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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90 Startled by Samuel‘s abrupt compliment, Billy left the CEO‘s office and swiftly got back to


Samuel gradually rose to his feet and walked toward the window.

Under the golden light of the setting sun, Samuel looked especially elegant and handsome in his

pressed white shirt.

He made a phone call to Natalie.


The call was connected instantly, and a crisp voice traveled through the phone.


“It‘s me, Samuel.”

A moment of silence ensued on the other end of the line as if she was waiting for Samuel to speak


“Are you free tonight? I want to meet up with you to discuss Sophia and Franklin‘s birthday.”

“I’m busy tonight,” Natalie rejected instantly.

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“What about tomorrow?”

“I‘m fully occupied tomorrow.”

“The day after tomorrow?”

“Busy as well.”

Samuel was starting to lose his patience with Natalie. Frowning, he queried, “Okay. How about you let

me know when you are free, and I‘ll rearrange my schedule to fit yours.”

“I don‘t want to meet you.” As she said so, Natalie was at home, fanning herself with


the check with her hand. “In other words, let‘s never meet again. We can discuss Sophia and Franklin

via phone call or email.”

Samuel‘s expression darkened upon hearing that.

He gripped the phone so hard that the veins on his arms were popping out.

“Are you aware of what you‘re saying?” he growled out, his tone clearly irritated.

“Yes, I do.”

Natalie casually placed the check on the coffee table and hugged her legs tightly. A trace of cold

determination flashed through the depth of her eyes.

Even if she hadn‘t received the ten million check from Yara, she still thought that it would be best to

never see Samuel ever again.

Sure, Sophia and Franklin are his children.Sure, Yara is able to freely enter and leave the Bowers residence.Samuel mistaking me for Yara and kissing me was also something that happened. Who cares if he‘s a handsome, aloof CEO? Being a womanizer is probably in his DNA.

Even though she herself was unsure as to why she was wearing a hyper–realistic mask, she was even

more confused as to why Samuel would still take the initiative to approach her with the mask on.

She didn‘t want to get trapped in a whirlpool of feelings, especially not between Yara and Samuel.

“No, you don‘t, Natalie.”.

Natalie let out a snicker. “Why would I not know? I don‘t want to meet with you because I don‘t feel like


“Give me a reason.” An icy look appeared in Samuel‘s gaze.

A reason?

Natalie caught a glimpse at the check on the table, her face lighting up with a gloating expression.

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“Yara found me and gave me ten million to ensure that I would never see you ever again.” The corners

of her lips quirked upward before she continued, “I can spend this ten million lavishly as long as I don‘t

meet with you. I accepted the offer and signed the agreement on the spot so I could receive the ten

million check from Yara.”

Natalie had indeed received the money from Yara. However, she wasn‘t required to help keep Yara‘s

secret from Samuel.

Besides, how Samuel would think of Yara after this was none of her business.

There was a long silence on the other side of the phone.

After a long while, Samuel‘s deep and husky male voice rang out.

“Am I really only worth a ten million to you, Natalie?”

The question startled Natalie, but she replied firmly, “Yes.”

“I‘m the head of the Bowers family and the CEO of the Centurion Corporation. Since when have you

become so shallow–minded?” Samuel queried.

Upon hearing that, Natalie‘s heart skipped a beat.

At this moment, Natalie was utterly relieved that they were not having this, conversation face–to–face.

Otherwise, he would have noticed the clear flustered panic in her eyes.

“Samuel, it‘s too late now.” Natalie bit her lower lip before continuing, “I have signed the agreement and

received the money. I can’t breach the contract.”