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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 86
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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori Chapter 1133
Dustin’s expression grew serious as he realized the gravity of the situation. He knew the Dragon Rope was one of the few things
that could trap a grandmaster. Renowned for its incredible sturdiness, it could withstand blades and fire. Even a grandmaster
would be helpless if tied up with it.
However, it was a protected item of the Martial Arts Union. No ordinary person could get their hands on it. “Yes, I wove this net
from Dragon Rope. It was designed to immobilize grandmaster martial artists like you,” Gage explained.
He continued, “I kept this ace up my sleeve just in case, and it came in handy now. So, who do you think will emerge victorious?”
It was clear to him that anyone below the grandmaster level was defenseless against the Dragon Rope, no matter how good they
were. “Oh no! Dustin is trapped, and there’s no one who can stop Duskfang!”

Caden’s face turned pale. Dustin’s earlier display of strength had given Caden hope. But he hadn’t expected Gage to have
another trick up his sleeve.
“Damn it! It looks like there’s no way out,” the Murray family members sighed. Their fleeting hope had now turned into despair.
“Christopher, no one can help you anymore,” Gage said coldly. “Either you apologize to my late wife, or I’ll wipe out the entire
Murray family.”
Christopher retorted, “You’re playing. with fire, you bastard! I’d never apologize to a spy, even if I were in the wrong!”
“Don’t try my patience!” Gage gritted his teeth. Christopher stood firm, his resolve unwavering. “It’s you who’s testing my
patience. For one insignificant woman, you’re willing to go against the whole family. You’ve gone mad!”
“Enough!” Gage’s voice thundered. “I won’t let you insult her!”
Enraged, he lunged at Christopher, sword in hand. He lashed out wildly and struck Christopher’s shoulder, but the armor
effortlessly absorbed the blow.
“You dared to strike me!” Christopher’s anger flared. Gage tried to withdraw his sword, but Christopher’s grip held him fast.
“Duskfang, attack!” Gage shouted as he tried to free his sword.

Duskfang lunged at Christopher with deadly precision. An energy that could cut through steel crackled in his fingers. Onlookers
flinched, knowing that anyone struck by this attack would be shredded.
“General Murray, look out!”
“Quick, protect General Murray!” The crowd turned pale as they watched. Many brave individuals rushed forward to protect
Christopher, even if it meant risking their lives.
Unfortunately, Duskfang was faster. The brave individuals could only watch helplessly as Christopher faced the imminent danger.
“It’s no use. General Murray won’t survive!”
Some closed their eyes, unable to bear the sight. They knew that no one could survive the attack of a grandmaster.
“Celestial Blade!” Dustin’s thunderous command echoed. A black sword descended from the sky. It cut through the roof and sped
toward Duskfang at breakneck speed. At the last second, Duskfang narrowly dodged the deadly blade. Just when everyone
thought defeat was certain...
With one swift movement, Christopher grabbed Duskfang by the throat and lifted him off the ground. The grip around Duskfang’s
neck tightened. A glimmer of fear flashed across his eyes as the pressure increased. Then, his head slumped, and his life ended