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The Killer Queen by Noella Briony

Chapter 253
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Chapter 253 The incident had taken Beckett by surprise, leaving even him a bit rattled. And to think his sister, Noella, just a girl shy of her twenties, must have been terrified! Catching the shimmer of fear in Noella’s eyes, Beckett's heart sank with an overwhelming protectiveness. His sister was incredibly mature for her age, a trait that both pained and comforted him.

With a tenderness that was rare for him, Beckett gently patted Noella on the head. “Were you planning to hang out with friends? Go have fun! If you need cash, you know I'm here. And don’t worry about getting toff, I'll handle it!” Clearly, Beckett had misunderstood. He assumed Noella needed a distraction, a brief escape to unwind.

“Alright, Ill head off now. See you later, Beckett.” “And make sure to get that check-up when you're back. Don’t blme for keep nagging at you; | just want to make sure you're alright.” Taking it as a regular check-up to ease Beckett's worries, Noella agreed.

She wasn’t ready to let the Schnabel family in on the complexities of Glen Village just yet. Whether it was the Polaris Star base or the tangled borderlines, it was all better kept away from her family’s knowledge for now.

She decided to first reconnect with Stirling and Yasbel.

Watching Noella walk away, her ponytail swaying in the sunlight, Beckett felt a pang of sadness.

His sister seemed too wise beyond her years, leaving him and their siblings wondering how else they could support her. They could offer her money and love, but Beckett felt there was always something she kept from them. Perhaps having grown up largely on her own, sha lost the ability to rely on others.

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This realization weighed heavily on Beckett's heart.

Nonetheless, if Noella wasn’t ready to talk, they wouldn't push her.

Darcy approached, her gaze lingering on the departing Noella. “It’s clear Mr. Schnabel cares deeply for Noella.” “Yes, she’s had it tough. Before she chome, we were bracing ourselves for a spoiled or unruly little sister.” After all, Noella had spent nineteen years away from the Schnabels, raised in the modest Lambert family of Tranquility City. Considering Briony’s example, they had little hope for a well-raised child.

Beckett rubbed his temples. “No matter what, | was ready to accept her, flaws and all.” He had been prepared to welcan imperfect sister. Yet, Noella’s resilience and maturity only made Beckett more protective.

Darcy's eyes sparkled with unspoken thoughts, quickly hidden away. “Mr. Schnabel, weren't about bringing ha troubled child?” you worried “It wouldn't matter. I'd guide her, as long as she was home.” The Schnabel siblings had always relied on Beckett; he was the pillar of their upbringing. If Noella turned out difficult, he’d simply guide her as he had with the others. But Noella seemed to need little from him, 1/3 10:18 Chapter 253 leaving Beckett proud yet somewhat disappointed.

Darcy teased, “Never thought you had it in you to be a ‘mom*.” A mom? What was that about? This was a new term for Beckett, raising his curiosity before Darcy moved on.

“Let's head to my office to sign off the forms. And about earlier, we should check the surveillance, right?” “Of course.” Nothing concerning Noella was trivial to Beckett.

Entering Darcy's office, Beckett noticed the discarded flowers in the bin.

“Sorry, | wasn’t aware of your allergy.” “It’s okay, Mr. Schnabel. You didn’t need to know my personal issues.” Darcy, sitting behind her desk, handed Beckett the necessary paperwork.

“Noella’s quite insightful; sclasses do bore her. Skipping them won't hurt her grades.” “Thanks.” Beckett, taking out his pen, filled out the forms with great care, his physique betraying his disciplined lifestyle even in the confines of an office. He scrutinized every detail, determined not to overlook anything concerning his sister.

Darcy offered, her gaze briefly meeting his before looking away.

“Coffee?” “No, I've cut back.” Darcy’s eyelashes fluttered slightly. “I remembered you liked coffee. Thought you still did.” Beckett put the pen back, his voice calm and steady, showing no signs of emotion. “People change. Things | used to like in the past, | no longer enjoy.” Like Darcy, who once adored irises yet could claim an allergy without a flicker of emotion.

Due to stomach issues, Beckett had been advised against coffee by Ulrich and Sienna.

People change, and so could his preferences.

Handing the paperwork back to Darcy, Beckett stood up. “Thank you. I'll check on that surveillance now.” “Ill join you. Noella is my student, after all.” Beckett didn’t object, stepping aside to let Darcy lead the way.

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Beckett's gaze swept over everything on Darcy's desk, finally resting on a photo frame .It held a portrait of Darcy alone clad in a graduation gown, clearly taken at her PhD ceremony. That photo... it looked like one he had taken! “Do you not display a photo with your husband?” Darcy’s voice remained even, devoid of emotion. “No need.” Beckett nodded, not pressing further. He understood the boundaries and decorum required when interacting with a married woman, and he maintained them well.

Is Mr. Schnabel still a bachelor?” “Not for long.

Darcy hesitated slightly at his response but didn’t stop walking.

“Then letoffer my early congratulations to Mr. Schnabel. When's the big day? You'll have to letbuy you a celebratory drink.” “Next May.”

Hearing such a specific date made it clear Beckett had already been planning his wedding .As for who the lucky person was that didn't seem like her place to ask. Darcy felt an inexplicable bitterness in her throat, dry and unable to articulate a response.

Beckett himself didn't even know he was supposed to get married fext May But setting a date for a wedding, only to call it off later, was not unheard of for him. After all, even with everything prepared and amid his great anticipation, his bride-to-be could still leave him.

He was no stranger to that experience.