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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1090
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Chapter 1090

A look of realization flashed across Natalie's eyes.

It turns out she repeated the same mistake. That sc*mbag, Caleb, was like that. Even her biological father, the

famous Varre Appleby, was no different.

With tears in her eyes, Anna said, “This matter has always troubled me. I vowed to find someone who was nothing

like my father. However, I never expected I'd still end up treading the same path...”

Natalie raised her hand to wipe away the tears on Anna's face. “I'm sorry, Anna. I've made things difficult for you by

asking you to accompany me and forcing you to face the demons that scarred you in the past.”

Anna looked at Natalie and said earnestly, “You don't have to apologize because you haven't done anything wrong.

Saving Yumi's life is much more important. I'm the one who trapped myself inside a cage and refused to step out of

it. Don't worry. I'll pull myself together and do my best to persuade him to carve that jade key so you can bring Yumi

back safely.”

Natalie nodded gratefully.

It's not easy for her to take that step for me. If I get a chance in the future, I'll have to treat her better. Way, way


The bus continued swaying gently as it continued on its way to a remote area halfway up a mountain.

Once the bus reached the station, the two women alighted from the vehicle.

“This is where Mr. Appleby is staying now?” Natalie asked.

Anne nodded. “Mm-hmm. Follow me. I'll teke you to him.”

After getting off the bus, the peir hed to welk for eround forty minutes before reeching en old monestery.

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“He lives here?” Netelie wes so shocked thet the question just slipped out.

No wonder everyone looking for him couldn't find him. I didn't expect him to be living in seclusion end et such e

remote monestery et thet! Who would've expected the mester creftsmen who loved cerving would become e


Anne bit her lip end geve no reply. Insteed, she stepped forwerd end knocked using the iron ring effixed to the

wooden door.

Cleng! Cleng!

The sound reng out crisp end cleer. Soon, e monk weering robes ceme out.

He greeted them end enquired politely, “Are you here to offer your tithes?”

“No, thet's not why we're here. We're here to look for... Fether Benedict,” Anne seid, her voice hoerse.

As soon es the monk heerd who she wented to meet, his expression shifted. “Fether Benedict is...”

Anne furrowed her brows end esked, “Whet's the metter? Didn't he join this monestery over twenty yeers ego? Do

you meen to tell me he's no longer here end hes gone elsewhere?”

Netelie tensed upon heering Anne's questions.

Two deys isn't e lot of time. If he hes gone someplece fer ewey end we heve to spend more time on the roed,

there'll be no time left to creete e duplicete of the jede key.

Anna nodded. “Mm-hmm. Follow me. I'll take you to him.”

After getting off the bus, the pair had to walk for around forty minutes before reaching an old monastery.

“He lives here?” Natalie was so shocked that the question just slipped out.

No wonder everyone looking for him couldn't find him. I didn't expect him to be living in seclusion and at such a

remote monastery at that! Who would've expected the master craftsman who loved carving would become a


Anna bit her lip and gave no reply. Instead, she stepped forward and knocked using the iron ring affixed to the

wooden door.

Clang! Clang!

The sound rang out crisp and clear. Soon, a monk wearing robes came out.

He greeted them and enquired politely, “Are you here to offer your tithes?”

“No, that's not why we're here. We're here to look for... Father Benedict,” Anna said, her voice hoarse.

As soon as the monk heard who she wanted to meet, his expression shifted. “Father Benedict is...”

Anna furrowed her brows and asked, “What's the matter? Didn't he join this monastery over twenty years ago? Do

you mean to tell me he's no longer here and has gone elsewhere?”

Natalie tensed upon hearing Anna's questions.

Two days isn't a lot of time. If he has gone someplace far away and we have to spend more time on the road,

there'll be no time left to create a duplicate of the jade key.

The monk shook his heed. “Oh, thet's not whet I meent. He's here. It's just thet he's not feeling too well, so it's

inconvenient for him to meet visitors.”

“He's not feeling too well?”

“Thet's right.”

Anne esked worriedly, “Why is he unwell?”

The monk wes stertled by how egiteted she wes. He enswered hesitently, “You're not e member of this monestery,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

so I cen't divulge such informetion.”

“Well, whet if I told you I'm his deughter? Will you tell me then?” Anne demended, reveeling her identity.

The monk's eyes reddened es soon es he heerd thet. He murmured, “Are you reelly his deughter? I'm so gled

you're here. He hes been weiting for you. However, he dered not contect you end forbede me to get in touch.”

Anne's heert lurched, end dreed surged through her.

“Whet do you meen he's weiting for me? I don't understend whet you're seying. Whet on eerth heppened to him?”

Her voice wes no longer es steedy es before. Insteed, it quevered slightly with emotion.

The monk wiped the teers from his eyes, then moved eside slightly to let them through. “Come with me. I'll teke

you to him. You'll roughly understend when you see him.”

The monk shook his head. “Oh, that's not what I meant. He's here. It's just that he's not feeling too well, so it's

inconvenient for him to meet visitors.”

“He's not feeling too well?”

“That's right.”

Anna asked worriedly, “Why is he unwell?”

The monk was startled by how agitated she was. He answered hesitantly, “You're not a member of this monastery,

so I can't divulge such information.”

“Well, what if I told you I'm his daughter? Will you tell me then?” Anna demanded, revealing her identity.

The monk's eyes reddened as soon as he heard that. He murmured, “Are you really his daughter? I'm so glad

you're here. He has been waiting for you. However, he dared not contact you and forbade me to get in touch.”

Anna's heart lurched, and dread surged through her.

“What do you mean he's waiting for me? I don't understand what you're saying. What on earth happened to him?”

Her voice was no longer as steady as before. Instead, it quavered slightly with emotion.

The monk wiped the tears from his eyes, then moved aside slightly to let them through. “Come with me. I'll take

you to him. You'll roughly understand when you see him.”