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The Invincible Warlord’s Vengeful Awakening by Adam Jonson

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35

“So are they trillionaires?”

Struggling to swallow her saliva, Raine’s hands were trembling.

Although she had seen many wealthy individuals before, encountering a tycoon with a net worth in the

trillions was a first

for her.

Moreover, it was a woman.

Even though we are both women, why is there such a stark difference between us? Raine wondered.

While pondering over it, Raine efficiently completed all the paperwork for the sale of the car.

“Everything is done for both of you. Now for the final step, whose name should be on the license


“Mine,” Cynthia said mysteriously as she took the golden bank card from Raine

“Of course. Please come with me,” Raine said.

She subsequently brought Cynthia aside to handle the license plate.

With nothing else to do, Xavier walked out of the car dealership.

There was a piercing sound of brakes. A fiery red Ferrari slowly came to a stop.

As the car window rolled down, Linda stuck her head out. Her cherry-like mouth gaped widely as she

stared at him.

Her eyes were watery and her face was radiant. “Xavier, it is you!

Slamming the car door forcefully when she got out, Linda directly pounced into Xavier’s arms,

“Xavier, where have you been these days? I missed you so much” Linda sobbed loudly.

Linda kept sobbing away, looking incredibly heartbroken. Xavier felt awkward.

He patted Linda on her back helplessly and then pushed her away.

Realizing her loss of control, Linda’s face flashed with a hint of blush. However, it was fleeting.

“Linda, who is he?

A woman’s voice came from inside the car. She was Linda’s best friend, Lily Robinson.

“Lily, he is the brother-in-law I mentioned to you.”

“Oh! The one who married into the Pemberley family?” Lily asked,

“That used to be the truth but not anymore,” Linda said.

With a bit of displeasure, Linda pointed at Lily and said to Xavier, “Xavier, this is my college classmate,

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Lily Robinson.”

“Nice to meet you, Lily,”

Lily extended her hand to Xavier to shake his hand.

Although he saw the hand, Xavier only nodded casually

Her small hand froze in the air. Lily was a bit unhappy. “I am Lily Cutie, with over a hundred million

fans. How dare you

ignore my existence?”

She was not tall, just reaching Xavier’s chest.

At that moment, in her angry appearance, she looked like a wife who had been wronged.

Xavier chose to ignore her. He looked at Linda and asked, “Linda, why are you here?”

Upon hearing that, Linda answered, “I’m here to accompany Lily for car maintenance. Later, we’re

going to participate in a racing competition. Oh, by the way, Xavier, 1 remember you have good driving

skills. Why not join us in the race?”

Without waiting for Xavier’s agreement, she grabbed him and stuffed him into the back seat of the


The fiery red-Ferrari emitted roaring engine sounds, resembling that of a fierce beast. It left behind a

trail of white exhaust before disappearing.

Xavier, who was in the car, had no choice but to send a message to Cynthia.

After receiving the message from Xavier, Cynthia walked out of the Porsche dealership and caught

sight of the departing Ferrari. She stomped her foot in anger.

“Today is your birthday, I specially brought you here to buy a car for you as a gift, and you actually ran

off with another woman. I want to see who has such great charm.”

Opening the car door. Cynthia drove the newly bought Porsche Beyond Spectacular to catch up.

Meanwhile, watching Cynthia leave, both Raine and Tom looked at each other.

“Oh my god, that pretty boy has reached this level. There’s only one word for it. Impressive.”

In the northern part of Oceanheim, near the outskirts, there was a mountain called Autumn Mountain.

After it was abandoned, it was converted into a race track by a group of rich second-generation

individuals from Oceanheim.

It hosted daily life-and-death, high-speed races

At that moment, the sky was gradually darkening.

Various brands of sports cars and rugged off-road vehicles, known for their powerful engines and high

performances, filled

the venue.

As the fiery red Ferrari slowly came to a stop, Xavier and the two women got out of the car.

The appearance of one man and two women instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding men.

“Who’s the man beside Lily Cutie?”

“Damn. The goddess in my heart now has someone.”

“It’s unfair. He not only has Lily by his side, but he also has another superb woman throwing herself at


“It’s so unfair! Absolutely unfair!”

At that moment, numerous men around voiced their envy, jealousy, and hatred of Xavier.

Xavier had to admit that Lily’s popularity was indeed super high.

Wherever she went, men howled their affection for her.

Coupled with Linda by his side, they attracted a lot of attention.


Linda was another rare beauty, who possessed facial features not inferior to Lucretia’s and a figure

comparable to a supermodel,

Most importantly, she exuded an otherworldly temperament that made her look exceptionally


For a while, the attention and gazes directed at Linda were no less than those on Lily.

However, this also brought countless feelings of hatred toward Xavier.

Just like at that moment, not far away in the resting area, a man with a somewhat skinny stature stared

at Xavier with determination.

“She’s the woman that 1, Eric Jones, have set my eyes on. How dare he touch her? He’s seeking

death, Eric muttered to.


He rushed out of the resting arca, blazing with anger.

Lily Cutie.”

“Damn, Eric…

Lily was startled, patting her chest angrily. She spoke in a dissatisfied tone, “Eric, how can you address

me as Lily Cutie?”

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He was thinking too highly of himself if he thought he could be with her.

Originally, the Jones family was still a first-class family in Oceanheim.

But two months ago, for some reason, they offended some influential figure.

Overnight, the Jones family’s assets halved, making the family plummet from a first-class one to a

second-class one. They were barely managing to maintain that starus.

On the contrary, the Robinson family, which Lily belonged to, somehow rose from a second-class family

to the level of a first-class family in Oceanheim.

“Lily Cutie, I genuinely love you. You are the first love in my heart.”

Eric looked affectionate as he professed his love foolishly to her

In fact, they had known each other for a long time, and their relationship was not ordinary.

Three years ago, when the Jones family was still the first-class prestigious family in Oceanheim, they

formed a marriage. alliance with the Robinson family.

The two people involved in the marriage alliance were none other than Eric and Lily.

After the Jones family fell from the top tier, the Robinson family proposed breaking the engagement.

Personally, Lily didn’t like Eric at all.

Her ideal prince charming had to be tall and imposing, just like….

Her thoughts drifted, and she couldn’t help but steal a glance at Xavier, who was standing near them.

With a single eye contact, she confirmed that Xavier was indeed the one she liked.

With a cold expression, she said to Eric, “I already have someone I like, so you have no chance.

Besides, I don’t feel anything for you.

After hearing that, Eric directly turned his gaze to Xavier. “Do you mean this brat?”

Unexpectedly, Lily blinked her eyes. A hint of blush flashed across her face. “Exactly. It’s him.”

“What’s better about him than me?”

“He’s more handsome, taller, and older than you… In short, he’s better than you in every way,” Lily

pointed out.

With this statement, Linda was dumbfounded.

Xavier also furrowed his brows severely.

This woman… Did she get kicked by a horse in the head? he thought.

As for Eric, upon hearing Lily’s words, the anger in his chest was directly ignited. “I don’t accept it. I

want to compete with him. Let’s settle this with a car race.”

Witnessing this scene, Lily, in a girly manner, walked up to Xavier and said sweetly, “Darling, help me

with this duel. If you win, I will let you do whatever you want with me…