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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 566
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Jerry was cursing under his breath while his eyes marveled at the glitzy and glamorous decor of the lobby, too distracted to watch where he was going.

Thus, they ran straight into Dennis and Marian, who were still looking up at the ceiling.

It was quite the collision - Marian and Dennis' phones got knocked out of their hands onto the floor.

The luggage Jerry was holding also fell to the ground.

With a fiery temper, he immediately burst out cursing, "Who the hell doesn't watch where they're going..." His curse was cut short upon recognizing Dennis and Gordon, shifting to a surprised inquiry, "Mr. Barlow? Ms. Barlow?" Initially, Dennis, irate from being bumped into again, was about to retort angrily. Jerry's calling of "Mr. Barlow" and "Ms. Barlow" nearly scared the daylights out of him.

He instinctively looked towards Jerry and then to Jared beside him, whose identity he couldn't figure out.

Not recognizing Jared and unsure if he was a police officer accompanying Jerry, Dennis was too scared to react normally and could only stare blankly at Jerry.

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However, Jerry, both excited and confused, greeted them again, “Mr. Barlow, Ms. Barlow, what are you doing here? By the way, why did you suddenly callover?" "When did I call you?" Dennis instinctively retorted, halfway through realizing his response seemed to acknowledge his acquaintance with Jerry. Becoming wary, he glanced around. Seeing no one paying attention, he relaxed slightly and, as if seeing Jerry clearly for the first time, sternly asked, "Who are you? Do I know you?" Jerry, a straightforward man lacking sensitivity, thought Dennis didn't recognize him due to their few meetings and quickly explained, "Ms. Barlow, it's me, Jerry. You forgot? We had dinner together; Sir Gordon was there too." As he spoke, Jerry pointed towards Gordon.

Gordon's face darkened instantly.

Should their relationship be recognized publicly like this? Upstairs on the second floor.

Brandon was lounging at the railing, holding a phone in hand. The phone was recording a video, capturing everyone's reactions without missing a beat.

Brandon watched the four individuals on his phone screen expressionlessly, his gaze shifting from the sulking Gordon to the similarly displeased Dennis and then slowly to Marian.

Marian was looking at Jared. The moment she saw him, her pupils dilated briefly but then she quickly regained her composure, her gaze sweeping over Jared like he was a stranger.

Jared gave her a puzzled look back, but only for a moment, before turning his attention to Jerry, who was still happily recognizing "kinships." The corner of Brandon's mouth curled up coldly before he let his gaze drift from the phone screen, slowly settling on Marian, who had discreetly moved to the side. He stared at her without a word.

Perhaps his piercing gaze was too intense and commanding.

Feeling his stare, Marian frowned in confusion, and then, almost instinctively, she looked around and slowly lifted her gaze to meet Brandon's. She froze at once.

Marian's odd behavior made Dennis and Gordon follow her gaze upwards, their expressions changing instantly.

Brandon just gave them a cursory glance, not putting away the phone he was holding, showing that he was filming them.

He wasn't in a hurry to descend; he just leaned casually at the railing with the recording phone in hand, looking down on them from above, silently observing.

Dennis was turning ghostly pale.

He didn't know how long Brandon had been there, what he had captured, or how much evidence he had gathered.

Brandon's calm and collected manner magnified Dennis's fear.

Gordon was just as pale as Dennis.

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The uncertainty about Brandon's intentions filled them with a wave of panic, as if they were fish trapped in a jar. Marian, on the other hand, appeared the most composed.

ver She looked utterly bewildered about the unfolding , glancing from Brandon to Dennis to Gordon, then to Jerry, who also appeared confused by Brandon's presence, and back to Brandon, puzzled. Her demeanor perfectly mimicked that of an innocent young lady, clueless about worldly matters.

Brandon simply watched her changing expressions with an unchanging expression.

Under his mocking scrutiny, Marian's composure was on the brink of collapse, but she forced herself to speak before that. "Mr. Crawley?" Her voice trembled and her expressions confused, just enough to belie the guilt in her eyes.

Brandon glanced at her, tapped his phone screen to stop the video recording, pocketed the phone, and then headed down the stairs.

Marian, along with Dennis, Gordon, and Jerry, couldn't help but follow Brandon with their eyes.

Brandon didn't look at them, just calmly descended the steps, step by step.

Marian and Dennis held their breath as they watched him.

Brandon was tall and handsome, clad in a sharp black suit. He wasn't looking at anyone, his expression subdued, but the commanding presence he exuded made ito impossible to take your eyes off him.

Even Marian, who was utterly terrified of Brandon, found her gaze glued to him as he slowly descended the stairs.

Not until he descended all the stairs did Brandon Casually glance at them, his eyes moving from Dennis to Gordon, then to Jerry, and finally resting on Marian, who was still staring at him. After a fleeting indifference in his eyes, his gaze shifted to the slightly nervous Jared beside them. He stepped towards them, closing the distance.