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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56: Ayla

Luna Grace looped her arm in mine and started to lead me away. I had seen her before the

afternoon Luná meeting, and we had talked for a short time. She had said how

disappointed she and Alpha Torin were to hear that I had left the pack, but she was glad I

had found a place with Kingston and the Sablemane pack. From our conversation, I didn’ t

think she knew what had happened between me and Theo.

“I was very impressed with you at the meeting today,” Luna Grace said when we were

away from the others

“Thank you, but I didn’t have much to offer,” I said graciously. “It was just the one idea.”

“It is a great idea,” she said. “I hope to help you make it a reality someday soon.”

“I would like that,” I replied honestly.

e said. ”

“There’s something else I want to talk to you about,” sure you know about Alpha Torin’s


“Yes,” I confirmed. “I was sorry to hear the diagnosis. Alpha Torin has been good to me

and my family.

“He would be glad to hear you say that,” Luna Grace said sincerely. “Anyway, his condition

has progressed faster than we had hoped. I’ve been thinking about what it will be like

when he’s gone.”

I hated the pain in her voice. She was trying to mask it, but I could still hear it. I’m not

sure anyone could fully hide the pain of losing their mate. Especially when they have been

together for so long. I still had

Chapter 56 Ayla

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trouble hiding my own, and I was never with Theo.

“I can’t imagine how hard that must be,” I said quietly.

She squeezed my arm gently.

“I’ve been trying to come up with something that would keep him with us,” she continued.

“I initially thought about a monument, but that seemed a little surface-level. I want to do

something that shows who he is, who he was, and everything he did throughout his life.

That’s when I thought of you.”

“Me. Lunca Grace?” I was confused. “What can I do for him?”

“I want to hire you to write his memoir,” she said.

I froze. “Luna Grace,” I said. “I’d be honored, but I don’t write non-


“Perhaps, but we both know you can. Besides, I don’t think Torin would talk to anyone


I was touched by the statement, but it was likely an exaggeration. Alpha Torin had been

kind to me in the past, but I didn’t think he had any sentimental attachment to me. I

couldn’t think of any reason he would be more receptive to me specifically. Either way, I

wasn’t a Greytooth anymore and didn’t live in their territory. This was a job for a pack

member, and the information needed to accomplish it should be gathered in person and

take time. I wouldn’t want to do it any other


“I’m sorry, Luna Grace,” I said. “It truly would be an honor, but I live with the Sablemane

pack now. This project is too personal for an outsider to take on over video chats and


“Ayla,” she said, lifting her hand to my cheek, “ties or not, you will

Chapter 56: Ayla

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never be an outsider. Come stay with us. I know Mina asked you to come help plan her

and Briggs’ mating ceremony. You can work with Torin while you’re there.”

Helping Mina only meant coming out for a few weekends. Getting the material I would

need for a biography could take weeks. It wasn’t the same thing. With one, I could safely

avoid Theo. With the other, that would be nearly impossible.

Mina hadn’t pushed for more from me. I hated that she was hesitant. about even asking

me to be a part of the ceremony. Of course I wanted to be a part of it. I didn’t care if Theo

would be there. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.

Mating ceremonies were the equivalent of a human wedding. It was where a couple would

commit to each other in front of their friends and family before marking each other. The

ritual originally became popular with chosen mates when fated mates became a rarer

occurrence than they had been a few hundred years ago. Ranking pack members

eventually picked up the tradition to show unity with the rest of the pack. It was an

important part of their relationship and often helped strengthen the mate bond and the

bond with the pack. This was especially important when one of them was coming from

another pack.

Nothing would stop me from being there for Mina on that day.

But to spend weeks in Greytooth territory? I don’t know if I could do that. Kingston

wouldn’t like it. I knew that much. Besides, I needed to stay close to him. If there was

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anything to his theory, our bond would get stronger the longer we were together. And

there was my job and Emma and the other pack members that had become my friends. I

didn’ t want to jeopardize that right now.

Still, I couldn’t deny the pull of her request. It really was an honor to be asked to do this.

And she was right. I could do it. I would love to be able to do this for Alpha Torin and Luna




Chapter 56: Ayla

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She seemed to sense my inner debate and held my hand in h*


“You don’t have to answer right now,” she said. “You just think about it and let me know.

We’ll be staying at the lake house for now. You can stay with us. We have a lovely guest

house that’s all yours.

“Okay,” I replied with a smile. “I promise to consider it.”

“Wonderful,” she said. “And this is a job, Ayla. It’s not a favor. So, if you decide to take it,

just name your price.”

I laughed. “We’ll worry about that if the time comes.’


“Of course,” she said, taking my arm again. “Now, we should be getting back inside. I’m

sure Alpha Kingston is getting a bit antsy with me taking all your time.”

“I’m sure he would live,” I replied.

“I wouldn’t,” a deep voice came from the shadows. “I wouldn’t let you out of my sight

looking like that.”

A figure stepped out into the light. It was Alpha Conner.

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