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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 87
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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori Chapter 1134
“Huh?” At that moment, Dustin, Caden and Gage couldn’t hide their amazement. The Murray family and their guests looked
equally incredulous and surprised.
When Duskfang began the attack, they feared for Christopher’s safety. As a grandmaster, it should have been easy to defeat an
elderly man. But, the outcome defied all expectations.
Duskfang failed to hurt Christopher and paid the ultimate price. Christopher caught him in midair without a glance. He snapped
Duskfang’s neck with ease-a shocking display of power.
“Did I ... Did I see that right? Duskfang ... is dead?”

“Oh my goodness! To defeat a grandmaster in one move? That’s incredible!”
“So, General Murray is the real powerhouse here. We underestimated him!” A brief silence filled the air, followed by a chorus of
The onlookers stared at Christopher, their faces a mix of awe and disbelief. It was inconceivable that an almost eighty -year-old
general had such extraordinary powers.
“Hmph! Never underestimate your opponent!” Christopher held Duskfang’s lifeless body with one hand and threw it aside
contemptuously. The body crashed with a loud thud, and blood spattered on the ground.
“How ... How is this possible? You’re a grandmaster?” Gage stammered, taking a few steps back in fear.
In his memory, Christopher had never shown his true abilities. Even in the face of assassination attempts, he had hidden his
Gage had believed that his father hadn’t mastered martial arts, but now he realized how wrong he was. It dawned on him then
that the Murray family’s true ace wasn’t Jordan. It was Christopher.
“How do you think I became a general? ‘Christopher retorted with a piercing gaze. He added, “I’ve fought on the battlefield for
decades and been in countless battles. Would I be alive today if I didn’t have certain skills?”
“You... you’ve been deceiving us for decades!” Gage gritted his teeth, a bitter taste in his mouth.

“I protected against enemies, not against gentlemen,” Christopher explained. He continued, “All these years, I’ve been hiding my
abilities to give you all a chance. I want you all to shine and succeed without living in my shadow!”
Throughout history, there have been few Dragonmarsh Grand Generals and kingdom protectors. They were scholars and martial
artists of exceptional caliber. To reach their level was almost impossible for later generations.
As long as Christopher remained in power, his sons had no opportunity to rise. Thus, he decided to step down early, allowing his
sons to surpass him.
Gage, his youngest son, could have become the patriarch of the Murray family. But unfortunately, he had taken a different path
and wasted his promising future.
“Enough! Spare me your pompous words. If you cared about me, you wouldn’t have driven my wife to her death!” Gage roared