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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1068
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Irene reluctantly headed to the flight terminal, turning around to wave at Isaac just as she was about to leave.

Isaac stood a head above the rest of the crowd so she could spot him immediately... though he did draw attention wherever he went as well. "I'm going now," she said.

"Yeah," Isaac replied.

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Another announcement rang over the speakers just then, and Irene boarded her flight.

She was flying first class, and she quickly put on the sleeping mask and covered herself in the blanket provided. It was spacious and quiet there, and she could sleep comfortably.

Eagle was on hand to receive her as she disembarked, apologizing to her immediately. "I'm sorry, ma'am-l didn't watch over Ms. Adams properly." "You're not at fault here," Irene told him. "Even I probably can't stop her even if I was here-she's just that stubborn. Anyway, how is she?" "She's much better," Eagle replied.

"Good." Eagle gingerly turned to glance at her just then. "Are you feeling ill, ma'am? You appear exhausted." Irene rubbed her cheeks. "I just haven't slept well lately." Isaac was relentless back in Franconia-absence certainly makes the heart fonder, not to mention that Isaac was at the peak of his physique! They alighted once they drove to the hospital, with Eagle following Irene in silence, his head lowered as he stared at her slender figure. Once in Lulu's ward, Irene saw that Lulu could sit up when she could only lay down before.

Hurrying to her, Irene asked, "Do you feel better?" "Did Eagle tell you what happened? I told him not to say," Lulu huffed. "I'd ceven if he didn't call," Irene told her. "I'm never going to leave you alone, don't you think?" "What, I can't take care of myself?" Lulu snorted.

Irene knew that Lulu did not want to be a bother. However, she was definitely not in a good state and was a little distant here.

"You can take care of yourself, can't you? Fine. Get off your bed and showyou can walk around." Lulu pursed her lips. "Sorry." Irene sat by her bed and held her hand just then. "I'll stop worrying once you're better. I know you don't want to burden me, but I don't consider you a burden. We are more family than friends—don't you think we should have each other's backs?" Lulu stayed silent but gave Irene's hand a squeeze.

The next day, Lulu had another surgery with more success this time. Still, her appearance was a far cry from what it used to be, and even Irene would not have recognized Lulu if she did not know what Lulu looked like before. It was certainly a lot less attractive than before as well, and it was already amazing that she could recover to her current state-medical technology was certainly advanced these days.

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After another week, Lulu underwent a restorative surgery, as her mental Yascher state and injuries were recovering steadily. Irene's phone rang during dinner that evening and picked up her phone to find that it was Isaac. She headed outside to answer it, while Eagle quietly took a step back, giving her sdistance.

"Have you made the arrangements?" Irene asked-Lulu had agreed to be transferred to Franconia, and they were going to plan for her hospital stay.

Isaac simply had to tell someone else to do it-with Stan and James, he had all the help he needed! "Did Zachary return to Zidonia?" Irene asked.

This was the more pressing issue.