the woman from before took Lulu's hand and asked, "Are you a domestic helper, ma'am?" Lulu nodded in reflex, and the woman quickly said, "You can cwork for me. I'll offer you double." She was certainly eager to hire Lulu after she had so swiftly saved her child.

Vivian was staring eagerly at Lulu too, intent for her to leave. Once that happened, she just had to tell el.n Zachary that she was just after the money and ran off after getting a better employer.

"I'm sorry, but I have to refuse," Lulu said nonetheless. "I hope you'll find a good babysitter, though." "Why?" the woman asked instantly, holding on to Lulu's hand. "You can see that I can get careless-I need a babysitter like you. I can afford to pay as much as you want!" S Lulu smiled, but pulled her hand off the woman's grasp anyway. "I'm sorry, but I'd rather not switch employers on a whim." Everyone around was left staring at Lulu, thinking her crazy as she wheeled Star away.

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Rarely was there anyone who would turn down such a generous offer! Vivian was disappointed as well, since she was eager to see Lulu agree to the woman's request.

The fact that she was clinging to Zachary also left Vivian wary it was simply fishy that Lulu would refuse a higher salary for him. "I can pay you 300 grand a month!" the woman shouted from behind, but Lulu remained unaffected.

She followed Vivian into the meeting room, and five other women soon entered after them.

The supervisor with them said, "Here are sof the candidates we've shortlisted according to your request, Ms. Crowe." They were all domestic helpers with

the good reputation of Monsoon backing them up, aside from the last one the smaid who was almost misblamed earlier. S Lulu was actually surprised that she was included.