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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77: Ayla

Theo drank the last of his coffee and stood up. He came over to the sink and washed the

mug. It was a small space, and we stood only inches apart. I focused on the coffee in my

cup. He dried the mug and put it away before looking out the window over the sink.

“I guess we’re both trying to learn from all this,” he said gently.

I rested my hand on his forearm. I accepted the tingling sensation I knew I needed to

avoid, but I couldn’t help it. The room stood still for a time. Until Theo reached up and

pushed my hair behind my ear, cupping my cheek. Our eyes locked.


He was interrupted by the sound of a loud engine approaching the house. He looked

toward the door.

“Are you or my parents expecting anyone today?” he asked.

“Not that I know of,” I said. “Could it be one of the warriors?”

He shook his head. His hand went to my shoulder with a gentle


“Wait here.”

I did as he said while he left the guest house. Even if he had found me, surely Conner

wouldn’t dare come barrelling up the pack Alpha’s driveway? It wasn’t long before I heard

voices drift through the screen door. I went to look and saw Theo speaking with a man.

They seemed to know each other, so I assumed it was safe.



Chapter 77: Ayla

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Wrapping my cover-up around me, and walked out to meet them. As I got closer, I

recognized the man. It was Beta Harry, Alpha Torin’s Beta.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Ah, there’s the VIP guest,” Beta Harry said, reaching for my hand. “How are you, Ms.


“Beta Harry,” I replied, “it’s bee

a long time. It’s good to see you.”

“You as well. And you looking as beautiful as ever.”

I shook my head. I forgot how much of a charmer Beta Harry was. It had been several

years since I had seen him last.

“I didn’t think you were coming until next weekend?” Theo commented.

“I got freed up early. When I heard Torin was getting a book written about him, I had to

come and make sure he doesn’t exaggerate things in his favor too much,” Beta Harry


“Ha,” Theo scoffed. “More like you two will battle over who remembers what correctly.”

Beta Harry chuckled. “I better head in and surprise your old man. I’m looking forward to

sharing stories with you, Ayla.”

“Me too,” I replied with a smile.

He made his way into the house, leaving Theo and me behind.

“I should go get changed,” I said. “It doesn’t look like I’ll be getting a swim in this


“Looks like,” Theo said, rubbing his neck. “I’ve got to head out. The patrol will be in place

within the next hour. If you head into town or



Chapter 77. Ayla

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the city, let Briggs know. Or me. We’ll make sure someone is close by.”

“So I guess that doesn’t mean I’m stuck here?” I joked.

He looked confused. “Why would you be stuck here?”

“Nothing,” I said. “But, um, I was planning to go into the city for a little while tomorrow.

Zeff will be in town and wants to meet up.”

“Okay,” Theo nodded. “Just let one of us know when you leave.”

“I can do that,” I said.

I went back to the guest house and changed. I packed everything up as well so I could

move into the main house later. My phone pinged on the nightstand. It was Kingston

checking in. Again. I sighed and shook my head. I messaged him back. I smiled when he

replied. He promised to take me for a night out as soon as I returned.

I had just grabbed my work bag when I heard Beta Harry from the other room.

“Knock, knock,” he called.

I left the bedroom. “Beta Harry, I was just on my way over. Is everything okay?”

“Yes, yes, everything is fine,” he said kindly. “I just wanted to come and see how you are

doing. I heard it’s been an interesting few months for you.”

“Yeah, I suppose you can say that,” I expressed. “But I’m doing good.”

“Good,” he said. He indicated toward the door, so we could walk to the main house

together. “And what about your family. Are your sister and



Chapter 79 Ayla

mother fairing well? I understand Theo and Kylee’s separation wasn’t exactly amicable.”

I followed him. “My family and I have had a bit of a falling out, I’m afraid. I haven’t spoken

to them in some time. But my cousin says they are about as well as can be expected

“I’m sorry to hear that,” he replied. “I know how protective you were of them.”

“Yes, it’s been hard,” I replied. “I’ve been coping, but I still worry about them.’

“I can have someone check in on them for you if you like,” he offered. “I can also stop by

when I’m in the area. I pass by the area when I

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

go visit my daughter.”

“I would appreciate that,” I said with a smile. “Just don’t tell them I sent you. I’m not sure

how they would take it.”

“Of course,” he agreed. “Your secret is safe with me.”

“Thank you.”

“And what about you and Theo?” he asked.

“W-what do you mean?” I stuttered, his question catching me off guard.


“I saw him come out of the guest house this morning,” he commented. “I’m guessing that

means there’s no ill will between you two over what happened with your sister?”

“Oh, that,” I said, relieved. “No, I understand my sister is the one who made the fatal

mistake in that relationship. He did what he felt was right.”



Chapter 77: Ayla

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“So you have become close to him since you’ve been here?”

“Who? Theo? No,” I rushed, feeling heat rush to my face. “He’s only been here a couple

times. We don’t talk much. He was just out patrolling the area all night. So I offered him a

cup of coffee before he left. That’s all.”

“Well, at least it hasn’t been too awkward for you then,” Beta Harry said. “I’m sure that

Sablemane Alpha of yours appreciates him keeping his distance. We wouldn’t want you

giving anyone the wrong idea about you two.”

It was a strange remark. It made me wonder if Beta Harry knew more about our situation

than I thought. I didn’t know why, but that made me nervous. Even though we hadn’t

really discussed it, I felt there was an unspoken understanding that our being mates would

be kept secret. From what I could tell, he hadn’t told anyone other than Briggs, Mina, and

his mother. What other impression could he be worried about? Why did he care?