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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1064
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Isaac loosened his necktie and threw it nonchalantly on the desk. "What are you doing here?" Irene eagerly strode forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I just wanted to see you. Am I not allowed to do so?" Isaac gently lifted her chin. “Is that all you really want?" Why did he have a hard tbelieving that? Irene certainly cto him because of Lulu, and she wanted to take a trip over to Minerva.

Now, however, she had another cause for concern.

Even if she did have faith in Isaac after going through thick and thin together, she could not trust him blindly either and disregard the consequences.

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As for the man himself...

She studied him just then.

He was a successful businessman, who was tall, dark, and handsand the epitof all fantasies women had toward men! Her friend was important, but so was her family-she refused to let her sons lose her father! "I didn't just cto see you-II missed you," she purred coquettishly, tightening her arms around his waist while her dainty fingers fiddled with his collar buttons, brushing intermittently against his neck and Adam's apple flirtily.

They had been together long enough to understand each other.

"I accept your goodwill, but..." Isaac chuckled after studying her for a bit and leaned in to whisper into her ear, "You should show ssincerity and prove you really clooking for me... and not because of something else." His lips pressed gently against her neck, his hot breath almost consuming her! Despite already having two children with him, his teasing still left Irene blushing and her throat parched. "You wantto prove it? Isn'tbeing here proof enough?" As he spoke, Isaac took her hand and placed it on his belt buckle. Irene could snap at him for his brazenness right then-they were in his office, were they not?! Was he not afraid someone would see?! Her eyes darted everywhere as she becafraid to look him in the eye. "Stop messing around..." "But I'm dead serious," he said.

Irene was speechless-how was goading her to take his belt off being dead serious?! She changed the subject right then. "I saw you with a woman when I came. Who is she?" Isaac stared at her for a beat. "Would you like to know?" "Yes," Irene admitted.

Isaac released her then. "Go hif there's nothing else. I'm busy." Irene was left speechless again-putting on airs, was he? "You still haven't toldwho she is," she said.

Isaac simply settled behind his desk, picked up a document folder, and replied offhandedly, "An important client." "How important?" Irene pressed.

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"Very," Isaac replied.

"More important than me?" Irene asked, her eyes fixed on him as she stood before his desk.

Isaac never looked up. "Depending on the situation."

Irene was left bristling right then, and Archat was she walked around the desk to grab his collar. "What was that supposed to means Are you going to have an affair or perhaps have another woman on the side? Don't forget that we have two children-"

Isaac looked up slowly then and said with aplomb, "Can't stop women from throwing themselves at my feet E even if we have ten." Irene was left speechless by his conceit.

And yet, it rang true!

"She wants to jump you too, does she?" Irene snapped, her tone m suddenly vicious cheat on me, and I remove your heart with a scalpel and feed it to the dogs!" X