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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 69
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Chapter 88
Elgin’s mouth twitched. “What’s up?”
Was that the Letitia he knew? Has she lost her marbles?
“I miss you- What are you up to- I sent you messages and you didn’t reply, I’m upset!”
Elgin was speechless.
“Did you eat yet, huh? Want me to order something for you? Take care of yourself, don’t overwork, I won’t burn a hole in your
wallet Letitia continued.
He remained silent.
“Babe, why aren’t you talking?”
Elgin cleared his throat softly... Can you act normal for once?”
What the hell was she doing?
The employees in the conference room were struggling to hold back their laughter, heads down, shoulders shaking, trying not to
make a peep.
“I am being normal,” Letitia squeaked in a voice that didn’t sound anything like her usual tone, “You said you love me so much
last night, babe- Now you think I’m being too clingy?
To be honest, Letitia was getting goosebumps herself. Fortunately, she couldn’t even recognize her own voice with that pitch,
so... She decided to go all in.
“You have to let me rest well tonight, honey- We have a lifetime ahead of us, let’s take it slow.”
Elgin was beyond speechless, Letitia had definitely lost it.
“Alright, I won’t bother you, wait for you to come home, muah, love you, honey!”
In the dead silence of the conference room, someone finally couldn’t hold back a loud cough to mask their laughter.

Elgin was still holding the phone to his ear. He had a hunch that Letitia was just messing with him. This little act was both childish
and boring.
Elgin glanced around at the employees sitting below and said expressionlessly, “Let’s continue the meeting.
“Yes, Mr. Ramirez.
Letitia sat on the toilet, tapped her cheek.
Heavens, she had to pull out all the stops in her coquetry arsenal to say what she just did.
Good thing no one knows it’s her, otherwise she’d die of embarrassment.
She had no idea how Shela managed to talk like that without cringing!

Back at her desk, she heard a co-worker bubbling with excitement, “Hurry, check the group chat!”
“What’s up?” Letitia asked, Breaking news?”
“Big gossip!”
Curious, Letitia clicked into the staff chat-
[Holy smokes, that’s hilarious! During the meeting today, Mr. Ramirez took a call from Mrs. Ramirez, and her voice was sooo
(Not just that, it was super sweet and soft! I couldn’t even handle it as a woman, let alone Mr. Ramirez!]
(So our stern-faced Mr. Ramirez actually likes that type behind closed doors. ]
His wife sure knows her stuff!]
Letitia shook her head.
Everyone’s imagining the story of a domineering CEO and his sweet wife.
Too bad the truth will disappoint them. She and Elgin were always at odds, like fire and water
reading the gossip in the chal, suddenly the admin chimed in, Oh no, Mr. Ramirez is asking to join the group chat, delete.

Chapter 88
A second later, the group was disbanded.
Letitia hadn’t even processed what happened when Elgin’s message came through, [Having fun, Letitia?]
She replied with a smile, [Feels pretty good]
Elgin didn’t respond further, and she happily dove back into work
She had to admit, Vidonia’s idea, though kinda pointless, did lighten her mood.
She couldn’t actually do anything to Elgin, but it was nice to make him disgusting for once.
Back in his office, Elgin tossed his phone aside
Ranen tensed up. “Um, Mr Ramirez.
“Are all women this childish?”
“Uh,” Ranen scratched his head, Tm still single, so
Ranen was clueless about love, always busy with work alongside Elgin.
He’d seen the company chatter, no clue what the wife was up to
Elgin rubbed his temple, shifting the topic, Get the car. To the hospital.”
He didn’t have time to guess at these petty games. Since he was free, he might as well check on Shela. After all, she was
carrying his child.
Shela lit up when Elgin arrived, Mr. Ramirez, you came to see me.”

Nothing beats having a kid, motherhood’s golden ticket! She must really try to get pregnant with Mr. Ramirez’s child for real!
“How are you feeling? Elgin asked nonchalantly.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Tm fine, don’t worry, she replied. “I’ll take good care of myself and the baby, focus on your work, don’t get sidetracked because
Shela was now playing the gentle and considerate” card.
She figured, men fall for this every time.
“It’s tough being pregnant.” Elgin patted her shoulder, “Put the acting aside for now, focus on taking good care of yourself.”
Shela leaned into him, It’s not tough at all. It’s my blessing to bear your children. Actually when I found out I was pregnant, I was
scared at first.
“Scared you wouldn’t want the baby...
Elgin frowned. That’s impossible.” Though his feelings for Shela had cooled since their first night, he’d take responsibility.
Shela beamed. That’s why I’m reassured now, I won’t bother you at all, I’ll behave and rest, don’t worry. As she spoke, she subtly
signaled her nanny, Zina.
Zina jumped in, “Mr. Ramirez, Ms Ward here only brings good news, never bothers you. She was throwing up this morning,
couldn’t eat a thing, and had low blood sugar at noon, had to get a glucose shot... poor thing.”
Shela pretended to hurry and stop her, Zina, didn’t I tell you not to mention these things in front of Mr. Ramirez!”
“Ms. Ward, I’m just worried about you.”
“Okay, now leave.” Shela said.
That move definitely worked, softening Elgin’s gaze. He sat down, looking into Shela’s eyes, I’ve been planning our future. It
won’t be long before we can proceed.
Shela’s heart raced, “Can I know what your plans are, Mr. Ramirez?
For the sake of their child, Elgin wasn’t as repelled by Shela anymore

He said. Look, Letitia and I signed the divorce papers ages ago, and we’re just about a month away from the finish line. Once I’m
free man, I’m putting a ring on your finger
will the Ramirez clan be cool with that?”
Loo well that Hawley didn’t like her, and her own background didn’t meet the high-society standard
Chapter 88
Sure, Letitia might be the daughter of the Ramirez’s archenemy, but let’s face it, she’s got the whole package: brains, breeding.
and a diploma from some fancy pants university
“You’re carrying the Ramirez bloodline, and Grandpa will have to give his blessing,” Elgin reassured her. I’ve got eyes only for
you, so don’t worry. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
if Letitia, knocked up and all, could get the old man to play nice and even make peace with the Sanders crew, then it would be
even easier for Shela.