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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107

Gosh! I have an arm filled with cuts! How dare this man behave so wildly and pin me under him?

Samuel slightly distanced from Natalie while caressing her lips with his finger. “So what if we kiss? One

little peck won’t affect your injured arm. After all, it’s your lips that I’m ravaging.”

With that, he threw himself against her body and planted his lips deeper against hers.

This time, he was more cautious not to touch the injury on Natalie’s arm. He even made sure to avoid

placing too much of his weight on her body.

“Y-You animal…” Natalie’s muffled voice cursed.

Unfortunately, it had little effect on Samuel, who hungrily continued to run his tongue along the insides

of her mouth.

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Natalie’s resistance toward his kiss only made him desire it even more. He wanted her to get used to

the intimate gesture and make her fall for him.

Before the situation got steamier, a woman opened the ward’s door and spoke. “Samuel, are you here?

I’ve come to visit you.”

Both Samuel and Natalie instantly recognized that it was Yara’s voice.

Natalie was out of breath after the kiss. However, she suppressed her breathlessness and let out a

flustered cough to hide how she had been kissing Samuel earlier.

Meanwhile, Samuel seemed to be in a much more composed state compared to her.

The only odd thing was that his voice sounded hoarse and deep, as though his desire. was now


Any adult, especially those with experience in dating, would know both of them had been kissing

passionately a while ago on the patient’s bed from a single glance; Yara was no exception.

Her face paled instantly. She felt as though her heart skipped a beat. Without realizing it, Yara’s jaw

dropped, and she could not bring herself to utter a word.

The truth was that she wanted to visit the Bowers residence to win over Franklin and Sophia, and

ultimately, Samuel. There, she found out from Gavin that Sophia was with Steven.

Gavin knew nothing and had only told her that Samuel was at the hospital.

Humans were the weakest when they were sick. Plus, Samuel rarely fell ill, so it was only natural that

Yara would use this opportunity to gain his favor.

Unfortunately, she did not expect to find him literally tongue-tied with Natalie.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Yara’s sly plan to seduce Samuel had backfired into a ridiculous joke.

Samuel is not the one injured. It‘s that ugly, freckled b*tch who‘s hurt. What‘s worse is that she‘s blushing and is panting ever so slightly. I know that look. I bet she‘s all giddy inside, thinking that Samuel is in love with her. How could she do this? She‘s received ten million from me and has even signed an agreement to stay away from Samuel. So what the hell is she doing shoving her tongue down his throat right now?

Yara’s fists clenched tightly. Nevertheless, she bit back her anger as she was in Samuel’s presence.

It was not the right time for Yara to do anything to Natalie at that moment. Thus, she planned to teach

the latter a lesson once Samuel was gone.

“You. Are you done staring?” Samuel snapped with an icy expression.

“S-Samuel, I was so worried that you got injured…” Yara bit her lip gently, her eyes filled with

reluctance. “…. I suppose I’ve misunderstood.”

A smirk formed on Natalie’s lips when she saw Yara pretending to be a meek and tame woman.

Triumph swelled in Natalie’s chest, knowing that Yara could not do anything to her for kissing Samuel.

She thought to herself, How refreshing. Upsetting Yara seems way more fun than I thought...

Just as Samuel was about to get up from Natalie’s body, a pair of small and slender hands suddenly

grabbed his shirt.