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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1106
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Zachary handily took a tissue off the table and wiped his lips.

He glanced at the clock-it was already 11 PM.

However, Star was crying terribly, especially after Vivian cinto the room.

As Lulu said, his baby needed a diaper change, after which she had to be coaxed to sleep.

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Zachary frowned and turned awkwardly toward Lulu right then. He would like her to stay, not to mention that they had agreed to it earlier so that she could better take care of Star. He just did not know how to put it in words, especially if he would upset her if he said it out loud.

Lulu could tell from his eyes that he was troubled.

In reality, she was willing to stay-in fact, she would do anything for her baby.

On the other hand, Vivian put on her professional smile when she saw Zachary space out. "Mr. Slate?" As Vivian finally left Star's room, Lulu briskly changed Star's diapers when Zachary suddenly said, "Ms. Jones, could you stay the night to take care of Star? The guest room is already cleaned, and you can tellif you need anything else." Lulu paused, surprised that Zachary would let her stay.

She actually thought he would listen to Vivian and chase her away, since one wins hearts by winning the stomach.

However, it appeared that he still cared about Star-at the very least, he picked Star instead of Vivian. The thought gave Lulu confidence for sreason.

Continuing to change Star's diapers, she replied, "Yes, Mr. Slate. Apologizes for imposing." Children's excretion smells despite their age, but Lulu had long since gotten used to it—if anything, she had to work with cadavers that could be a million times worse. On the other hand, Vivian was totally overwhelmed-as Lulu walked past her, she had her thighs squeezed together as she leaned forward.

It was a small reaction, and Lulu did not see that since she was busy with Star, whereas Zachary saw everything. Remembering how enthusiastic she had been about his baby just a moment ago, he certainly knew that she was just doing it for him—specifically his wealth and influence. "No, you're not imposing. Also, I'll pay you overtas needed," he told Lulu then.

Lulu nodded, not actually worried about the money.

Then, Zachary turned toward Vivian. "Cwithto my study." Vivian hurried over the instant she heard him—she had never been there, after all! Seeing them going upstairs, Lulu sighed.

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Then, hearing Star cry again, Lulu had to quickly run back inside the baby's room.

"Hey, baby. Not used to the new diapers?" she asked as she changed Star's diapers.

She had changed Star into the diapers Vivian brought out efo M urgency, but Star proved sensitive and not used to it.

"It's alright. Let's get you comfortable now... Good girl" Lulu told Stan m patting her little back to assure her that she was not alone. That there was nothing to fear.

Lulu's heart certainly ached to see her daughter bawl, though Star slowly calmed down with her coaxing.

The baby was certainly kissable with those puckered lips as she quieted down, but bulu festrained herself since she was in Zachary's house. She had to restrain herself no matter what.