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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70: Theo

I was sitting on the edge of my bed, hunched over with my elbows on my knees, my head

in my hands. I had been like that for a while, not even bothering to try to sleep.

‘Theo, what are you doing back?’ Briggs asked through the mind-link.

The corner of my lips twitched. ‘So you knew she was coming too, didn’t you?’

There was silence for a minute.

I’m on my way, Theo.’

Good. We had work to do. I stood up and went to my dresser. I grabbed some clothes and

changed. I was pulling a shirt over my head when Briggs arrived.

“Theo,” he said as soon as he walked in, “I’m sorry, bro. I wanted to tell you, but your

mother told me not to.

“It’s okay, Briggs,” I said. “We’re good.”

“So, what happened? Did you get to talk to Ayla?”

“Yeah,” I said, grabbing my socks and shoes. “We talked.”

“And?” Briggs said, stepping further into the room.

I knew I should tell him what happened. I probably needed to talk to someone. But I

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couldn’t. I just needed to focus on something else for a little while. I couldn’t afford to

unravel again, and I wouldn’t.

Chapter 70 Theo

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“And I’ve got to get to work.” I finished tying my shoes and stood to leave.

“You’re really not going to tell me what happened between you two?” Briggs protested.

I put a hand on his shoulder. “Briggs, I’m okay. Really. I’m going to meet Jimmy. He has

some financials he wants to go over with me. I guess we’ve had a good quarter. I’ll have to

decide where to reinvest…”

“What the hell, Theo?” Briggs exclaimed. “No, you may be able to pretend nothing is

going on, but I can’t. Now talk to me.

I closed the door to my room. He wasn’t going to let this go, and I didn’ t want anyone

overhearing us.

“Look, man,” I said calmly, “I get it. I just don’t know what to say right now. None of us

believed this mess could be fixed with a single conversation, Briggs. Right now, it is what

it is. There’s nothing more to say.”

“Not that I’m complaining,” Briggs replied, “but how are you so calm about this?”

“Because I have to be,” I said with a shrug. “I can’t overthink things right now. It won’t put

me in a good head space, and that’s the last thing we need.”

“So it didn’t go well with Ayla?” he asked dejectedly.

“Actually,” I grinned a little, “it did. She let me apologize for everything. We talked about

why we both did what we did. What we were going through. She forgave me, Briggs.”

“Theo, that’s a huge step,” Briggs said excitedly. I was touched that he had gotten so

invested in my relationship with Ayla.

Chapter 70: Theo

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“I kissed her,” I said, remembering every detail. “She kissed me back. The bond is


“So, what the hell are you doing here?” Briggs demanded, throwing his hands in the air.

“What’s next? What’s the plan from here?”

“There is no plan, Briggs,” I sighed. “Ayla may feel something for me, but she also has

feelings for Kingston. She made it clear she made a commitment to him. Not that the ring

on her finger didn’t tell me the same thing.”

“You’ve got to be shi***ng me,” Briggs said.

“That doesn’t really matter,” I said, brushing it off. “Kingston hasn’t made the mistakes I

have. I can’t put Ayla in a position where she feels forced to choose. There can’t be any

ultimatums or competitions. I won’ t push her, Briggs.”

“Okay, okay, I get it,” he acknowledged. “So, what…? You finally get her here, and you’re

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not even going to fight for her?”

“No, I’m not,” I stated. “But that doesn’t mean I’m giving up on us yet. It just means the

situation is less in my control than I hoped.”

Briggs ran a hand over his face. “Theo, I have no idea what you’re thinking.”


“Ayla will be with my parents for a few weeks at least,” I told him. “I still have my weekly

dinner with them on Fridays. If I can keep her from avoiding me completely, I’ll have some

time with her. We can get to know each other. Right now, that’s all I can ask for, and just

hope that it’s enough.”

“And if it isn’t?”

“Then I let her go,” I stated, ignoring the sharp pull in my chest at my

Chapter 70 Theo

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words. “And try to find some closure in knowing I did it right this time. In the meantime,

we have a pack to run and a murderer on the loose. I need it to be business as usual. If I

have the opportunity to think about Ayla too long, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my


“Okay, we can manage that,” Briggs conceded.

“Good,” I said. “Let’s go meet Jimmy

Chapter 71: Kingston

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