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The Lucky Wife Reborn In the 90s Era Has A Spatial Ability

Chapter 158 - 158 Chapter 157, Blind Date (2)
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158 Chapter 157, Blind Date (2)

Li Lei got on the bike and turned to Meng Xiaoning. He said in a deep voice, “Come on up, I’ll take you to eat.”

Hearing that, Meng Xiaoning blushed and sat on the back seat of Li Lei’s bike.

She didn’t dare to touch Li Lei’s waist. She could only grab the corner of her clothes and stare at her toes.

Li Lei gave a strong push, and the bike started to move.

The huge inertia caused Meng Xiaoning to dodge and subconsciously grabbed Li Lei’s waist.

Then, as if she had been electrocuted, she quickly pulled her hand back. Her face was so red that it looked like it was about to drip blood.

Li Lei was also stunned and forgot to push his foot.

Only when the bike was about to stop did he react. He quickly pushed his foot again and the bike ran far away.

Ji Yuanyuan looked at the backs of the two people with a smile on her face. Love, how wonderful!

Seeing this, Liang Huimei knew that Li Lei was a simple and honest man. Her daughter would not be at a disadvantage, so she smiled and left after saying goodbye to Li Xu.

Li Yong chuckled and rubbed his fists as he said, “Sis, I’m worried about my brother. I’ll follow him to take a look!”

Hearing this, the smile on Li Xu’s face disappeared, “Your brother is going on a blind date. Why are you following him to take a look? Just help him out and don’t go anywhere!”

“Aiya, I’m not going to show up, I’m just going to sneak a peek so that I can give my brother some advice when he gets back.” With that said, Li Yong did not care whether Li Xu agreed or not and directly slipped out.

When Ji Yuanyuan saw this, she also rushed out with her short legs, “Second Uncle, I want to go too!”

Li Yong was originally going to ride his own bike, but when he heard this, he quickly changed it to Zhang Kun’s bike. He placed Ji Yuanyuan on the seat of the crossbeam and rode off.

Before he left, Ji Yuanyuan turned around and shouted at Li Xu, “Mom, call Grandpa Qin and tell him that I’ll visit him again in the afternoon!”

Ji Zi’ang was worried, so he had to follow suit, “Second Uncle, I…”

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However, he ran too slowly. Before he could finish his sentence, his collar was grabbed by Li Xu.

Little fellow, if I can’t catch Li Yong, can’t I still catch you?

Each of them was like this. She laughed in anger, “What do you want to do?”

Ji Zi’ang’s face was bitter, but when he turned around, he quickly broke into a smile, “Mom, I want to help you catch Second Uncle!”

Li Xu snorted coldly. She had long seen through Ji Zi’ang’s little tricks.

Since Ji Yuanyuan did not go to Qin Junshan, there was no need for these two children to go.

She immediately said, “You two go home and do your homework. You’re not allowed to go anywhere!”

When Ji Zi’ang heard this, the smile on his face instantly disappeared.

“We’re not going to Grandpa Qin’s place anymore?”

Even if they could not go out to play with Second Uncle and the others, they could go to Grandpa Qin’s place. At least, there would still be good food.

“Still not going home yet?” Li Xu glared and asked seriously.

Seeing that Li Xu was angry, Ji Zi’ang shrunk his neck in fear.

Zhang Kun tried to smooth things over, “Hurry up and go home. Finish your homework early, I’ll buy you guys some soda this afternoon.”

Hearing this, Ji Zi’ang smiled and nodded at Zhang Kun enthusiastically. He then quickly grabbed Ji Zixuan’s hand and ran home.

Li Xu saw the backs of her two sons and looked at Zhang Kun helplessly, “You just have to spoil them!”

Zhang Kun also smiled, “I’m willing to, let them be!”

On the other side, Li Yong carried Ji Yuanyuan and followed behind Li Lei from afar.

The two of them did not dare to follow too closely, afraid that Li Lei and Meng Xiaoning would discover them.

They had just discovered that the two of them were extremely shy.

If they were discovered, the blind date today would probably be ruined.

The reason why he followed behind them was that Li Yong was still a little worried.

His brother was not good at expressing himself and didn’t know how to read people’s expressions.

If he offended the lady in any way, he probably wouldn’t know either.

Li Lei was unpretentious. He brought Meng Xiaoning all the way to the entrance of a restaurant. The two of them stopped as if they were talking about something.

Ji Yuanyuan and Li Yong hid in the corner, feeling anxious.

“It’s only past ten, what’s there to eat!” Ji Yuanyuan muttered, “They should go shopping before eating, Elsedt Uncle is so stupid!”

Li Yong nodded in agreement when he heard Ji Yuanyuan’s words, “That’s right!”

After saying that, he felt that something was not right.

He reached out and knocked Ji Yuanyuan on the head, “You little brat, how do you know so much?”

Ji Yuanyuan rubbed her head, “Even if I never eaten pork, haven’t I seen a pig run before? It’s all in TV dramas and books!”

Li Yong said in a low voice, “Do TV dramas and books still teach these things nowadays?”

When he looked up, Li Lei had already gotten on his bike and was driving Meng Xiaoning far away.

It was probably because Meng Xiaoning had rejected his suggestion to eat.

Li Yong hurriedly got on his bike and followed them.

This time, the two of them arrived at the department store.

Li Yong and Ji Yuanyuan could not follow them. The department store was only so big. It was crowded and easy to lose them. It was also easy to be discovered.

The two of them stopped by the roadside. They planned to wait here until the two of them came out.


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Shopping and chatting, the two of them should have a certain understanding of each other.

When the two of them came out, looking at Meng Xiaoning’s expression, they knew that there was no hope for the two of them.

Li Yong felt that he was very smart.

Li Lei and Meng Xiaoning entered the department store one after the other. Before entering, Meng Xiaoning tilted her head and quickly retracted it.

Ji Yuanyuan looked in the direction where Meng Xiaoning had tilted her head and found that there was a small stall selling soft drinks and candied haws.

Ji Yuanyuan sighed and asked Li Yong, “Second Uncle, if it were you, would you bring the girl directly inside?”

Li Yong also sighed and shook his head, “I would buy two bottles of soft drinks and a candied haws for the girl before going in!”

Of course, his brother was not stingy, he just did not notice it.

However, which girl did not like an attentive boy?

Thinking of this, Li Yong let out a long sigh.

The Nephew and Uncle squatted on the curb, maintaining the same posture. They looked at the entrance of the department store with a worried expression.


A moment later, Li Yong turned his head to look at Ji Yuanyuan. “Do you want it? I’ll buy it for you.”

Ji Yuanyuan shook her head and bared her teeth, “Forget it!”

Her front teeth had already grown out, but a few of her big teeth had fallen off. It was difficult for her to eat now, let alone eat candied haws.

She was afraid that the candied haws would stick to her remaining big teeth.

The two nephew and uncle waited outside for almost an hour before Li Lei and Meng Xiaoning came out of the department store.

Li Lei walked in front and pulled the curtain for Meng Xiaoning in a gentlemanly manner. His hands were empty and he did not take anything.

Meng Xiaoning came out from behind the curtain and opened her mouth as if to say thank you.

The expression on her face was very awkward as if she wanted to laugh but couldn’t.

Li Yong hid behind the pillar with Ji Yuanyuan. When he saw Meng Xiaoning’s expression, he blurted out, “It’s over, looking at Miss Meng’s expression, is it… over?”

It looked like she was not very happy!