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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1082
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"Doctor!" Lulu, however, clearly did not hear Zachary and turned around to the pediatrician. "She's very young. Wouldn't this cause chronic conditions?" The pediatrician shook his head as he wrote a prescription. "You're worried now? It's like you were incapable of that earlier. Just remember how important caring for children is and that you must constantly keep an eye out to prevent this from happening again. Your baby could've suffered from brain damage if you'd brought her here any later!" Lulu nodded repeatedly.

After getting Luna's medicine from the pharmacy, Luna was already given an injection.

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Lulu felt her body weak from head to toe as she left the pediatrics department, and Zachary could see that she was exceedingly enfeebled. He wanted to offer a supporting hand, but his body stopped him.

Still, seeing that she cared so much about her child, he suddenly sighed. "It's my fault. Erma was unreliable... but I'm sure I'll be relieved with you now!" Lulu turned and smiled at him, even deliberately mentioning Stan. "With your generous salary? I'd be doing you an injustice if I failed, Mr. Slate. You're my cousin's friend too, so I'll need to do my best based on that alone or that would drive a wedge between you two!" Their exchange was formal, and the journey back to Zachary's hwas silent.

Luna was asleep and quiet, her flushed cheeks returning to normal. Lulu's expression was tender even as she looked at her.

Still, just as they were about to head upstairs, Zachary suddenly asked, "By the way, may I ask where you live, Ms. Jones?" "What?" Lulu becnervous right then.

"Calm down!" Zachary quickly smiled, seeing the flicker of worry in her eyes. "I mean no harm-I'm just busy with work, so I leave early and return hlate, and my schedule can be a mess. If you live very far away, I can have a guest room prepared for you." Zachary did not believe that it was inappropriate since it was for Luna's sake too. "Erma actually lives nearby, since I thought I needed her help with my baby. I didn't think that she'd be that useless!" Lulu nodded, understanding the purpose behind his question just then. Moreover, she returned to the country for her daughter, and she was willing to do anything to stay near her! "I don't live that far, but taking care of a baby is a long-term undertaking. If you're willing to prepare a room for me, I'll take it!" "Well, that's decided!" Zachary smiled and nodded-his house was huge, and a room was clearly no issue.

As for Erma, incompetent people like her could just leave! Several lights in the apartment were still lit as they arrived downstairs, and Lulu gently put Luna in her crib after heading upstairs.

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"Please take this, Ms. Jones," Zachary said, taking out a debit card after closing the door.

"W-Why?" Lulu was surprised by the sudden offer.

Why a debit card? Could Zachary have caught on?

"I don't spend much thome, and you might not be able to reachat times. Hold on to this just in case!" Zacahry said, turning toward Luna, who was sleeping soundly with rosy cheeks.

He was not lying when he said that he was busy-work has been piling ever since he had been abroad for a while. That was why he could not spend more tat hand could not even tell that his baby was sick.

"If something urgent like this happens again, or there's something my baby needs, just use this card. I'll deposit money in it from tto time, and you'll probably see suse for it!" X