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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 559
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Brandon slightly furrowed his brow, looking toward Don beside him.

"Is Ivan not here today?" he asked.

"He resigned," Don said in a low voice.

Brandon was silent.

His frown deepened as he slowly made his way into Sophia's office.

Don followed suit, casually leaving the door ajar.

The office remained just as Sophia had left it.

Staring at the familiar surroundings, Brandon appeared momentarily dazed, almost nostalgically surveying Sophia's workspace. She hadn't expected that her leaving would be for good, so her desk was pretty much left as it was during working hours, with finalized designs, designs in progress, and submitted designs all neatly categorized at one corner of the desk.

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Brandon casually picked up the design closest to the office chair, which still had unfinished edits on it.

In her plan, she was only going out on a short trip and intended to return after finishing up.

So, she hadn't arranged and clarified all her work in advance as she had planned to do when she thought about leaving last time. Regrettably, she never made it back.

With fingers trembling slightly as they trailed over her familiar handwriting, Brandon forcefully suppressed the sudden lump in his throat, compelling himself to refocus on the earlier question.

"When did Ivan resign?" he asked.

"He submitted his resignation two days ago," Don replied, his mood even more downcast, "But he hasn't shown up since Sophia's incident." He had been the first to bolt out of the office when he heard about Sophia's accident during a meeting, where he went after, Don had no clue. His thoughts had been consumed with Sophia these past days.

Only upon his return from Zion City did he learn that Ivan hadn't been to work for days, unreachable by phone.

He had vanished since Sophia's incident.

It was only two days ago that Don had managed to reach him, only to receive his apologies and resignation.

No matter how much Don tried to communicate and persuade him to stay, it was futile. Ivan wouldn't even cto the office, and over the phone, he transferred his computer password and unfinished work over to him.

Already struggling to step out from the shadow of Sophia's departure, Don found Ivan's abrupt resignation-and his absence from the company-deeply depressing and troubling these past days.

It was like going from a bustling, vibrant scene to a desolate curtain call at once.

What used to be a lively and enthusiastic startup team suddenly becdesolate and discouraged..

But Brandon suddenly turned to him, "You mean, Ivan hasn't shown up since Sophia's incident? And he even resigned?" His heart began to thump wildly at this revelation.

Don didn't understand Brandon's anxious mood but nodded anyway, "Yeah." Brandon put down the document in his hand and headed toward the door.

Don, startled by his sudden reaction, quickly grabbed him, "Where are you going?" "I've got something to do." Brandon pulled away his hand and strode out.

He had just reached the office door when he bumped into someone, documents falling to the ground.

Brandon looked up at the person, it was Augus, who previously appeared confused when looking at Marian. He still seemed out of sorts, taking a moment to register the collision. He dully looked up, only mumbling a low greeting upon recognizing Brandon, "Mr, Crawley." Then he quickly knelt down to pick up the papers.

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Compared to his usual bright and energetic demeanor, he seemed like a completely different person.

Brandon instinctively frowned but had no tto engage, giving him a cold glance before exiting.

Brandon went straight to the underground parking, got into his car, and as soon as the engine started, the vehicle sped off like a shot arrow.

On the road, Brandon drove extremely fast, his handsface tense, his heart pounding fiercely.

He headed straight for Mr. Evert's residence in the city's villa district.

Having had close business dealings with the Evert family over the years, Brandon had been there once before.

Soon, his car cto a halt in front of the Evert family's villa. He didn't even bother with the doorbell, el instead pounding on the door with a forceful and urgent rhythm. Mr. Evert was in the living room, getting work updates from his assistant, Kevin.

Feeling unwell these days, Mr. Evert had been resting at hwithout going to the office, and his subordinates chto report.

The insistent knocking disrupted their discussion, prompting Mr. Evert and Kevin to exchange puzzled looks.

"I'll go check," Kevin said, putting away the documents and heading to the door.

Mr. Evert had never heard such an urgent knock, so he followed out of concern. As the door swung open, they were met by the sight of Brandon with a stern look on his face. "Mr. Crawley?" Mr. Evert called out uncertainly.

Brandon gave him a glance, and then directly pushed open the door, walking inside. "Where's Ivan?" he demanded, his gaze sweeping the interior.

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