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The More the Merrier

Chapter 1046
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Chapter 1046 Not Sick

Arissa considered what words to use before saying, “I love all of you very much,


The children blinked and nodded. “We know!”

Then, she continued softly, “Actually, I'm not sick. I'm pregnant!”

In response to hearing that, the children widened their eyes in shock.

Anxiety bubbled in her heart because she was afraid the children would feel dejected.

The children turned to her abdomen before staring at her again.

“You're pregnant, Mommy?” inquired Zachary, shocked.

“Mhm!” Arissa's heart raced as she nodded at the children.

“Is it Mr. Graham's?” questioned Jasper.

That rendered Arissa speechless.

Benjamin furrowed his eyebrows and knocked on the boy's head. “What are you saying?”

Jasper caressed his head and grinned. “We have another sibling!”

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Meanwhile, Gavin was interested in touching Arissa's belly but withdrew his hand at the

last second because he didn't dare to.

Jesse did the same too.

“Is it a boy or a girl, Mommy?” wondered Tim out loud with anticipation.

Upon observing the children's joyous expressions, Arissa sighed with relief.

Benjamin glanced at her before at the children. “You all should be careful. Don't

accidentally bump into your mommy.”

In response, the children glanced at Benjamin before turning back to Arissa.

“If you're pregnant, why are you on the drip, Mommy?” Furrowing his eyebrows, Gavin

held his mother's hand with concern.

Smiling, Arissa comforted, “My body was feeling a little weak, which is why I'm on the IV


Also frowning, Tim worriedly asked, “Are you feeling better now, Mommy?”

“Much better!” She grinned at the children and comforted them. “It wasn't as serious as

Daddy said it was. No need to be so careful!”

Staring at his mother's abdomen, Oliver asked with intrigue, “Can I touch your tummy,


Arissa nodded. “Sure!”

Upon gaining his mother's permission, he gently touched her belly. “Be good inside, okay?

Otherwise, I won't forgive you when you're out of Mommy!”

Jasper did the same. “Don't be naughty, all right? Behave yourself inside!”

“I wanna touch too, Jasper!” Jesse was too short to reach her mother's baby bump.

“Slow down! Don't bump into her!”

Arissa beamed kindly as she watched her children touch her abdomen with curiosity.

Turning to Benjamin, Zachary asked, “How long does Mommy need to stay in the hospital,

Mr. Graham?”

“At least a few days! She needs her rest,” Benjamin answered. “In a while, all of you will

be sent home. I'll stay here and keep your mommy company.”

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Promptly, the children turned to Benjamin and stated resolutely, “We want to stay here

and keep Mommy company, too!”

Benjamin frowned, whereas Arissa chuckled and coaxed, “You must return home and rest,

Sweethearts. Tomorrow, you all will go to Grandpa's place to play with Grandpa and Great-

grandaunt. Your Daddy will accompany all of you there while I stay in the hospital by


Then she glanced at Benjamin. “Take them back home!”

He swept his gaze past her and eyed the IV drip bag, which was almost empty.

Hence, he summoned a nurse by pressing the nurse call button. Soon, a nurse arrived to

remove the needle.

Jesse touched the spot the needle was on Arissa's hand. “Is it still painful, Mommy?”

Then she blew at that spot, which warmed Arissa's heart instead.

“It's not painful anymore!”

Meanwhile, Benjamin kept a close eye on the children in case they suddenly pounced

toward their mother.