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The Lucky Wife Reborn In the 90s Era Has A Spatial Ability

Chapter 134
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134 Chapter 133, I Don’t Know

Yufang’s mother’s words with hidden meanings came from inside the house.

Li Lei held back his anger and didn’t say anything.

Liang Yufang’s face was a little awkward, “Mom, what are you talking about! He’s back, so it’s only right for him to go home first.”

After saying that, she said politely to Li Lei, “Let’s go, let’s talk inside.”

Seeing this, Li Lei could only hold back his anger and follow Yufang into the house.

“Why haven’t I seen Uncle Liang?” Li Lei sat down on the edge of the heated brick bed and asked.

Yufang had yet to speak when Yufang’s mother spoke again.

“Who asked our family to be poor? He could only go out to work and earn money to support our family. Otherwise, we wouldn’t even be able to eat. My daughter has been raised to such an age, and she hasn’t even taken a penny home. My life is tough!”

Hearing Yufang’s mother’s strange words, Li Lei subconsciously looked at Yufang.

Yufang’s face was flushed red, “Mother, what are you talking about? Didn’t I... Give you money a few times before?”

“Who can spend that bit of money? Are you trying to get rid of beggars? You still have the nerve to mention it!” Yufang’s mother immediately said angrily.

Li Lei finally understood that Yufang’s mother was complaining that he gave her too little money!

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Yufang didn’t have a job and usually helped the family farm. How could she have the money to give to her mother?

Presumably, every time he sent Yufang money, Yufang would give it to her mother and tell her mother about the source of the money.

It really matched that saying, people’s desires were insatiable!

Li Lei felt his whole body was pricked all over. He couldn’t stay here any longer. However, when he saw Yufang’s expression, he felt that he couldn’t bear it.

“Li Lei, you must be here to give a betrothal gift, right? Give it to me. It just so happens that we haven’t eaten meat for a few days. It’s such a coincidence that you’re here!” Yufang’s mother saw that Li Lei didn’t respond, she didn’t beat around the bush and said directly.

“Auntie, I have a few words to say to Yufang. We can talk about the dowry later.” Li Lei stood up and looked at Yufang, “Let’s talk outside!”

Yufang’s mother was stunned. She didn’t expect Li Lei to say such tough words.

“Then what do you mean? Do you still want to marry Yufang or not?” Yufang’s mother stood up immediately and held Yufang’s hand, “If you don’t give me the money, you have no status. What kind of words does my daughter have to say to you?”

Li Lei kept looking at Liang Yufang, but Liang Yufang was standing behind her mother with her head lowered.

Li Lei took a deep breath and directly asked, “Yufang, what do you think? If I don’t give you the thousand Yuan, I won’t even be able to say a few words to you, right? The two of us are engaged, how can I have no rights?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Yufang’s mother was about to say something, but Yufang tugged at her mother and said in a low voice, “Mother, I’ll go out and have a few words with him. I’ll be back very soon. Stop fooling around!”

Yufang’a mother seemed to have thought of something and released her hand, “Hurry up and say it. Cook when you come back, your brother was hungry already.”

Yufang nodded and took the lead to walk out.

She brought Li Lei out of the house and walked towards the back.

Their house was the last row in the village and behind it was the village land.

It was noon and there wasn’t anyone in the land.

Yufang suddenly stood still and turned back to look at Li Lei. With tears in her eyes, she said, “Li Lei, my mother is like that, you know that. Don’t take her words to heart.”

Seeing Yufang like this, Li Lei’s heart couldn’t help but soften.

“If you really can’t take out that one thousand Yuan, I’ll try to persuade my mother again. If she insists on not agreeing, I’ll just go on a hunger strike and resist!”

Li Lei sighed, “It’s not about the thousand Yuan. I’ve sent you quite a lot of money over the years, haven’t I?”

Liang Yufang nodded.

“I just want to ask you, what do you think? Do you know that your mother went to look for my parents twice? She even said some nasty things?” As Li Lei spoke, his anger rose.

“If you think that the betrothal gifts are small and others have more, so you’ll lose face. You can wait for me to come back and tell me. Wouldn’t it be fine if I secretly made it up to you? All these years, the money I’ve given you, if not a thousand, is already a few hundred. Do you think I’m a stingy person? Why must you make your mother go and make things difficult for my parents?”

This was something that Li Lei had never been able to figure out.

Hearing Li Lei’s words, Yufang’s gaze flickered.

But this flickering gaze only flashed once! So Li Lei didn’t notice it!

Soon, she asked with some doubt, “What? My mother has been there twice? And she said such ugly words? I don’t know that?”

After saying that, she took the initiative to go forward and held Li Lei’s left hand with both hands, with a sincere expression, she said, “Li Lei, believe me, I really don’t know. My mother only told me that she had been there once, and she talked to your parents nicely. I really don’t know. If I knew...”

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At the right time, a tear fell from her face.

Seeing this, Li Lei’s heart trembled. He couldn’t help but reach out his right hand to wipe away the tears on Liang Yufang’s face.

“Alright, Don’t cry, I’ll explain this matter to my parents. You go back and eat first. I’ll come back another day.” Li Lei took a deep breath, softened his tone, and said gently.

Liang Yufang was stunned for a moment. Her red lips parted but she did not say anything.

After sending Li Lei off, Liang Yufang returned home with her head drooping.

The moment she returned home, Yufang’s mother saw that Li Lei did not follow her daughter back. She immediately asked with joy, “How is it? Li Lei went home to get the money?”

Yufang frowned and shook her head, “No, he said that he will discuss it with his parents and come back another day!”

Hearing that, Yufang’s mother immediately furrowed her brows, she scolded, “Useless, you can’t even seduce a man! I’ve already asked around. Li Lei has been in the army for eight years and the discharge fee is quite a lot. Together with his monthly salary, he definitely has quite a lot of money in his hands! He’s not even willing to give us a thousand Yuan. I think he really doesn’t put you in his eyes.”

Hearing that, Liang Yufang also changed her frail appearance in front of Li Lei, she looked at her mother with some anger, “Speaking of which, this is all your fault! I’ve already said that when Li Lei comes back to discuss this matter with him, you just had to go to his place to cause trouble because you were jealous of them hosting a banquet and building a big greenhouse!”

Otherwise, with her methods, won’t a thousand Yuan would be a piece of cake?

When Yufang’s mother heard Liang Yufang’s words, she was instantly enraged, “Who am I doing this for? Am I not doing this for you? No matter how much money Li Lei has, it will belong to the both of you in the future. Naturally, I won’t spend it if I can! His parents have money to hold a banquet for their daughter, and they have money to build a greenhouse for their family. Why can’t they give their future daughter-in-law a thousand Yuan as a betrothal gift?”

As she spoke, Yufang’s mother moved forward, she poked Liang Yufang’s head with force, “If you ask me, you’re really a fool! Their family has two sons. If they don’t give the money to their eldest son, then they will definitely give it to their youngest son in the future, right? Since you can still ask for a higher price now, you naturally have to get more money from his parents!”

His daughter was still young after all. She was too narrow-minded!



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