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The Invincible Warlord’s Vengeful Awakening by Adam Jonson

Chatper 51
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Chapter 51 “Dad.” Seeing Xavier walk out of the room, Jenson ran forward happily.

Xavier squatted down and carried Jenson in his arms.

Then, Xavier walked to the courtyard and sat down.

“Xavier, are you alright?” Looking at Xavier's pale and lifeless face, Lucretia frowned and asked..

“I'm fine.” Xavier signaled her not to worry. Then he turned around and saw Stella smiling at him.

“And this is?” “Since you're Aaron’s son, in terms of relationship and seniority, you should respectlike your mother!” Without waiting for Yara to speak, Stella took the initiative to introduce herself.

She was the leader of the Reese clan, Stella! She was also his father’s concubine! Immediately, Xavier cback to his senses. With a strange expression on his face, he greeted, “Hello!” As for the word ‘mother’, it was difficult for him to say it out loud.

“Xavier, it’s all thanks to you for breaking through the situation with your strength tonight and killing Harvey, that old bastard.

“Otherwise, the battle of the Eight Clans might not have ended so quickly!” At this moment, Ronald interrupted.

“That's right, Xavier. Speaking of which, you're only 27 years old. How can your strength be stronger than us old fellows?” This was the first the had seen Xavier show off his skills. Andrew asked with great curiosity.

In his twenties, Xavier already had the strength of the Elite Warlord.

Not only that, but he also married a beautiful wife and his wife gave birth to a cute son.

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Andrew thought about his son, Kevin. Kevin was over 30 years old and was still single.

Even Kevin's strength was inferior to Xavier’s..

Comparisons were truly infuriating! “Mr. Hernandez, you must be joking. You're still young. It’s all thanks to your help that | was able to kill Harvey!” “Mm, not bad, not bad. You are an imposing guy!” Andrew enjoyed listening to Xavier's praise.

He narrowed his eyes and looked smug.

[e] < Admittedly, Xavier's words were complimentary.

However, if Andrew had not fought Harvey so hard, Xavier would not have been able to kill Harvey so easily.

The predecessors planted trees, and the future generations took advantage of the shade! “Dad, are you all here?” At this moment, Kevin strode into the courtyard.

Upon seeing him, Andrew immediately pulled a long face. “Rascal, scram hand get ready. I'll bring you to a blind date in a few days.” “Blind date?” With whom? Buzz...

Kevin was a little confused. He looked at his father. Why did his father suddenly suggest a blind date? In this life, he only wanted to conquer the world.

Why did he need a woman? Hence, he raised his head and puffed out his chest. “Dad, women are so troublesnowadays. I'm not going!” “Hmm... Who are you talking about?” As soon as he said this, the three women in the courtyard immediately becannoyed.

All of them glared at him with displeasure as if they were going to kill him.

When Andrew heard this, he flew into a rage. “Damn it, you're the only son | have. If you don’t find a wife and have a family, are you going to letdie without a descendant?” In a moment of desperation, he even cursed.

Kevin rubbed his nose resentfully and squatted at the side. He tactfully stopped talking.

Everyone chatted for a while more before Ronald and Andrew left one after another.

All the members of the Wright clan and the Hernandez clan also left.

The courtyard instantly becquieter.

Seeing this scene, Yara was very perceptive and dragged Lucretia and Jenson away.

Only Xavier, Robert, Stella, and Leo were left in front of the brand new stone table.

Realizing that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, Xavier broke the silence. “Do you... have something to tell me?” Robert and Stella looked at each other, indicating for the latter to speak.

Stella's eyelids twitched a few times, and she slowly said, “Xavier, 20 years ago, | unintentionally saved your father. After that, we had Yara, so... | am your father’s third woman.

“In addition to me, your father also has your mother and his first wife.

“Now, it’s tfor you to know your true identity...” [I < After a pause, Stella continued, “Your mother’s is laura. most stunning first daughter in the history of the Everhart clan.

daug “Back then, your father defeated all the experts of the younger generation and was known as the number one person in Starhaven.

“However, he lost to a person. That person was your mother, Laura.” With that, Stella stopped and sized up Xavier's reaction.

His expression was calm, without a single change.

Xavier's appearance somewhat surprised Stella.

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Sensing Stella's gaze, Xavier said in a bitter voice, “Then where... is my mother now?” As soon as these words were spoken, Robert sighed slowly.

Then, he took over from Stella and explained, “Back then, your father and mother brought you, who was still in your infancy, to visit the Everhart clan outside the Maple Pass.

“Along the way, they were targeted by a mysterious force. That battle....

“Your father and mother both fell off the cliff.” After Robert finished speaking, Stella continued, “That's right. Back then, | went out to travel and found your father at the foot of a desolate mountain.

“He was seriously injured and unconscious. | was the one who saved him. Then... we had Yara.

“However, the woman your father loves the most is still your mother, Laura.” For sreason, there was a hint of sadness in Stella's voice.

After listening to the lengthy message, Xavier fell silent.

After a long while, he moved his lips and asked, “So, my mother... is dead!” Robert's sunken eyes flashed with a hint of gloom. “Back then, | ordered Charles to lead the brave soldiers of the Cavanaugh clan to search for her for three months. Basically, we can conclude that your mother... is already dead!” Boom! Xavier's body trembled slightly. His hands, which were placed on his knees, were pale and his veins were bulging.

Although he knew that his parents had passed away when he was very young.

However, at this moment, after hearing Robert's words with his own ears, he immediately felt a sharp pain in his heart.

“Then how about my father?” “Your father is not dead!” Stella's eyes lit up as she said.

“Then... where is he?” The short sentence seemed to have been uttered with all the strength in his body.

“After your father recovered, he went to look for your mother. Until now... there has been no news about him!” [I Hearing that, er ten aga The amount of information he had just heard had far exceeded all his previous understanding.

Was his father not dead? So, what was the meaning of the tombstone in the Cavanaugh family ceinetery? His mother had fallen off the cliff and disappeared. Was she alive or dead? Besides, the Everhart clan had disappeared, hadn't it? His mother was actually the eldest daughter of the Everhart clan! After six years, Xavier returned to Starhaven and discovered that there were too many truths that he did not know.