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The Invincible Warlord’s Vengeful Awakening by Adam Jonson

Chapter 21
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Chapter 21

“Are you blind? You have dirtied my clothes! Do you know how much they cost? Can you afford to pay

me 100 thousand dollars?

A young man in his early 20s roared at a meek and frightened female sales personnel.

“Sorry, Mr. Smith, I really didn’t do it on purpose. Em really very very sorry…”

The female sales personnel was Elaine Cline. She was so nervous that she apologized continuously.

The young man who shouted was the assistant manager of the Diamonds Group’s finance department,

Timothy Smith.

Timothy looked disdainfully at Elaine and said, There are two choices here for you. First, buy the same

set of clothes for me. Second, accompany me to a dinner party tonight to pay for your mistake. Make

your choice.

After saying that. Timothy’s eyes showed a hint of craftiness.

Elaine was an intern from the university. She had only been there for seven days. Although she came

from a poor family, her results at the university wire outstanding.

Elaine had an adorable and pretty face. Her figure was also attractive.

Most importantly, Timothy, who was a playboy, could tell that Elaine was a virgin.

Then the incident of Elaine spilling coffee on Timothy’s clothes happened.

“Mr. Smith, I’m very sorry. I. I have to visit my mother at the hospital tonight.” Elaine hesitated for a

while before stammering to reply.

Elaine was not a child. She knew that Timothy had sexual thoughts in his mind.

For the past few days. Elaine noticed that Timothy had been doing different things to get her attention.

The dinner party was just a lame excuse to get her to keep him company.

Timothy’s farial expression changed when he heard Elaine’s reply. “So are you saying that your choice

is to buy me the same set of clothes

Timothy glared fiercely at Elaine.

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At the same time, he thought, “You are just a poor girl. Can you afford 100 thousand dollars? Damn!

You are just a bitch who pretends to be pure. You will definitely suffer! When I get my hands on you, I’ll

have my way with you and then sell you to The underworld in Estery City to be a prostitute.

Mr. Smith, please let me off. Take your coat off, and I’ll bring it home to wash it for you. I promise to

clean it properly so that it will be as good as…

is so worried that she was about to cry.

Laine was

The staff around them lowered their heads quickly. They pretended that it was not their business and

could not care lesso

However, there were some male staff members who raised their heads in anger, but they did not dare

speak up.

If they offended Timothy, they would lose their rice bowls.

After all, the staff welfare benefit of the Dian, onds Group was very high. It was three times more than

other companies.

All the staff did not want to lose their rice bowls for Elaine

Hence, Elaine coum HOT MOM To Juse uns jou.

When she thought about it, her heart ached, but she gritted her teeth and decided to choose the

second choice.

“It is not up to you to decide if she can continue to work here.”

Everyone heard a calm voice.

Lucretia pushed the door open and threw a glance at everyone.

“Bitch! Who do you think you are to meddle with my affairs?”

Timothy turned around and bellowed angrily.

Lucretia frowned when she heard Timothy’s voice. She replied, “Tm Lucretia Cavanaugh. I’m the new

manager of the finance department. This is my appointment letter.”

She took out the appointment letter in a composed manner.

When Timothy heard what Lucretia said, he was taken aback. He took the appointment letter and

glanced through it.

The appointment letter was the real deal.

The Diamonds Group had just entered Oceanheim’s market. It had not formed a firm footing yet.

After the Vanderbilt family members mysteriously died, the Smith family quietly became the most

powerful family in Oceanheim. As they were also in the jewelry business, their sales connections were


Hence, the Diamonds Group and the Smith family decided to collaborate and hold an auction the

following week.

The Smith family provided the venue and connections, but they had one condition. That was to give a

position to Timothy in the Diamonds Group.

Cynthia Lopez agreed to the condition.

Cynthia thought that it was just one of the Smith family’s ways of training its younger generation.

As Timothy was in a daze, Lucretia said loudly, “All of you get ready. Cather in the conference room in

five minutes’ time.

After that, Lucretia walked toward her office

At that moment, she had already turned into a mature and experienced business queen

After Lucretia closed her door, the staff started gossiping non-stop.

“Who is that woman? She looks like she is difficult to deal with

The human resource department just issued a notice. There will be a new manager to run our

department. Is she the one!”

“Hmm, she looks very pretty, and I seem to have seen her before somewhere.”

“Oh my god! I know! She is Oceanheim’s most beautiful woman, Lucretia Cavanaugh!”

Five minutes later…

In the conference room of the finance department….

Lucretia sat on the first seat and said in a composed manner, “When I looked through your financial

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reports just now, I noticed many problems.

“First, the data is not transparent Second, the database is incomplete.

After hearing what Lucretia said, the staff seated on both sides expressed shock and admiration at the

same time.

Lucretia resolved each problem after explaining it to the staff

Upon seeing Lucretia’s awe-inspiring ways of solving problems, Timothy was infuriated. He had a very

toxic look on his face as he started to breathe heavily,

He thought, ‘Damn bitch! Who is she to show off to the staff? Doesn’t she know that I’m in charge


He rolled his eyes and then come up with an evil plan

“Mrs. Cavanaugh, there is a matter that I think only you can resolve

“What is it?”

“The Aprico Group has an order agreement with us, but they have not paid us 100 million dollars. They

told us that if we wanted them to pay up, our finance manager must go to their company to collect the


“Before this, we did not have a finance manager. Hence, nobody went to collect the money. Since you

are our new finance manager, please make a trip to the Aprico Group and collect the 100 million dollars


After saying that, there was a vicious look in Timothy’s eyes.

Other than Cynthia, no one knew that the Aprico Group belonged to the Smith family.

Timothy thought that if he just told his family, Lucretia would not be able to retrieve the 100 million

dollars, and she would become the laughingstock of the company.

He thought, Bitch, you think it is easy to deal with me? You must have a death wish!”

Timothy stared viciously at Lucretia and then walked out of the conference room in a casual manner,

After that, the meeting ended. Lucretia was preparing to go to the Aprico Group to get the money back.

“Mrs. Cavanaugh, wait for me.”

As she just stepped out of the Diamonds Group, Lucretia heard someone calling her.

She turned her head and realized that it was Elaine.

“Mrs. Cavanaugh, let me accompany you to the Aprico Group. Thank you for helping me just now
