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The Invincible Warlord’s Vengeful Awakening by Adam Jonson

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34

In the reception hall of the Berg clan, the leaders of the four clans from Starhaven were gathered


Leonard was the first to speak. “Gentlemen, how do you view the news spread by the Cavanaugh


As soon as he finished speaking, Harvey took over. “It’s obvious. The actions of the Cavanaugh clan

made it clear. It is a declaration of war against our four clans.”

Nathaniel nodded and then said, “We used a Warlord as bait to lure the lad from the Cavanaugh family

into killing him. With the wisdom of that old man, Robert, he wouldn’t fail to see that it is a conspiracy,

but.. the lad from the Cavanaught family still fell for it. There must be some trickery involved.”

With those words, the four unanimously nodded in agreement.

After a pause, Benjamin coldly snorted. “Among the three clans, Cavanaugh, Wright, and Hernandez,

the Wright clan is the strongest, followed by the Cavanaugh clan. As for the Hernandez clan, it’s not

worth mentioning. As long as we defeat the Wright clan and the Cavanaugh clan, we, the four clans,

can win this conflict.”


“What Benjamin said is quite right. The most tricky part now is figuring out if Robert, that old man, has

any plot up sleeve. From the current situation, even if those three clans join forces, they are not

opponents of our four clans. Robert would definitely not do something that he is sure will fail. It doesn’t

seem to match Robert’s usual style.” Nathaniel analyzed the recent happenings with a firm tone.

Among the four clans, Nathaniel had always played the role of a strategist

This statement made the other three frown deeply.

Robert was renowned in the previous century’s War of the Hundred Kingdoms

In that period of historical turmoil, known as the darkest period in Avaloria’s history, Robert, with his

Cavanaugh clan, the Wright clan, the Hernandez clan, and the then-existing Matrix clan, defeated the

formidable Eldoria against all odds.

It was after the War of the Hundred Kingdoms that Robert was appointed the Founding Marshal of

Avaloria. He became the first person to receive such an honorary title of marshal since the founding of

the country.

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The reason he obtained such an honor was the extraordinary intelligence he possessed. The man’s

genius was incomparable.

His existence was also the reason the four clans had been hesitant to take action.

One had to know that becoming leaders of the four clans in Starhaven required decisiveness and


However, decisiveness did not mean a lack of intelligence..

In the long history of the Avaloria, there were too many examples of winning against the odds, where

those at a disadvantage managed to turn the tide in desperate situations.

The four clans did not want to repeat the mistakes of the past, especially since they had inherited

hundreds of years of accumulation, wealth, and resources.

A single misstep could lead to eternal regret.

At that moment, a servant of the Berg clan rushed into the reception hall anxiously.

Subsequently, he whispered something into Leonard’s car.

When the servant finished speaking, Leonard’s face turned dark and ominous.

He glanced at Harvey indifferently and calmly said, “Harvey, a young man from your family and a young

man from my Berg clan were killed in Oceanheim. The murderer is none other than Xavier, Robert’s




Upon hearing this news, Harvey’s eyes flashed with surprise. He took out his phone to confirm the

news with the Anderson


Two minutes later, his face became as unsightly as Leonard’s.

“He killed your Berg clan’s Warlord, and now he killed the young men of my Anderson clan and your

Berg clan in Oceanheim. The Cavanaugh clan is forcing us to take action against them.

Harvey pounded his fist on the table and said with a fiery temper, ‘Gentlemen, since the Cavanaugh

clan has dared to insult us in such a disrespectful way, what are we waiting for? The day the lad from

the Cavanaugh family returns to Starhaven will be the day our four clans join forces to punish the

Cavanaugh clan.

“I agree with Harvey’s proposal. Let him, Robert, use his extraordinary wisdom to break through our

combined strength,” Benjamin said, releasing his aura.

When the other three felt his aura, they showed expressions of joy, sensing that he was formidable.

“Alright then. With Benjamin here, we have nothing to worry about, Nathaniel agreed.

The current situation was temporarily difficult for Nathaniel to come up with a good countermeasure.

The best solution seemed to be a straight-on attack.

On the other hand, in the automotive sector of Oceanheim. Xavier was unwillingly dragged into the

Porsche car dealership by Cynthia.

“Cynthia, a car is just a means of transportation for me, there’s no need…”

Before he could finish his words, his mouth was covered by Cynthia’s long beautiful hand.

Tll buy it for you. You don’t need to pay.”

After speaking, regardless of Xavier’s reaction, she directly pulled him into the showroom.

“Hello, are you two here to look at cars?”

At this time, a graceful female salesperson who possessed a good figure walked over.

Cynthia nodded. She asked, “What is the best car you have here?”

The female salesperson’s eyes swept over the two of them.

The man was handsome, and the woman was charming and beautiful.

They looked as though they were extraordinary individually, but their styles seemed a bit mismatched.

A knowing smile appeared on the salesperson’s face.

“Sir, this ‘Beyond Spectacular model is our latest flagship supercar from Porsche. It’s over 16 feet long,

and the entire body is made of carbon fiber. The car is also equipped with a four-wheel-drive system.

The most important thing is that the interior space is spacious, and the seats can be folded down…”

As she spoke, the fernale salesperson’s eyes roved over the two of them.

“How much is it? Cynthia asked.

The original price is 40 million dollars. Including the optional equipment, purchase tax, and insurance.

The on-the-ro price is 5.2 million dollars.

Tll pay with a card,” Cynthia said.

After the female salesperson finished speaking, Cynthia handed over a golden bank card.

“Don’t you need to consider it? That’s 5.2 million dollars.”

The shocked female salesperson couldn’t help but ask for clarification.

“Is there any problem with the purchase” Cynthia rebutted.

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In her opinion, buying a car was as simple as buying a piece of clothing

As for considerations like price. they were never within her scope of concern.

After all, the credit card she just presented had a limit that couldn’t be measured in numbers.

“Please wait a moment.”

With a hint of anxiety, the female salesperson rushed into the office.

“Raine, why are you so excited? You’ve made a big deal?”

“Mr. Greene, there are two customers outside. They want to buy the recently arrived Beyond

Spectacular flagship model However, they seem like nouveau riche. They did not even blink an eye

when I told them the price of the car was 5.2 million dollars.”

As Raine Clark spoke, she brought over the Poss machine to process the card payment.

Her manager was an obese man in his 30s named Tom Greene.

When he saw the golden bank card in Raine’s hand, his gaze couldn’t move away at all. “It’s the Third

World diamond-level bank card!”

Exclaiming in awe, Tom snatched the golden bank card from Raine’s hands and admired it. He did not

want to part with it.

“Heavens. I’ve actually seen a Third World diamond-level bank card in real life.”

Watching the fervent expression on Tom’s face, Raine curiously probed, “Mr. Greene, is there

something wrong with this bank card?”

“Something wrong? Oh yes. That’s a big problem with it.”

Struggling to suppress his excited emotions, Tom continued, “Raine, have you heard of the Third World


At the mention of the Third World Bank, Raine nodded.

The Third World Bank was a globally renowned financial giant and had a presence in various regions


“Do you know how many types of cards the Third World Bank has!”

“I don’t know”

“Let me tell you, there are a total of nine types. Bronze, silver, gold… diamond, and the legendary

eternal level. And those with a diamond-level bank card have a net worth of at least in the trillions.

“In other words, the customers you just met, their background…”

Tom couldn’t continue with his words.

As for Raine, she was completely stunned by now. Her whole being was frightened out of her wits.