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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1063
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Chapter 1063

Irene tensed up immediately, her fingers clenching over her phone right then.

Still, she quickly feigned nonchalance and told Zachary, "Isaac just called me to his office. I'm going now."

She hailed a taxi, while Zachary said nothing as he left.

Irene kept watching Zachary until he had gone quite far and asked, "Is Lulu in trouble?"

Eagle was smart enough to tell what was going on on her end and did not press the issue. "Yes, ma'am. There's a

little issue with her surgery."

Irene frowned. "She just had one surgery, didn't she? Wouldn't it be a while before she can have another?"

"Yes, but Ms. Adams wants it to be done with and is asking for the next one already. She was very insistent."

"Did the doctor agree to it?" Irene asked.

"He did when I asked, but he also stated that it would be exceedingly difficult," Eagle replied. "The main reason is

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due to her health reasons, and the surgery caused further compromise."

"So you mean to say she went through with it, and there's a problem now?"

Eagle seemed afraid to respond as if afraid to upset her, taking a long

while before saying, ‘Yes, ma'am."

Irene was seething. "You should have stopped her!"

Eagle stayed silent and did not argue, though Irene could tell that he was unable to stop Lulu.

Calming down, she said, "Sorry, that was rude of me."

"It's alright. I've failed what you've asked-it's only reasonable that you're upset," Eagle replied respectfully.

Irene understood that she should not have taken it out on him. She asked," What did the doctor say?"

"He said that they did their best, but has stated that they might not achieve the expected outcome," Eagle said very

quietly, as if blaming himself.

Even if Irene did not blame him, he believed that it was his failure to persuade Lulu that led to this outcome.

"Okay, I understand," Irene said, hanging up and asking the driver to take her to the Remy headquarters.

It was her first visit here since Isaac moved his business operations here.

Irene ran into James as she aligned at the front entrance, who quickly greeted her when he saw her. "Looking for

Mr. Jefferson?"

Irene nodded. "Yeah."

"I can take you to his office," James told her. "He's having a discussion with someone at the moment."

"With who?" Irene asked offhandedly.

"An important client," James admitted and pointed at a person as they walked past a guest room. "That's her."

Irene turned where he pointed and saw Isaac seated behind a glass wall. The inside of the room was decorated

with Franconian antiques, making the room appear grand and somber.

She spotted the woman sitting opposite Isaac just then.

So, he really was having a date with a woman.

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Seeing her young, pretty face, Irene could only quietly say, "I see. Let's wait in his office."

"It's just ahead," James said and quickly led her to Isaac's office.

She entered to find the interior decorated in the same way as the guest room.

"Do you want a drink?" James asked. "I'll send someone to get it."

"Fruit juice... By the way, is the woman with Isaac married?" Irene asked.

"What?” James was a little confused just then and stared at Irene.

He then realized that Irene was asking about the marital status of the woman having a discussion with Isaac and

became curious. "Could you be ... jealous?"

Was that why she asked?

However, Isaac strode in just as James was about to answer, and he quietly lifted a brow when he saw Irene there


Irene waved James out of the room right then. "I need to talk to Mr. Jefferson."

"Yes, ma’am," James said tactfully and left Isaac's office, not forgetting to close the door.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!