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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1074
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There was a twinkle in Stan's eyes, but he did not agree to it right away. "I'll call her and speak to her about it... Or should I give you her number and let you ask?" "Sure," Zachary replied. "I can get in touch to see if she's suitable." "Okay," Stan whipped out his phone and sent him the number, and Zachary's phone vibrated on the dashboard.

Zachary took Stan to dinner later to celebrate his return-it was just the two of them, and they drank a lot. "Now that I'm back, it feels like you're acting weird..." Stan said seemingly nonchalantly, twirling his glass. "Really?" Zachary chuckled coolly but did not press the issue and raised his glass. "Perhaps!" "Congratulations. You get to cback even though you're always busy!" Stan raised his glass in turn. However, Zachary suddenly mentioned Lulu while they clinked glasses. "How's your cousin related to you?" "What cousin?" Stan was confused, though he realized with a start before Zachary spoke.

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"You mean the one withat the airport? She's just sdistant relative living abroad, but she cback since things aren't looking good out there!" Then, he added, "I gave you her number, didn't 1? Just call her." Zachary stayed silent, and Stan cleared his throat in fear of causing a misunderstanding. "Actually, I'm not that close with her. She only calledbecause she wantedto bring her back. Moreover, I don't know what she has in mind or if there's work she wants. If she doesn't want to work as a child care worker again, it would be bad if I took the job for her—" Zachary shook his head before he could finish. "No, I'm just being prudent." Stan nodded-it was natural for Zachary to be cautious with his baby. "Yes, you shouldn't get careless with children!" A tune could be heard just then as Zachary rubbed his forehead. "Sometimes, I really envy you." "Envy?" Stan raised a brow. "What's there to envy about me? I'm just single and have a bit more freedom, that's all!" Freedom! Such an enviable word.

As they clinked glasses again, Zachary appeared a little drunk as he returned.

Stan was concerned to see him wobbling. "Let's get you a cab. I heard the inspections are strict lately-you shouldn't drink and drive!" "It's fine!" Stan chuckled but whipped out his phone anyway... only to pause as he stared at the empty chatbox.

There was no telling how long had passed when he nonchalantly slipped the phone back in his pocket. "Can you really go home? I'll call a designated driver later." Words were not needed with friends as close as they were.

Stan did not press the issue and nodded before he left with another designated driver.

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He glanced at Zachary through the rearview mirror, cutting a solitary figure and standing there in the shadows, his entire presence projecting loneliness!

Stan could only sigh as he remembered Lulu-he did not want this mess, but there were things he had to do! Meanwhile, Zachary's designated driver had arrived as well, though his mind was clouded with many thoughts.

He shook his head whenever he remembered Lulu's figure and sighed. "Whatever!" Then, he whipped out his phone, adding the number Stan sent earlier into his contacts without hesitation.

Meanwhile, Lulu's phone vibrated as she sat in her lodging.

Seeing the number displayed, she had a hunch it was Zackary, and her heart pounded despite the rest of the room being silent. X