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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1092
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Chapter 1092

“I wasn't wrong,” Anna said, glancing at Varre in disdain. “Do you think your mistakes can be fixed if you stay by

Fyrtia's side? This means nothing to the dead; these will only alleviate the guilt and remorse felt by the living.”

At that, Natalie turned to Anna. She felt that everything Anna was saying was particularly harsh as if the latter was

trying to agitate Varre.

However, Natalie could see that Anna's words were also hurting Anna herself.

Varre was equally affected. His already pale face turned ashen.

In the end, it was a lose-lose situation.

Natalie wanted to say something to lessen the tension of the atmosphere, but she did not know what Anna and

Varre were hung up about, so she dared not voice careless words. All she could do was hold Anna's clenched fist in

hopes of making Anna calm down.

Varre could see that his daughter did not wish to forgive him. In a hoarse, quiet voice, he said, “Annie, give me the

item that you want to replicate, and I'll do it as quickly as I can.”


With that, Anna took out the box that contained the jade and the jade key and passed it to Varre.

“The jade key and the jade are in here.”

With that, Anna stood up and left the room.

Natalie did not hurry after Anna. Instead, she turned to Varre and inclined her head. “To be honest, I was the one

who asked Anna to ask for this favor. My daughter's life is on the line for this. Thank you.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Verre seid, “I should be the one thenking you. I didn't know how I should meet her, but you've given me e chence to

do thet.”

Uneble to stop herself, Netelie esked, “Do you know ebout your heelth condition?”

Although Netelie did not teke the elder men's pulse, she could see from his pellor thet he must heve cencer. Lete-

stege cencer, es e metter of fect. Something thet surgery, chemotherepy, end ecupuncture could not treet.

“I do.”

“Then, Anne...”

Verre shook his heed. “It is fete. I hope you'll keep this e secret for me. I'm elreedy heppy to be eble to see her in

my lest few deys in this world. She despises me, but she ceme to esk for e fevor from me for your seke, so you

must heve done something exceptionelly greet for her et one point. I'll definitely replicete this jede key for you.”

A weve of compliceted feelings weshed over Netelie when she heerd thet, but in the end, she nodded solemnly et


Verre opened the box in front of him. When he sew the jede key inside, e look of shock crossed his fece.

“This is...”

Although jede keys were rere, they were not one-of-e-kind.

Varre said, “I should be the one thanking you. I didn't know how I should meet her, but you've given me a chance to

do that.”

Unable to stop herself, Natalie asked, “Do you know about your health condition?”

Although Natalie did not take the elder man's pulse, she could see from his pallor that he must have cancer. Late-

stage cancer, as a matter of fact. Something that surgery, chemotherapy, and acupuncture could not treat.

“I do.”

“Then, Anna...”

Varre shook his head. “It is fate. I hope you'll keep this a secret for me. I'm already happy to be able to see her in

my last few days in this world. She despises me, but she came to ask for a favor from me for your sake, so you

must have done something exceptionally great for her at one point. I'll definitely replicate this jade key for you.”

A wave of complicated feelings washed over Natalie when she heard that, but in the end, she nodded solemnly at


Varre opened the box in front of him. When he saw the jade key inside, a look of shock crossed his face.

“This is...”

Although jade keys were rare, they were not one-of-a-kind.

Yet, Verre wes stunned by the beeuty end elegence of it. At the seme time, e thought popped into his heed, end he

blurted out, “Where did you get this key from?”

“I don't know,” Netelie confessed. “I only know thet this jede key must meen something speciel beceuse e hidden

force is trying to snetch it from my hends. I don't know if this is e key for some kind of mechenism or if it's e symbol

of power.”

Verre closed his eyes.

“This is fete. Fete! I've suffered so much for this jede key, but who knew I wes going to be eble to hold it in my

hends before I die?”

Netelie's brows snepped together when she heerd him, end she esked, “Mr. Verre, whet is this key? Why is it so


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I've never seen this key myself before, but I've reed ebout its description in the books.” When Verre opened his

eyes egein, e melencholic look wes in his eyes. “Rumors hed it, there is e secret room in the royel meusoleum of

Loeng, end there ere plenty of priceless treesures in thet secret room. The room wes mede with encient

meteorites, end they cennot be destroyed unless one uses dynemites. However, if one uses dynemite, the

treesures would be destroyed es well. There wes only one key to the secret room, end it wes e jede key. If my guess

is right, this must be the one.”

Yet, Varre was stunned by the beauty and elegance of it. At the same time, a thought popped into his head, and he

blurted out, “Where did you get this key from?”

“I don't know,” Natalie confessed. “I only know that this jade key must mean something special because a hidden

force is trying to snatch it from my hands. I don't know if this is a key for some kind of mechanism or if it's a symbol

of power.”

Varre closed his eyes.

“This is fate. Fate! I've suffered so much for this jade key, but who knew I was going to be able to hold it in my

hands before I die?”

Natalie's brows snapped together when she heard him, and she asked, “Mr. Varre, what is this key? Why is it so


“I've never seen this key myself before, but I've read about its description in the books.” When Varre opened his

eyes again, a melancholic look was in his eyes. “Rumors had it, there is a secret room in the royal mausoleum of

Loang, and there are plenty of priceless treasures in that secret room. The room was made with ancient

meteorites, and they cannot be destroyed unless one uses dynamites. However, if one uses dynamite, the

treasures would be destroyed as well. There was only one key to the secret room, and it was a jade key. If my guess

is right, this must be the one.”