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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 556
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Brandon took Theresa to the breakfast joint across from the inpatient department for a bite to eat.

Theresa was still curious about that man who had suddenly lost his edge and couldn't help but ask Brandon, "Daddy, what's up

with that Mister?"

Mentioning Daniel was like a thorn in Brandon's side, bringing up all sorts of thoughts he wished he could avoid.

He and Sophia had seen the trouble coming from a mile away and had taken steps to dodge the bullet - rescheduling the

construction and switching teams. Everything should have been peachy, but Daniel had to go and pull strings in the shadows

because he was Brandon's old man, and that was what led to Sophia's tragedy - a betrayal Brandon could never forgive.

With that kind of grudge weighing on him, he couldn't bring himself to teach Theresa to turn the other cheek, and he sure didn't

think it was necessary for Theresa to know that he was her granddad.

"He just ran into sbad luck." Brandon said softly to her, "Don't sweat it, Theresa."

Theresa nodded, not quite getting it, "Okay."

Looking up, she saw Kent hustling out of the hospital entrance, who was obviously worried, scanning the area while fishing out his

phone to make a call.

Theresa waved at him, "Hey, Uncle Kent!"

Kent followed the voice and saw Brandon sitting across Theresa, put away his phone, and jogged over to them. He wasn't there for

any particular reason - just didn't like the idea of Brandon being alone.

Brandon knew what was going on in Kent's head and didn't make a fuss, just handed him the menu booklet, "Grab something to

eat first."

He didn't ask for an update on Daniel and Patricia.

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Kent took the hint and didn't bring it up, took the menu, and ordered himself sbreakfast.

Brandon watched him close the booklet and then said, "I'll drop Theresa hafter we eat; go and sort out the discharge papers


Kent looked at him, surprised, "Didn't the doc say to stay in for a couple more days for observation?"

"No need." Brandon said flatly, "| know my own body. It's nothing serious."

But Kent wasn't one to take things lightly. He called Brandon's doctor on the spot to check if it was okay for him to be discharged


The doctor said it would be best to stay a couple more days for observation, but if Brandon insisted on leaving, it wasn't

impossible. His condition was stable, and other than acute gastric bleeding from excessive grief, there were no serious issues.

Resting at hwith a bit of peace of mind would do, and he should make sure to get plenty of rest. Also, he had to sign an

Against Medical Advice (AMA) form.

"Sign the AMA form," Brandon stated, cutting short Kent's call with the doctor.

Seeing that Brandon did seem a lot better today, Kent didn’t insist further, nodding, "Alright."

After Kent thanked the doctor and hung up, his phone buzzed again before he could even put it down.

It was a call from his guy at the Zenitha-style resort construction site, keeping an eye on the crew.

Kent's brow furrowed at the call, "Hello?"

"Kent, Jerry and Jared are asking for leave to head off the site, saying there's a family emergency." The caller said, "Should |

approve it?"

The caller's voice was loud enough that, in the quiet breakfast spot, it carried through the phone in fits and starts.

Brandon, about to sip his porridge, paused and looked up at Kent. Kent's eyes met Brandon's, waiting for his signal.

Brandon nodded silently, giving the go-ahead - Approve.

And not just approve - he wanted to arrange a ride to personally escort them. Brandon wrote "Arrange transport" on the table.

Kent got the message and told the person on the line, "Approve it. Family emergencies can't wait."

"Got it," the caller acknowledged.

"Everyone's going through a tough time, and getting around the site isn't easy. Ask them when they're leaving; the company will

arrange a ride for them," Kent instructed.

Seemingly surprised by the company’s generous welfare, the caller quickly agreed, "Sure thing."

It wasn't long before he sent over Jerry and Jared's departure times. Both were grateful for the company arranging a driver for


Brandon glanced at Kent's phone to check their travel times, and then said to Kent, "Take them to West district, straight to Dennis

and Marian."

Kent gave him a loaded look, not quite sure what Brandon was up to, but nodded anyway, "Okay, I'll get on it."

Brandon nodded back, and said nothing more; he didn't pick up his utensils again; just casually looked towards the door, the chill in

his eyes slowly hardening into ice.




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