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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1049
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Chapter 1049

Lulu asked, "Why do you insist on taking me away?"

"Or what, am I supposed to not care while you get yourself killed?" Irene snapped, not abiding with her self-

destructive tendencies just then. "Has anyone lived their lives without facing setbacks and rough patches? Is that

worth getting killed for? There wouldn't be that many people alive if that were the case."

"Did they suffer like I do?” Lulu countered.

Irene was stumped, but there definitely had not been many who suffered like Lulu did.

Even so, Irene pushed on. "It's always darkest before the dawn."

"I'm tired," Lulu replied, shaking her head and reluctant to speak further.

Irene knew that Lulu was refusing to see reason and pressed, "If you're not going to do it for anyone, do it for Jean.

Just think about it-what if Zachary marries someone and Jean has to live with a stepmother? You should know very

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well that the stepmother would definitely abuse Jean and put her through all the pain in the world. In fact, you

weren't allowed to stay in your own house when your father remarried and when you're an adult! How miserable

would it be for Jean to live without a mother, even as a child?"

Despite what she said, Irene knew very well that Zachary loved Jean and would never remarry on a whim, let alone

allow Jean to suffer in any way.

She just needed a reason to persuade Lulu to keep living-even if it hurt.

And to no surprise, Lulu's expression changed ever so slightly.

Mothers are strong, as the saying goes, and Irene was convinced that Lulu would find the will to live for Jean.

As such, Irene continued to harp on. "If you're alive, you could at least take Jean back if Zachary remarries and

Jean's stepmother mistreats her. At the very least, she won't be abused-or have you not seen news of how

stepmothers abuse stepchildren?"

"Stop it." Lulu turned away.

"No, I think I'll keep this up-you can't even care for your child, and all you want is to be free. That makes you a

selfish mother who gave birth to her child but could not even protect the child. Why did you bring Jean to this world

at all?"

Irene kept going despite Lulu's reluctance to hear more-she insisted on hurting Lulu so Lulu would feel the will to


For Lulu's part, it was not as if she completely refused to think for Jean's sake.

However, at that very moment, she could not face herself-not because she was disfigured, since she was not afraid

of being ugly.

Whenever she closed her eyes, all she could think about was how she was defiled, even though she was willing to

do it to win those villains' trust.

But that was just it-she was ready to die from the start, and now that she was told to keep on living, she had no idea

how to handle what happened.

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"Why did you come, Irene?" Lulu asked-she would not have to feel conflicted otherwise.

"I would've been here earlier if I wasn't delayed," Irene replied.

Lulu closed her eyes, which only made Irene anxious and fearful-it had been days, but Lulu was not budging at all.


"I'll go with you, but I don't want anyone to know about me, including Isaac, " Lulu said then.

She knew about Zachary's friendship with Isaac, and Isaac knowing meant Zachary would find out too.

Irene nodded repeatedly. "Okay, got it. I won't tell Isaac."

"I'll have people prepared for your departure.”

She had already spoken to the medical staff about that, and all they had to wait for was Lulu to agree.

And now that she did, they could move her to the airport right away.

The airlines they were using had also given them special treatment, given Lulu's unique circumstances, since Irene

had liaised with them as well — once on the plane, Irene and Eagle would take care of Lulu.

Irene certainly could, since she was a doctor.

Their flight took them straight to Minerva, and Irene had a doctor prepared for Lulu.

After all, Isaac and the others were all at Franconia, and Lulu did not want anyone to know about her situation.

Moreover, arranging for Lulu to be treated in Minerva would also hide her from those who meant to harm her!