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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

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Chapter 94: Ayla “She went after the Moonstone,” | said.

Sister Mona smiled at me. “She did,” she confirmed. “But it wasn’t easy. She was wary of approaching the Onyxcrown to help her. She knew they would likely see her as a threat should to prevail. Lorna's brother had already left the pack prior to her ordeal. So, she sought him among the rogues. That is when she discovered that Lorna's brother was her fated mate, Isaac Arden.” out “They fought her father together.”.

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“Indeed,” she replied. “But it was a long and bl oody battle. They didn’t have enough wolves to fight against the power of the Moonstone. The fight eventually spilled into Onyxcrown territory. The Onyxcrown were led by a young, new Alpha. One who had witnessed the damage the Sablemane abuse had done. His nwas Jacob.” “Like my father,” | said.

“Yes, he was your father's namesake, | would guess,” Sister Mona replied. “He reached out to Lorna and Isaac in secret. Together, along with Jacob's sister, Kora, they searched for a way to destroy Alpha Thane’s connection to the Moonstone, stripping him of his powers.” “But the only way to do that was to split in two,” Theo said next to me. “Which, I'm guessing, would have reduced Jacob’s powers as well.” “You are correct, young Alpha,” Sister Mona confirmed. “But it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.” “So, they split the stone, leaving one half with Jacob and the 0.00% 0 x] 11:23D Chapter 247: Ayla 288 iVouchers Onyxcrowns and the other with Lorna and Isaac, to be brought here, creating the Greytooth pack,” | concluded.

“Very good,” Sister Mona replied with a smile.

“But where do you cinto this?” | asked “Why was this all hidden from our history? What does this Moon Haven Order have anything to do with all of this?” “Jacob's sister was a holy woman,” Sister Mona said. “She was touched by the moon goddess and blessed with the gift of premonition.” Theo rubbed my back. “You said you read about one of your ancestors with that ability.” I nodded. “I did.” “The process to split the Moonstone wasn’t an easy one,” Mona stated. “It took a spiritual ritual to break it, during which Kora was sent a vision from the goddess. She predicted that the Moonstone would one day need to be reconstituted. The power it holds sustains our abilities. It keeps us tied to our wolves, to that part of who we are. It wasn't just the original families who lost something when the stone was broken. It cost us all.” She glanced up at Alpha Torin. “Over time, we becmore susceptible to disease and other afflictions.” “Like addiction?” Kylee questioned from behind us.

Sister Mona looked at her. “Yes, my dear, like addiction. After the ritual, Matilda, Jacob, and Kora made the decision to hide this truth to protect the secret of the prophecy. They feared outside influence might prevent the true intended outcome. One half of the stone went with each of them and Kora, well, Kora left werewolf territory altogether.” “What do you mean?” Theo asked.

27.17% 1130 Chapter 247: 7: Ayla “Young Alpha, how do you think we've kept this a secret all this time?” she asked. “Kora took three other she- wolves with her and moved to human territory. They hid within a town there as an exclusive religious sect 288 Vouchers The Mor Haven Order. Every ten years, we send one of our sisters back to pack lands. They spend tobserving and learning the changes to our people.

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And to find possible new recruits.” “But what does the prediction have to do withand Theo?” | asked.

“Not just anyone can bring the Moonstone back together,” Luna Grace said. “Its powers are still tied to the original families’ bloodlines.” “Okay,” | said, standing from my seat to pace the floor. “That doesn’t seem so difficult. | don’t see why it has to be us. We've all seen what power can do to people. Just look at the Waar P ak. | mean, do we really think this is the best tto be reconstituting something that can be so corruptive?” “Do you think it could corrupt you, my dear?” Sister Mona said.

“Only a fool would consider themselves incorruptible,” | said with a side-eyed glance at the woman, “And I'm far from perfect. I'm no stranger to bending the rules when | have to.

Sister Mona continued to smile at me. “Any single person is more susceptible. That is true,” she stated. “But what about two people? Can they not benefit from each other's moral compass? Could they not keep the other in check?” The sister stood up and crossed the floor, stopping my pacing.

“The Sablemanes hadn't had a true Luna, a fated mate for their Alpha, in over five generations. They took chosen mates to keep the bloodlines alive, but the relationships were strained at best,” she told 5701% [e] 1123 Chapter 247: Ayla me.

288 Vouchers “Well, the Greytooth pack has had plenty of fated couples leading them before now.

“But not one made up of both families,” she pointed out. “The prophecy states that a true Luna will arise and join the families together. Only when the first bloodlines are united can the Moonstone becone again. Once the Moonstone is whole again, so will we be.” “And a bigger target Theo and I will be,” | said. “I've had enough of being in the line of fire.” “But you can stop all of that,” Sister Mona insisted. “You can’t hide from this, Ayla. It is your fate.”